Chapter 103

It's just that Lu Xiangjie is too philistine, and he is full of dandyism, so he really doesn't accept discipline.

Gu Yu didn't see Lu Xiangjie when he came back from court, he went straight into the bedroom.

"Ma'am, Xiangjie has gone out again?"

Mrs. Gu took his coat and thought about her words.

"It is said that it is to prepare a birthday gift for Mrs. Lu.

"Gu Yu nodded thoughtfully.

"This child has a lot of stink problems, so he has done a good job in respecting his elders."

Mrs. Gu sat down on the bed, with a hint of sadness between her brows.

"Xiangjie is not young, has the master thought about finding him a job?"

Speaking of this, Gu Yu was also a little uncertain.

He is a military general, so he naturally hopes that his only son can also fight the enemy and serve the country, but this child has been away for many years and has no martial arts skills.

He didn't regret much, thinking that it would be good to be a general.

These vulgar people don't know any military tactics, and they hope that the next generation will make up for their regrets.

Who knew that Lu Xiangjie was raised as a dude without any sense, so he felt distressed and guilty.

Gu Yu sighed: "Wait a little longer, I'll see if there is any suitable errand for me."

Madam Gu nodded.

"I'll also go to Mrs. Lu's birthday banquet this time. After all, it's a great kindness."

Gu Yu held her hand: "It's really hard work for you."

Madam Gu smiled softly.


This time Lu Xiangjie didn't even sit in a sedan chair when he returned to the Lu's house, he specially chose a tall horse, and he traveled majesticly all the way.

Gu Yu couldn't see him showing off like this, but when he thought of him growing up trapped in a small town all these years, he felt guilty, so he followed him.

It was already night when they arrived at Lu's house, and the Lu's house was brightly lit, making it very lively.

The old lady of the Lu family came out to welcome the distinguished guests in person, and she was very satisfied to see her own grandson wearing gold and silver, full of extravagance.

Lu Xiangjie has a bright future, and those of them who are old can also get a lot of benefits.

The old lady has long and narrow eyebrows, a mean face, a bit fancy dress, and looks unsteady.

Mrs. Gu frowned unobtrusively, but still exchanged greetings with good etiquette.

Tomorrow is the old lady's birthday, so the Lu family vacated two upper rooms for the Gu couple to live in.

The Lu family is an old house, so the furnishings inside are very elegant.Gu Yu has nothing to do, so he just hang out with his wife casually.

When they strolled into the back garden, they happened to meet a few maids who were gossiping here.

These maidservants are all in charge of the kitchen and are chatting.

The younger maid spoke first: "The news of the eldest son's recent return to the mansion spread really fast, Miss Biao is expected to come over early tomorrow morning."

The maid next to her spoke up: "This cousin is really unruly, I heard that she went to the young master's place before."

"Young master? You mean that fool?"

The companion quickly covered her mouth.

"Be careful what you say, we are servants after all."

The maid didn't care.

"It's just a fool, the master has forgotten that there is such a son."

Speaking of this, the maid bowed her head.

"I heard that the young master fell into the water before and was pushed down by the elder master!"

This kind of gossip is often known more by servants like them.

"It's really possible to say that. The young master was born with a pink jade carving, which is very smart. If he falls into the water, he will be stupid. What a pity!"

The Gu couple looked at each other.Gu Yu's face was obviously ugly, and he was obviously suppressing his anger.

Mrs. Gu was also a little flustered, but she still spoke out to comfort her first.

"It's all rumored by servants, Xiangjie should not be that kind of child."

Gu Yu clenched her fists tightly.

His first wife was kind, he could allow Lu Xiangjie to be domineering, but he couldn't tolerate things that involved the bottom line of morality.

(End of this chapter)

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