Kuai Chuan, fall in love with a fairy

Chapter 823 Raising the Vampire Lord (26)

Chapter 823 Raising the Vampire Lord (26)

He You went to class as usual these days. When she first passed by, Yue Xiang asked her why the pretty boy disappeared.

Although she was a young boy whom she could never get, she had always thought about it. Yue Xiang was too curious about the peerless beauty of this child when he grew up.

When she knew that the child was taken back by her parents, she sighed regretfully.

"Such a good-looking young boy, I probably won't see him again in the future."

It's such a pity, it feels like this is the pinnacle of beauty she's ever met in her entire life.

He laughed again: "If you like children so much, you can have one yourself."

Yue Xiang pouted: "What's the matter, I don't like children, I like good-looking children, but with my genes, I don't think the children will look good."

She is still very self-aware.

Yue Xiang was depressed for a while, and then excitedly moved closer to He You.

"Why don't you hurry up and give birth to one, and you can hug and play with me in a few years."

It's beautiful to think about.

The girl next to her interjected with a smile: "Sangsang doesn't even have a date now, where did the child come from, just wait slowly."

Yue Xiang patted his thigh: "So I have to find you a partner quickly."

When it comes to the object, the first thing she thinks of is Zhao Cong, but he has been clearly rejected.

Yue Xiang sighed: "Why do you say you rejected Zhao Cong, he is very sincere."

He slowly took out the textbook again: "If you don't like it, of course you have to refuse."

She patted Yue Xiang on the shoulder: "Okay, let's take class seriously."

In the castle, Sterry was ready to go, waiting for Anchel's order.

The young man stood quietly at the entrance of the hall, his brows and eyes glowed slightly under the orange sunlight, An Qiel pursed his lips, and his voice was clear and shallow.

"Set off."

Sterry was excited and couldn't help jumping for joy.

That traitor Goosen was finally going to suffer.

Anchel's team was slowly approaching Gusen's stronghold, but Gusen's men were still standing there, waiting for Gusen to give orders.

Gu Sen looked at Lin Manting and frowned.

"You want to come with me?"

Doesn't this woman cherish her life very much?

Lin Manting nodded lightly: "I want to watch Shen Sangsang."

Using Shen Sangsang to contain Anqiel is just a tactic to delay the attack. The important thing is to use this to get a chance to counterattack. When Gu Sen attacks, Lin Manting has to be optimistic about Shen Sangsang.

She can't get out by herself, and Shen Sangsang can't even think about surviving alone.

Gu Sen snorted faintly: "As you wish."

The person sent out had been gone for a while, Lin Manting clenched her hands tightly, feeling a little uneasy.

"Why haven't you come back yet?"

Gu Sen glanced at her and sneered coldly.

"Why panic, Shen Sangsang is just an ordinary person, how could he have the ability to fight back."

An Qieer can't take care of her now, and the Shen family will not send anyone to protect her. It is very easy to catch Shen Sangsang.

This is a weak woman, nothing more.

The weak girl He met the vampire who came to kidnap her again at the door of her small apartment. The men's faces were pale, their lips were red and scary, and they attacked without saying a word.

He took another step back and looked at them warily.

The two men approached quickly, their breaths gloomy.

He narrowed his eyes again, and took out a knife from his bag.

Just aware of the danger, Xiaolu, who woke up from a long sleep, fell silent.

How can there be a girl who carries a knife with her.

He smiled lightly again: "I knew you would come."

That woman Lin Manting is the most capable of these small tricks, and she really wants to drag herself into the water together.

She shook the knife in her hand, her brows were stern.

"Everyone is mortal, so there must be no one who is not afraid of knives."

The two men looked at each other and rushed up quickly.

Thanks to the sufficient daily blood supply, the strength of these vampires under Gu Sen's command has been greatly enhanced, and their combat capabilities are much higher than those of ordinary vampires.

He held the handle of the knife tightly again, and went forward without dodging or evading.

Xiaolu trembled nervously.

If something happens again, it really has no way to explain to the Lord.

Now that we have shuttled through so many interfaces, the luck of the small world has gradually stabilized, and the luck lost by the master has gradually gathered back, and the time spent in the small interface is getting longer and longer. Injury, it can be punished on the spot.

Xiaolu tremblingly reminded: "Yeyou, let's take it easy."

He didn't have time to pay attention to it, and was staring intently at the two blood races in front of him.

Strangely, these two blood races seem to be a little jealous of her, as if there is something about her that makes them afraid and dare not approach her.

The two of them acted timidly, but it was convenient for He You.

She was merciless when she started, hurting their weaknesses everywhere.

Under the dim light, even the blood they bleed was extremely dark black.

The breath of the blood clan attracted the Shen family who were patrolling in this area. The person who came here happened to know He You, and was a little dazed seeing the current situation.

"Miss Shen?"

Wasn't Ms. Shen taken away by the blood clan?
He glanced at him indifferently again, and threw the knife away casually.

"Call someone over here to deal with it."

She raised her eyes: "Take me to the main residence of the Shen family."

She needs to have a good talk with Father Shen.

As early as the second day after Lin Manting set off, Father Shen sent someone to guard the entrance of the Blood Race. If he saw Lin Manting come out alive, he would kill him, but this woman never came out.

Seeing He You approaching with blood on the corner of his clothes, he looked a little serious.

"what happened?"

Now this time can't go wrong anymore.

He said lightly again: "People from the blood clan came to arrest me, and it is most likely Lin Manting's method."

Just to use her to blackmail An Qier.

Father Shen frowned: "What do you mean?"

He still doesn't know that that beautiful young boy is the Lord Wang Jue of the blood clan.

He also didn't intend to tell him that she came to find Father Shen for other things.

"The people you sent can break in. No one should be able to care about the entrance now. Lin Manting has already colluded with the rebels of the blood clan. If you take people there, you can let the clansmen see her true face."

He pursed his lips again: "Father, the human world cannot remain in such chaos. The abolished peace contract must be restored, and now is the best opportunity."

Father Shen knew that what she said was right. Now that he brought people there, he could not only get rid of Lin Manting in an open and honest manner, but also establish a good relationship with the blood clan prince and sign a new peace contract.

He doesn't have time to worry about why this daughter who has no power knows so much anymore, now is not the time to worry about it.

Father Shen stood up with a condensed expression.

"it is good."

Of course he couldn't miss such a good opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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