Kuai Chuan, fall in love with a fairy

Chapter 556 Overwhelming the Prime Minister's Sick Beauty (46)

Chapter 556 Overwhelming the Prime Minister's Sick Beauty (46)

That night, Mrs. Rong came to the prime minister's mansion.

She is Rong Yan's mother, so naturally no one dared to stop her.

Madam Rong's face was a little cold, her eyebrows and eyes were narrower and longer, and she looked domineering when her face was expressionless.

She glanced at the handsome young man who was slowly walking over, and raised her voice a little.

"Is that what you did to your brother?!"

Rong Yan's footsteps stopped, and he lowered his eyebrows, a little funny.

Sure enough, she was always looking for herself because of Rong Ce.

Mrs. Rong became more and more angry as she spoke, and looked at Rong Yan with a gloomy and cold gaze.

"I'm afraid you have been sitting in the high position of prime minister for a long time, and now you don't even care about brotherhood!"

She sneered: "Is that what I taught you?!"

Rong Yan raised his eyes, his expression was cold and calm.

He paused every word: "You never taught me."

From childhood to adulthood, she has always instilled the concept in Rong Yan: take good care of your brother, and always give your brother the best things first.

She seemed to be telling Rong Yan that you are not Rong Yan, you are just an accessory of Rong Ce.

Mrs. Rong froze for a moment, and immediately became angry.

"Are you blaming me?!"

Her eyes were raised, furious.

"Rong Yan, you really have grown up, and now you dare to talk to your mother like this, can you sit comfortably as a prime minister?!"

Rong Yan lowered his eyes weakly, his brows and eyes light.

"I don't want to argue with you about this."


Mrs. Rong slowed down for a while, and suppressed her anger.

She sighed faintly: "Yan'er, as a woman, I have suffered so much to raise you to the present state. You must not forget your roots."

The Rong family is getting smaller and smaller, no matter whether it is Rong Ce or the entire Rong family, they cannot do without Rong Yan's support.

Madam Rong, I'm afraid.

Rong Yan smiled lightly, with a cold silence in his eyes.

His tone was light: "To you, I only have this value."

Mrs. Rong frowned: "What's the matter with you today? You speak in a strange way."

She waved her hand: "If you're not feeling well, then I'll come back another day."

Rong Yan lowered his brows and eyes: "No need."

Although Mrs. Rong was dissatisfied with his attitude, she still knew what she was here for, so she could only hide her temper.

She only hesitated for a moment: "It will be the Lantern Festival soon, if His Majesty invites you over, you don't want to take Joe."

She said her real purpose: "Your brother didn't prepare properly when he came back this time, you have to help."

Rong Yan looked at her quietly: "What did he do?"

Mrs. Rong's face was a little embarrassed: "He didn't do anything."

The point is that he did nothing.

He was ordered to guard the border and manage border matters, but he stayed there for so long, not only did he not develop any economy, he even failed to protect the safety of the people. He was just having fun and consuming the country's finances.

As Rong Yan's younger brother, Rong Ce was naturally classified as Rong Yan's party. During this time, someone has already joined him.

Madam Rong ran over in a hurry.

Rong Yan frowned: "I can't help."

He can do this kind of thing, and Rong Yan can't help him if he doesn't want to.

Mrs. Rong didn't expect him to refuse so decisively, and immediately panicked.

"Then how?!"

She became anxious: "You have to help your brother, he and you are one body, one prospers and one loses both."

(End of this chapter)

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