Kuai Chuan, fall in love with a fairy

Chapter 188 The Bamboo Horse Should Be Promised (4)

Chapter 188 The Bamboo Horse Should Be Promised (4)

The boy on the hospital bed had exquisite eyebrows and eyes, but his eyes were empty, quietly looking out the window.

Yu's mother suppressed her tears and wanted to reach out and touch Yu Jin's hair.

He just raised his hand halfway, Yu Jin reacted greatly and leaned back, looking at her vigilantly and fearfully.

Yu's mother couldn't stop crying at once, she still covered her mouth with one hand, her voice choked up.

"Xiaojin, I am mother."

Yu Jin turned his eyes away, still only staring out the window.

Big clouds floated in the sky, Yu Jin blinked and remembered the clear eyes of the little girl that afternoon.

He bowed his head slightly, his eyelashes curled up.

Yu's mother didn't dare to cry in front of the child. The doctor said that the child's mood was still unstable, and she was afraid of scaring Yu Jin again.

She hid outside the ward, unable to hold back her tears.

Father Yu came over and put his arms around her shoulders, and glanced at the little boy sitting in a daze in the empty ward.

Although their Yu Jin didn't like to talk, he liked to laugh a lot, his eyes were slightly curved and shimmering.

But now, his young body is full of wounds, the young boy no longer speaks, and he is insensitive to everything outside.

Father Yu hugged his wife who was still sobbing, feeling uncomfortable.

Yu's mother barely stopped crying: "What did the doctor say?"

Compared with Yu Jin's injuries, what is more serious is the incurable psychological trauma he suffered.

No one knows what those people did to this young boy these days, but no one dared to say it was okay.

They have taken Yu Jin to see a psychologist, but the child's stress reaction is very serious now, he does not speak, and resists all counseling and treatment.

Yu's father sighed: "The child is still too young, the doctor suggested that we let the child take a break first, and put aside the treatment later."

Mother Yu nodded. She had already quit her job, and she just wanted to take good care of the child at home.

She looked up: "let's move."

She didn't want to stay in that place for a moment.

It was at that place that Yu Jin was taken away.

Her son is smart and sensible, he will not be fooled by those people, he was knocked out and taken away.


He had a high fever the night she went back. She is only a child now, and her immunity is very weak.

Winter hadn't completely passed yet, she ran out wearing a thin skirt that day, and couldn't bear it after being blown by the wind for a day.

When He woke up again, his eyes were filled with a vast expanse of whiteness.

She was in a daze for a moment, because her fever had not completely subsided, her cheeks were flushed, and her head was throbbing with pain.

Tang's mother, who had been standing by her side, quickly came over to help her up, and touched her hot forehead.

"Huanhuan woke up, isn't it particularly uncomfortable?"

He leaned against his mother's arms again, shaking his head in a daze.

Her limbs were weak and limp, but she barely supported herself.

"Mom, how long have I been asleep?"

Tang's mother touched her sweaty forehead with distress: "I have slept for two days."

For two days, I had a fever repeatedly, and only woke up in a daze a few times in the middle.

He Youyou was still receiving an IV in one hand, she stared blankly, and suddenly remembered something.

"Mom, is this the best hospital here?"

Tang's mother was amused by her and touched her little face.

"Yes, it is the best hospital."

There was a little smile on He You's face, the best hospital, is that little beauty here too.

He obediently finished his daily IV, and ate some rice porridge to fill his stomach.

She touched her current short arms and legs, and looked at Mama Tang expectantly.

"Mom, can I go for a walk?"

Tang's mother only thought that she was bored, children are always restless, and she has been lying down for so long, it's good to get down and take a walk.

It was still cold outside the room, and Tang's mother put He on a pink padded jacket and a pink fluffy scarf.

He was tightly wrapped again, looking like a porcelain doll from a distance.

She grabbed the corner of the small scarf, disgusted with such a pink color.

(End of this chapter)

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