Kuai Chuan, fall in love with a fairy

Chapter 6 The business boss is very clingy (6)

Chapter 6 The business boss is very clingy (6)

Now Qin Zhao couldn't feel the stomach pain at all, the tip of his nose was filled with the girl's sweet fragrance, and he didn't dare to move for a while.

He felt the skin on her cheeks getting hotter and hotter. She was so hot that she twisted her body uncomfortably.

He squinted her eyes again, her mind still not clear, she reached out and pushed Qin Zhao's face, keeping this strange hot object away from her.

"It's so hot."

Qin Zhao felt that he was ten thousand times hotter than He now.

He pulled out the quilt, lay down next to He You, separated from her by a long distance, and slowly recovered his breathing.


He had another dream, the dream was grotesque, and the scenes changed illogically.

All of a sudden, she was on the side of the road, and she met a cute puppy. She squatted down and touched it a few times, and it was soft to the touch.All of a sudden, she was on the bus again, and she was squeezed by the crowd and couldn't move.

Slowly, He You felt more and more crowded, she had difficulty breathing due to being squeezed, and then she woke up from being squeezed.

She was still a little delirious when she opened her eyes, and what she was facing was white.

She was still in a daze, so she reached out to touch it, and felt the firm texture through the thin pajamas, only then did she realize that there was someone lying beside her.

She was still wrapped in a quilt, and her whole body was tightly tied to Qin Zhao's body like a piece of pork belly. His arms were across He You's waist, and he hugged her tightly.

He struggled and thumped his legs twice, successfully waking Qin Zhao up.

The voice that just woke up was magnetic and hoarse, and the young man's eyebrows and eyes were still delicate and light, like an ink painting.

When he just woke up, he was very dazed for a while, staring blankly at He You who got up from his body.

He struggled to get up wrapped in the quilt, his hair was disheveled and covered his sight.

Just as she was about to question the teacher, she met a pair of innocent and clear eyes.

Those angry questioning words were just swallowed back by He again, and she gave Qin Zhao a look without confidence.

"Still innocent? Are you still pretending to be innocent???"

Qin Zhao blinked, the morning light fell on his long eyelashes, he reached out his hand bluntly, and stroked He's hair slowly, his voice also lazily.

"Hair is messy."

Who is responsible for such a mess?
It was the first time that He shared the bed with a man for so many years, and was ravaged like a doll.She gave Qin Zhao an angry look.

"it was all your fault!"

Probably because He's voice was too loud again, Qin Zhao flinched slightly in shock.

He still spoke slowly.

"My fault."

As if it was just an unconscious pandering, Qin Zhao couldn't react to what He was talking about now.

He, who had recovered from his anger, finally realized that something was wrong with Qin Zhao. He was obviously a domineering president before, but why is he so soft now.

He hesitantly moved closer to Qin Zhao, observing him carefully.

"You won't be hacked, right?"

He You's sudden approach made Qin Zhao very uncomfortable, but he reacted very slowly, and took a while to avoid it.

He became more and more curious, and it was very interesting to see Qin Zhao's unresponsiveness, as if he couldn't understand anything.

His eyeballs rolled around, and He suddenly laughed again.

She straightened up and approached Qin Zhao, smiling very kindly, and stretched out her hand to gently caress Qin Zhao's shoulder.

He You's voice was intentionally soft and slow, so gentle that she seemed to be coaxing.

"Take a picture, tell mom, what is the password of the safe at home?"

Qin Zhao didn't speak.

He was immersed in her role again and couldn't extricate herself from it. She smiled lewdly and harbored malicious intentions.

"My dear son, hurry up and tell mommy, mommy will buy you sweets later."

Just when He was about to continue coaxing, the shoulder she supported under her palm suddenly moved.

Qin Zhao's cold voice came from above his head.

"Mom? Safe?"

The hand on Qin Zhao's shoulder was withdrawn tremblingly.

(End of this chapter)

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