Kuai Chuan, fall in love with a fairy

Chapter 601 Overwhelming the Prime Minister's Sick Beauty (91)

Chapter 601 Overwhelming the Prime Minister's Sick Beauty (91)

The ministers were not qualified to go to the royal ancestral hall, so they could only wait at the bottom of the stone steps. Yin Chang, wearing a heavy finery, stepped up the stone steps step by step.

By the time he climbed the stone steps, a long time had passed.

Yin Chang's face turned pale, and he took the incense from the attendant's hand.

The huge ancestral hall is empty, and the tablets of the ancestors of the past are placed in the innermost part.

Yin Chang bent down slightly, followed the rules of etiquette, and completed the incense step by step.

At the moment when he got up, among the guards who had been guarding around the ancestral hall, some of them suddenly pulled out their sabers from their waists.

The team soon split into two waves, and Yin Chang's men firmly protected him.

With a serious face, Yin Zhi stepped out.

He looked at the little emperor with a somewhat majestic expression in front of him, and said coldly.

"It seems that His Majesty is well prepared."

Yin Chang corrected his posture and raised his chin slightly.

"King Heng'an, do you know what happens to the thieves who rebel and usurp the throne?!"

Yin Zhi hooked his lips: "The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. As long as the king wins, who dares to say that the king is half wrong!"

He looked at Yin Chang who was clearly flustered but still pretended to be calm, and smiled with interest.

"Are you waiting for reinforcements?"

Yin Zhi froze his face: "Don't wait, the people below have already been controlled by this king's people. If you are quiet, Your Majesty, I can still consider giving you a happy and dignified death."

After Yin Chang listened to his words, although his face turned pale, he still tried his best to maintain his composure.

He opened his mouth to say something, but looked behind Yin Zhi and smiled.

"Master Rong!"

Rong Yan's eyebrows and eyes were cold, because the temperature on the mountain was lower, and he was wearing a robe, and his brows seemed to be covered with frost, and he was slightly cold.

Yin Zhi squinted his eyes, but smiled instead.

"Is Prime Minister Rong rushing to die?"

He raised his eyebrows, his eyes were a bit fierce.

"Then the king will show no mercy."


Yin Zhi sneered: "Why didn't Ye Qiao come over? This king still wants to fulfill you, so that you can die in the same year, the same month, and the same day."

When he mentioned Ye Qiao, Rong Yan's eyebrows became condensed a little.

He tilted his head and coughed in a low voice, his brows and eyes light.

"Do you really think your plan is foolproof?"

Yin Zhi condensed his face, and his voice sank a bit.

"What do you mean?"

Before he finished speaking, a group of elite soldiers who he thought had been controlled by his own people rushed over.

This plan exhausted all his troops, first to win over the ministers in the court, and then to divide part of his troops to stop the elite soldiers in the palace.

But now those elite soldiers are standing here, declaring to him nakedly.

His plan failed.

Yin Zhi suddenly turned his head to look at Rong Yan, gritting his teeth.

"You've been playing tricks on me!"

He clearly knew his plan, but he still stood still and quietly waited for this opportunity.

Rong Yan looked at him indifferently: "You lost."

Yin Zhi clenched his fists tightly, his eyes filled with viciousness and unwillingness.

If Ye Qiao hadn't betrayed him and made him lose such an important pawn, and if Rong Yan hadn't stopped him everywhere, how could the plan he had prepared for so many years fail!

Yin Zhi turned his gaze, and rushed over with the knife in his hand.

He is extremely fast, and his target is only one Rong Yan.

However, the young man's brows and eyes were indifferent, his long and narrow eyes were calm and unwavering, and a light mole at the end of his eye set off the young man's charm.

Yin Zhi suddenly felt a burning pain on the inside of his wrist, which made him turn pale in an instant, and he staggered to his knees on the ground.

He was stunned for a moment, and the dull pain spread from his wrist to his limbs.

It's stopping him.

Yin Zhi's face was distorted due to the pain, his face was pale, and he couldn't say anything.

Zhu Jing raised his eyes lightly, his voice was colder than ever.

"Press it down."

The guards immediately tied up Yin Zhi and took him down.

Yin Chang returned to his senses in a daze, and let out a long breath of relief.

it is finally over.

There was joy on his face, he was still a half-grown boy after all, and he still couldn't hide his thoughts in front of those close to him.

Yin Chang walked a few steps towards Rong Yan: "Teacher, it's finally over."

Zhu Jing glanced at him indifferently, his brows and eyes seemed to be filled with frost that would not melt for thousands of years, and there was a chill in his eyes.

This glance also allowed Yin Chang to see the faint mole of tears at the end of the young man's eyes.

Yin Chang was taken aback: "Teacher?"

When did the tear mole at the end of the eye grow?
Zhu Jing said lightly, "It's time for Your Majesty to go out and clean up the mess."

That's the big deal.

Yin Chang immediately turned serious: "Prime Minister Rong is right."

The young emperor was dressed in splendid attire, and his eyebrows and eyes, which were somewhat similar to those of the late emperor, were also more majestic, giving him the appearance of a real emperor.

Yin Chang's eyes lightly swept across the ministers in the audience, his voice was cold.

"King Heng'an harbored evil intentions and wanted to seek power and usurp the throne. Now, Prime Minister Rong has subdued him and put him in prison. From now on, there will be no King Heng'an in the court."

The ministers had sensed the unrest today, and they were stopped outside by Rong Yan's people just now.

Looking at Yin Chang with a serious face now, they all understood who the winner of this war was.

The ministers were thinking in their hearts, but they didn't dare to show any other thoughts on their faces, and they all knelt down to salute.

Yin Chang pursed his lips, the boulder that had been pressing on him for so many years finally disappeared.


Overcast clouds slowly covered the sky, and in the evening, it began to drizzle.

He propped himself up again dizzy, staring at the dimly lit room in a daze.

After a while, He You just blinked his eyes in a daze.

The soreness and discomfort in her body were telling her what happened last night, He rubbed her waist again, and suddenly glanced outside when she got up.

It is already evening.


He frowned again, feeling uneasy.

Hearing movement from inside, the maid who had been waiting outside for a long time came in respectfully.

He pursed his lips again: "Where is Rong Yan?"

The maid lowered her head, not daring to offend the master in the slightest.

She answered every question: "Your Majesty the Prime Minister followed His Majesty to the imperial tomb to worship the ancestors."

He You: ...

Sure enough, she still fell for the beauty trick.

She just said, how could such a cold and thin-skinned young man suddenly take the initiative, so he was trying to seduce her on purpose!
The more He thought about it, the more angry he became, and he was still a little anxious.

It's this time, and I don't know what's going on with Rong Yan.

She got up and wanted to check the situation.

There was a sudden knock on the door.

Zhu Qing had a smile on his face, and was a little out of breath.

"Master, everything is fine with Prime Minister Rong, and the affairs in the palace are almost settled. My lord will be back soon."

He breathed a sigh of relief again, and sat back down again.

She had cold brows and eyes, and her voice was cold.

"Go home."

Very serious consequences.

 Make up later
(End of this chapter)

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