Chapter 795 When Depression Meets Violence 4
Yun Niannian couldn't guess what she touched, since she entered this dark place, her brain started to congest.

Then the blood coagulated, blocking all thoughts, and his head became swollen and turned into an empty container.

There is a numb soul in the container, and she can no longer cry out.

The light came suddenly, burning the eyes in the darkness, and all the filth that should have been destroyed and buried was exposed in the light. The whole space was like an opened Pandora's box, and what came out was a demon that could devour people's souls.

Yun Niannian once thought, would she hate her all her life?
At one point, she couldn't find the answer, because in fact, no one was sorry for her.

Who stipulates that parents must love her after giving birth to a child?

Who stipulates that a person must be good to another person?
Who stipulates that a person cannot discard the dross and extract the essence?

Not to mention, to live is to look forward, and those who are left behind will not be able to survive.

But at this moment, she figured it out, she hated it.

It's really not just reconciled.

As a person who was left behind and couldn't survive, she had the right to hate the world with hatred.

But there is one person she shouldn't hate, and it is this person who has brought her too much pain and suffering. All her embarrassment and embarrassment are exposed to him without any cover. This person is almost her. A lingering nightmare of growing up.

But this person was asked by her.

She is like a person who is dying of thirst in the desert, grabbing a glass of poisonous water desperately, and pouring it into her mouth recklessly. She found an oasis.

Although the oasis was small and pitiful, it was quickly destroyed and buried by the yellow sand, but it was just her bad luck, and the poisonous water could not be blamed.

After all, no one asked her to drink poisonous water, everything was her own choice.

Because of this, she was in such pain, but she could never blame the culprit who caused her pain. It was like this, and she fell into a strange circle again and again, making her more painful.

She didn't even know his name, he called himself "Madman" from beginning to end, a researcher of world evolution.

Coincidentally, she is also a lunatic, the difference is that one studies others and the other studies herself.

She wanted something from him, so she voluntarily became a test subject, without dignity, without personality, and abandoned everything as a human being, just in exchange for that slim hope.

In those four years, she had suffered so much, and there was always cold metal under her palm, and she never felt a trace of warmth.

No one asked her if she was in pain, and no one asked her if she was tired. The only constant scenery in front of her was the crazy eyes and the temperatureless smile of the lunatic.

Yun Niannian stared at the 'operating table' beside her in a daze, her face flashed with a hint of bewilderment.

She finally remembered why she hated Jun Jiuyao.

Because when she first met him, she saw the same attitude as a madman in his eyes.

Curiosity, consideration, interest.

It was not looking at a person, but looking at an object of interest, and he was dissecting her with his eyes.

With that eye contact, her only reaction was to want him to die!
She no longer wants to be a weak person who can be manipulated and watched by others.

Whoever wants to study her will sacrifice his life for it!

The initial impression was so bad that no matter how she came into contact with him afterwards, in her eyes, he was an 'enemy' who could not be considered as her own.

This kind of enemy will not kill her, but will cruelly strip off the armor that has been integrated into her body, tearing off a large piece of flesh and blood from her wounds.

Just because they were curious about what was in her armor.

(End of this chapter)

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