Kuai Chuan, fall in love with a fairy

Chapter 493 You Have to Kiss to Wake Up (73)

Chapter 493 You Have to Kiss to Wake Up (73)

It's just after zero o'clock. This time should be the time when many people who go to bed early sleep the most soundly.

Su Xian fished out the little girl from his arms, held her face, and kissed her inch by inch.

The cool lips fell on the cheeks and felt a little itchy, and He avoided him in a daze.

"Don't make trouble."

She was sleepy.

Su Xian hugged her into his arms, and gently pressed his chin against her shoulder.

He turned his face slightly, kissed her earlobe, and his voice was soft.

"Let's get married, shall we?"

He was too sleepy, his head was in chaos, and he couldn't make out the meaning of his words at all.

She tilted her head, rubbed against his neck, and responded indiscriminately.


Whatever he said, she just wanted to sleep.

Su Xian just laughed.

The young man softened his brows and eyes, and with a faint light in his eyes, he hugged the girl in his arms tightly.

Tang Ge got up early in the morning to go to the morning shift, feeling extremely sleepy.

She touched the cell phone that kept ringing.


In the early morning light, Su Xian tucked the quilt again for He who was still asleep.

His voice was calm and clear: "I am Su Xian."

Tang Ge subconsciously glanced at the call interface, um, it was Xia Qi.

She regained her spirits all of a sudden: "Mr. Su, good morning."

Su Xian was in a good mood, the corners of her lips were always curved.

"Good morning, please help Xiaoqi take a leave."

Tang Ge asked secretly: "What leave?"

I won't be able to get out of bed again.

Su Xian lowered her eyes and smiled lightly.

"We're going to register."

Tang Ge:!
This speed is comparable to a rocket, it is like a flash marriage.

She said in a daze, "Gong, congratulations."

Su Xian responded and thanked again.

Although he was still very tired, He You woke up early in the morning with a good biological clock.

She yawned and checked the time.

Well, it's still early.

When she got up to brush her teeth, Su Xian lazily leaned on the door frame and looked at her.

He was in a good mood, which made He feel a little strange.

She had a toothbrush in her mouth, and her voice was muffled.

"It's early in the morning, why are you in such a good mood?"

Su Xian raised the corners of her lips: "You agreed to my marriage proposal yesterday."

He looked at him blankly again. "ah?"

When did this happen?
He thought for a long time in a daze, and finally had a vague impression.

She was speechless: "Do you dare to be more hasty with this proposal?"

But she doesn't know how many times she has been married, and she doesn't care about this sense of ceremony.

Su Xian pouted: "Anyway, you agreed."

He followed behind He You, watching her wash up, and never left her.

"You change your clothes, and we will go to register."

Can't wait a moment.

He shook his head again: "No."

Su Xian paused, a little stunned.

Does she not want to?
He smiled again and leaned over to pinch his cheek.

"It's too early, the Civil Affairs Bureau hasn't even started work yet."

Su Xian gave a soft "um" and reached out to hug her.

It's not that you don't want to.

He rolled his eyes again: "Are you afraid that I will refuse?"

Could it be that she was too afraid of her rejection, that's why she was so cautious, and didn't dare to take the slightest risk.

Su Xian blinked, and looked at her quietly with a pair of narrow eyes under long eyelashes.

He laughed again, tiptoed, and kissed his chin.

"No, we Xian are so good-looking and rich, I definitely won't refuse."

Su Xian hugged her tightly and smiled.

"I will always look good and be rich."

Will take good care of her.

He bent his eyes again: "Then you go on."

(End of this chapter)

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