Kuai Chuan, fall in love with a fairy

Chapter 419 You Have to Kiss to Wake Up (8)

Chapter 419 You Have to Kiss to Wake Up (8)

Su Nong brought Su Xian back to the same place as last time.

Without him saying anything, Su Nong ordered.

But the person who came over was not He You.

Su Nong was not surprised either, after all, how could it be such a coincidence that he happened to meet that girl.

He asked the waiter directly: "Where is that girl named Xia Qi here?"

The last time Su Xian behaved abnormally, he specially kept an eye out and asked for the girl's name.

The waitress who was asked by him was stunned. She happened to be the colleague who worked with He You before.

Waitress: "She resigned."

Su Nong was taken aback: "Resigned?"

The waitress was a little confused, so she said, "Xia Qi resigned that night."

Su Nong panicked for no reason.

It can't be because of Su Xian.

He turned to look at Su Xian with complicated eyes.

"Brother, you scared people away."

Su Xian sat up a little bit, and looked over coldly.

"It is none of my business."

Su Nong secretly slandered: Who knows if it has anything to do with it.

He You honestly worked in the hospital for a few days and was quite satisfied with the hospital's treatment.

Although a little tired, it is very fulfilling.

Tang Ge came over to take someone else's shift and handed He You the supper he brought from home.

"eat something."

She yawned: "The night shift really suffers."

He nodded again: "It's quite tiring."

The two of them were on duty, and Tang Ge went to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

In a few minutes, she ran back.

"Xiao Qi, an ambulance is coming down here, guess who's inside?"

He looked up again: "Who?"

Tang Ge lowered his voice: "It's Mr. Su."

The Su family's industry is very famous, and the only son of the Su family is even more mysterious. He has never shown his face, because the Su family is also a shareholder of their hospital, so they are all curious about this Mr. Su.

He was taken aback again.

Su Xian? !
He pursed his lips again: "You can watch for me first, I'll go out for a while."

Tang Ya looked worried, and glanced at Su Xian in the ward.

"Doctor Zhao, how is Xiao Xian?"

Zhao Dai: "It should be because I just hit my head when I fell down, and I have a slight concussion. It will be fine in the hospital for a few days."

Tang Ya sighed: "Xiao Xian is still asleep?"

Zhao Dai nodded.

Originally, Su Xian hadn't been sick for several days, but who knew that this time it was so sudden that he fell asleep after sitting on the chair for a while.

He wobbled as he fell, hitting his head on the foot of the table.

If it wasn't for Tang Ya who happened to have something to tell him about the company and went to his small apartment, I'm afraid he hasn't found that he was injured yet.

Su Xian doesn't like other people in the apartment, so no one usually goes there.

Tang Ya hesitated, trying to find a suitable person to accompany him.

When He came again, there was no one around the ward.

Su Xian's problem is not serious, Tang Ya hurried back to the company after understanding the situation.

She gently opened the door and went in.

Su Xian lay quietly on the bed, he slept peacefully and his face was normal.

It seems that there is no big problem.

He felt relieved again, turned around and planned to go back.

The wrist tightened and was held.

He was taken aback again, and looked down at him.

Su Xian didn't know when she woke up, her eyelids drooping lazily.

His voice was a little hoarse: "Pour me a glass of water."

He poured water again and handed it to him.

Su Xian took a sip, returned the cup to He You, and looked up at her quietly for a while.

He squinted his eyes: "It looks familiar."

He You: ...

"Have you lost your memory?"

What's the matter, don't you remember her now?
Su Xian held his head, feeling a little dizzy.

He lay down again silently.

The long and narrow eyes looked at He silently for a while, and the young man let out a long "ah".

"I remember."

The girl who ate his tofu and coveted him.

(End of this chapter)

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