Kuai Chuan, fall in love with a fairy

Chapter 579 Overwhelming the Prime Minister's Sick Beauty (69)

Chapter 579 Overwhelming the Prime Minister's Sick Beauty (69)

A young man in a thin blue shirt was tearful, very pitiful.

He was still young, and his voice was clear and clear.

"My lord, are the slaves not in your favor?"

He wiped away his tears, his lips were red and his teeth were white.

"My lord, just accept the slave!"

The rest of the teenagers also responded with tears in their eyes: "My lord, please accept us!"

He You: ...

This matter has to be done by Monkey King.

She supported her head: "Headache."

Headache from being noisy.

The young man in Tsing Yi rolled his eyes, he was very clever, and he immediately approached him.

"Give the slave to the adults."

He was startled again, and took a few steps back quickly.

It was windy at night, and there was a howling wind blowing against the door, and the thin door kept shaking.

The door creaked open.

The boy's clothes were thin, and the corners of his eyes and brows were covered with a slight coolness. He just stood there quietly, allowing the night to climb onto the cuffs of his clothes.

After a while, the young man blushed at the end of his eyes, but smiled lightly.

With a sad smile, a touch of sarcasm.

The teenagers in the room were good-looking and soft-spoken, all clinging to the thin Ye Qiao.

Rong Yan's eyes were pale, and he suppressed his smile.

There was never a shortage of people around Ye Qiao, and he was probably just one of them.

The young man's face was calm, his eyes were darkened, his eyes darkened, but his cold white fingertips trembled slightly with a coolness.

He avoided the young man in Tsing Yi again, with a bit of coolness in his eyes.

"Did the person who sent you here teach you the rules?"

Her face was sullen, her brows and eyes were condensed, and she looked a bit awe-inspiring.

The young man in Tsing Yi flinched, a little panic appeared on his face.

He knelt down suddenly: "My lord, forgive me!"

Looking at them again, He felt a headache, and gave Zhu Qing a hard look.

Zhu Qing understood and called someone in immediately.

Those teenagers shrank back, not daring to make a fuss, and obediently followed them down.

He rubbed his head again, and his eyes shifted.

She frowned.

She seemed to see something just now.

After Zhu Qing dealt with those teenagers, he came over to make amends.

"My lord, I know I was wrong."

He rolled his eyes at him again: "Being greedy for money, beware of greedy yourself."

Zhu Qing flinched: "Don't dare, don't dare."

Isn't he just obsessed with money for a while?


Yin Zhi looked at the young man in front of him who looked a bit like Rong Yan, and smiled with interest.

"Little General Rong?"

This title made Rong Ce feel more at ease, and he was also a little more polite to Yin Zhi.

"My lord."

Yin Zhi smiled gently: "The little general is a rare visitor, so what's the matter here?"

Rong Ce narrowed his eyes and smiled coldly.

"I can help the prince deal with Rong Yan."

Yin Zhi was slightly surprised and straightened up.

He looked Rong Ce up and down a few times, and laughed with a meaningful tone.

"This king is not dissatisfied with Prime Minister Rong, so don't joke about it, little general."

Rong Ce frowned: "My lord, you don't have to be so wary of me, I'm here to help you sincerely."

Yin Zhi raised his eyebrows slowly: "How can I believe this?"

After all, Rong Ce is Rong Yan's younger brother.

Rong Ce seemed a little irritable and dissatisfied, and looked straight at Rong Ce.

"How can the prince trust me?"

Yin Zhi lowered his head, and slowly stroked the light mole on the inside of his wrist, as if meditating on something.

After a while, his voice lowered a little.

"Then show some sincerity."

Yin Zhi, Rong Ce, also knows a little bit about it. Although he is stupid, he can start to make a difference.

 Updates are generally divided into two waves, one at nine or ten in the evening and one in the early morning. If there is no update in the early morning, we will let you know

(End of this chapter)

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