Kuai Chuan, fall in love with a fairy

Chapter 801 Raising the Vampire Lord (4)

Chapter 801 Raising the Vampire Lord (4)

An Qiel hugged the yogurt and sucked it slowly, feeling a little uncomfortable being watched by so many people, he frowned.

The little boy was sitting obediently, holding yogurt in his small hands. His eyebrows and eyes were exquisite and beautiful, his complexion was cold and fair, and his eyes were slightly glowing with dark green light, like gems that had been hidden for a long time, with a secret beauty.

It was the first time they saw such a good-looking young boy.

He put on the hat he had just taken off for convenience, and nodded apologetically at the teacher.

"The child was brought here because he had no one to take care of him. He is a bit shy."

The teacher nodded, didn't care, turned the pages of the book and continued the lecture.

On the contrary, the students around have been looking at this side secretly, but the brim of the hat has covered most of Anchel's face, and his eyebrows and eyes cannot be seen clearly.

Anchele drank a bottle of yogurt slowly, poked Wo Ge on the arm.

He was taking notes again, freed up one hand to take the empty bottle, and messed up Anchel's curly hair.

Anqiel held his head, smoothed his hair one by one, and tidied up some slipped shoulder straps.

After class was finally over, He hugged Anqiel and went to a small restaurant near the school.

The waiter brought over the menu, and He pushed it to Anqiel.

"Choose what you like to eat."

Anchel has always been very picky, and he is very serious about eating.

The little hand lifted up the brim of the hat, and deliberately supported it. The young boy looked at it carefully, and tapped a few places with his fingertips.

He took another look at the dishes he ordered, and they were basically sweet.

She added something else and crossed out a few desserts.

Anchel saw it, puffed his cheeks, and was a little unhappy.

"I want to eat."

Why cross it out.

He has financial power in his hands again, and he has the confidence to speak.

"It's too sweet, it's easy to cause tooth decay."

An Qieer is not a human child, how could he really have tooth decay.

He tugged at his shoulder straps and lowered his eyebrows.

This girl can't be really stupid enough to treat him as a human, can she?

There was a sudden sinking on the head, and someone patted it lightly.

He set the table and chopsticks for him again, speaking slowly.

"Don't secretly speak ill of me in your heart."

Anchel pursed her lips, a little surprised that she could see it.

"I do not have."

The top of the head was quickly slapped again.

"Don't lie."

Anqiel hugged his head, his eyes were condensed with a dark green light, different from the color of other vampire eyes, this dark green color was deeper and purer.

It looks like a deep green, but when you really look in, you can only see deep black.

He hung his head, and his voice was low.


When eating steak, He Youben wanted to cut up the meat and give it to him, but when he looked up, he realized that he didn't need it.

The young boy's back was straight, his eyes were slightly lowered, the knife and fork collided without the slightest sound, and his posture was elegant and leisurely.

Noticing that He You had been watching her movements, Anqiel looked up at her, moved her steak in front of him, and began to help her cut the steak.

He looked at him with his chin propped up again, smiling and bending his eyes.

"Thank you Anchel."

An Qieer put down the knife and fork, narrowed his eyes slightly, like an elegant noble boy, and nodded slightly.

"You're welcome."

It was a bit hot in the afternoon and the sun was high in the sky.

An Qiel put one hand on He You's shoulder and the other around her neck, lying dormant on her shoulder.

Although he is not afraid of the sun, he really doesn't like this kind of sun.

He touched his hair that was a little hot from the sun again, and bought him a cold drink first.

A lot of ice was added to the cold drink, and he was hugged by the young boy to cool down.

He specifically instructed: "Don't drink too much, just hold it to relieve the heat."

I don't know why, it is so difficult to get a taxi on this street.

He thought about it again, thinking about when he might as well buy a car by himself.

Just as she was thinking, a taxi stopped in front of her, and the driver leaned out to talk to her.

"Is the girl in the car?"

He nodded again, opened the car door and got in.

The driver turned off the music in the car and chatted while driving.

"It seems that you have been waiting for a long time, and now no driver dares to come here."

He casually asked again: "Why didn't you dare to come over?"

The driver clicked twice: "You didn't read the news, the driver who died a while ago was found on this street, and all the blood was drained from his body."

The driver seemed to have a lot to say when he brought up this matter, and he regarded these incidents as the work of a perverted murderer.

He shook his head: "I don't know where all the drawn blood has gone, maybe it's still hidden at home."

He frowned again.

These are obviously the work of vampires, but for some unknown reason, the vampires during this period were rampant and aggressive, plundering and killing humans everywhere.

He thought of the two vampires who came to look for Anqiel with obvious malicious intentions before, and pursed his lips.

It appears that something is wrong among the vampires as well.

However, there seemed to be no movement on Lin Manting's side. Although she was leading people to hunt vampires, she didn't seem to pay attention to these ordinary people, including the woman she saved before. They seemed to be some upper-class figures.

Lin Manting put down the list and frowned.

"Why did someone die again?"

She has been struggling to hunt vampires with people recently, why are there still people dying around her.

The boy lowered his head: "It seems that we have noticed that our main protection is the upper class, and they have obviously shifted their targets to ordinary people."

He carefully suggested: "Should we send people to investigate?"

Lin Manting came to a conclusion without much hesitation: "Continue to observe the upper-class people first, and put aside the affairs of ordinary people first."

Their protection is not given for nothing, only the upper class can afford it.

What's more, this is a good opportunity for Lin Manting to make friends with the upper class and expand her network.

As for those ordinary people, Lin Manting doesn't want to care about them for the time being.

Anyway, the Shen family is full of people, so she doesn't need to do anything.

The boy hesitated for a while, but he still didn't dare to refute her.

Lin Manting is a leader in the family, she has always been valued, and she also holds power in her hands. She can do whatever she says.

The boy wanted to retreat, but was stopped by Lin Manting again.

Lin Manting thought of Shen Sangsang she met at the bar before, and asked aloud.

"Shen Sangsang still lives outside the main house?"

The boy bowed his head and said yes.

Lin Manting snorted and said, "It does have backbone."

What's the use of having such backbone, it's better to find a way to have a good relationship with the Shen family.


But this saved her a lot of energy, Lin Manting smiled lightly.

"It will be the Shen family's family banquet in a while, remember to send the invitation."

For Shen Sangsang, a member of the Shen family, it is undoubtedly a humiliation to even ask for an invitation to attend a family banquet.

Especially the invitation was sent by Lin Manting, who is an outsider.

 Although Diao kept saying that the book was almost finished, it would probably take some time to finish it, and it should be finished before New Year's Day.The new book is also a quick-wearing cookie, not sure when it will open, save the manuscript first

(End of this chapter)

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