Kuai Chuan, fall in love with a fairy

Chapter 647 Is Greedy For Your Body (42)

Chapter 647 Is Greedy For Your Body (42)

He had just finished another class, and received a call from Yuan Yuan after he came out.

Yuan Yuan was very excited over there: "Lin Qi! Shen Yang is on the trending list!"

She sighed, "Shen Yang is so pretty."

He was stunned again: "What hot search?"

Yuan Yuan urged her: "Look at your phone."

He hung up the phone again, only to find that there was a lot of information about Shen Yang on the phone.

The circle of models is small, and it will inevitably appear a bit high-end to the general public.

In addition, most of the models are high-end in appearance and do not conform to the public's aesthetics, so few people will take the initiative to pay attention to this circle.

But Shen Yang is different, the young man's eyebrows are clear, his demeanor is cold and indifferent, and his narrow and long eyebrows seem a bit sharp.

Such a pure appearance is enough to impress everyone.

He saw the photo that went viral on the Internet again.

The young man was dressed in light-colored clothes, looking down at the clusters of blooming flowers under his feet with lowered eyebrows. He slightly lowered his eyebrows and eyes, and there was a faint streamer in his eyes.

He just stood there quietly, like a cold and aloof god.

Such a unparalleled appearance is also rare in the entertainment industry. As soon as this photo was released, it attracted the public's attention almost instantly.

When they learned that this was a model, netizens not only frantically bought related magazines, but also touched Shen Yang's Weibo account that he hadn't used once in hundreds of years.

Now, Shen Yang is out of the circle.

Here Chen Xiaoguang also knew the news, he showed the phone to Shen Yang who had just finished putting on makeup.

"Now all the netizens have become your fans."

It's not that the company didn't think about using Shen Yang's appearance as a gimmick to make money earlier, but Shen Yang didn't want it, and Zhuang Yanyan deliberately suppressed it, so the matter gradually fell silent.

This time Shen Yang suddenly got the attention of the public, and he didn't know if it was a blessing or a curse.

Shen Yang glanced indifferently, without emotion.

He lowered his eyebrows and his face was a little dull.

"What do I need to do?"

Chen Xiaoguang was taken aback for a moment, and understood what Shen Yang meant.

He no longer resisted this business model, and even began to actively participate in it.

Chen Xiaoguang scratched his head: "You don't need to do anything, you are not from the entertainment industry."

He remembered Shen Yang's weibo that was the same as the zombie account, and reminded him again.

"Just post a few Weibo, after all, I'm a fan."

Shen Yang nodded lightly.

Before the shooting started, Shen Yang moved his fingertips on the screen and posted a Weibo.

Very simple three words: hello.

A group of enthusiastic fans and friends below are maintaining formation.

'Brother hello! '

'Hi handsome guy! '

'Hello, husband! '

He scrolled through the comments again, and followed up with a post.

'Good job, Ayang. '

Zhou Bai called her, and He put away his phone again, and went over to her.

She didn't know that her out-of-formation comment was directly pushed to the top by everyone.

Zhou Bo gently frowned: "Is Teacher Lin still in class today?"

He shook his head again: "No more in the afternoon."

Zhou Bai smiled gently: "Then can you trouble Mr. Lin to come with me to paint a background for that white wall in the yard?"

It was not a troublesome matter, He You nodded in agreement.

"Keep that wall, won't it be scribbled by children?"

Zhou Bai pushed the rimless glasses on the bridge of his nose, his voice was gentle and he spoke slowly.

"That's why I asked Teacher Lin to make a better painting, so that they won't be willing to destroy it."

He smiled again: "And the children like Teacher Lin very much."

(End of this chapter)

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