Reborn Zombie Daoist

Chapter 538 Ksitigarbha Returns

Chapter 538 Ksitigarbha Returns
Chang'e's consciousness is clear, but her body is not under her own control. Like a marionette manipulated by fate, she has sucked human blood and infected so many people with the virus. She is no longer helpless A weak woman with a lot of power, easily snatched the Eternal Heart Lock from Wanyan Wulei.

Wanyan Wutear has lived for hundreds of years. Normal people have long since died, and their bones have rotted away. She can survive only by the power of the eternal heart lock to maintain her life.

Losing the Eternal Heart Lock, Wanyan Wutear was instantly beaten back to its original form, weak and aging rapidly, not far from death.

Destiny doesn't care about Wanyanwutear's life and death, and after obtaining the eternal heart lock, the lock and key of the eternal kingdom are in his hands, which makes fate very excited.

He couldn't wait to get the news of the eternal kingdom, but Kuang Tianyou and Mao You searched all over Hong Kong but couldn't find Kuang Tianya, so Kuang Tianyou had no choice but to ask Shachen for help.

Shachen has been listening to Ma Dalong playing the piano in the bar. Ma Dalong is very persistent, playing over and over again, tirelessly, until Kuang Tianyou walks in.

"Kuang Tianya is missing?" Sha Chen frowned slightly, and his huge spiritual sense enveloped him in all directions, looking for Kuang Tianya's whereabouts.At the same time, he took the initiative to contact the sleeping June, and through her to observe Fate's every move, he found that both Chang'e and Kuang Tianya had fallen into the hands of Fate.

"found it……"

He told Kuang Tianyou where Kuang Tianya was, and Kuang Tianyou hurried over, knowing that Kuang Tianya was a pawn made by the Pangu clan, but Kuang Tianyou couldn't help worrying about her, maybe it was the saying that blood is thicker than water.

"Destiny captured Kuang Tianya, it must be planning for the eternal kingdom, and the time is almost up, the Holy Mother of Yaochi and the man Wang Fuxi are going to speed up."

Shachen's eyes sparkled, and he had been working hard to eliminate Destiny and the Pangu clan for several years. Not only Sha Yueya and the others were bored staying in the underworld, but Shachen was also bored and wanted to end it sooner.

But fate is too cautious. He has come to this point and has never contacted the Holy Mother of Yaochi. Shachen can only wait patiently. The progress of cultivation base is slow, and the system does not have a lot of sources of energy points. A point of pressure.

From human immortals to earth immortals in the late stage, the key lies in mastering the power of laws. This step is too difficult. Not to mention that Shachen has only cultivated for more than 200 years, even the immortals locked in the heavens have no mastery. Only the great elders of the Pangu clan steal it. The power of the law.

Ma Dalong played the guitar again, but Sha Chen didn't listen to it anymore, he gave Ma Dalong some instructions and left the bar.

Kuang Tianyou, Lei Gang and the others broke into He Youqiu's house, successfully rescued Kuang Tianya and Chang'e, and even brought June back together, but they let fate escape. If there is no more sand and dust, it has already been chopped into pieces by the Pangu clan.

On the other hand, after the Holy Mother of the King regained her divine power, she continued to borrow fate from the Fate Barrier. They also knew very well that the plan to capture fate had entered the final stage when the fate began, so they worked extra hard and tried to play the role as realistically as possible. False is hard to tell.

In the next few days, Shachen kept watching them from the Wangxiang Terrace of the Underworld, and the Dizang Yuanshen was disturbed by him and also ran out.

"Ksitigarbha, can't you help them?" Shachen asked with his head tilted.

"Origination and extinction, everything has a definite number. If the Holy Mother and the Human King cannot succeed by virtue of the fate, it will be a doom in the yang world, and we cannot force it." Jizo Yuanshen replied.

"Yangjian can't afford it."

"Those people's lives shouldn't be cut off. It's all because of fate. I believe that the Holy Mother of the King of People will succeed in saving the common people."

Shachen looked at Ksitigarbha, who looked sad but indifferent, indifferently, "Save people by chance, your reincarnation will be exposed to people, and your fate will know. You don't seem to be worried at all."

"Fate won't deal with me, he has no ability to break through my defense." Jizo Yuanshen said firmly and confidently.

In the original play, fate also said that the Ksitigarbha King is unparalleled in defense, and it is difficult to snatch the human book from the Ksitigarbha King. In the end, the Holy Mother of Yaochi obtained the human book in a surprise attack.

The human book no longer exists, and the dream of fate's three books in one will never come true. Sand Chen is looking forward to the expression on Destiny's face when he gets the dummy book, which is very exciting to think about.

"I found that you understand fate." Sha Chen said meaningfully.

Dizang Yuanshen pondered slightly, and said, "The heaven and earth have experienced hundreds of millions of eons, and they are controlled by the three books of heaven, earth and man. One eon is born and another eon is destroyed."

After saying this, the Ksitigarbha Primordial Spirit kept silent, and Shachen's heart moved, and he had a faint guess, and then he didn't pursue the question, and changed the subject and asked: "Why is fate in control? Is he the body of fate, or is it a clone?" ?”

Ksitigarbha Primordial Spirit shook his head, "There are tens of thousands of clones of destiny, and I can't be sure, it may be the main body, or it may be the clone."

In the original play, the Ksitigarbha king sent He Yingqiu to find He Youqiu, which was undoubtedly a temptation, but unfortunately fate made a superior move and killed He Yingqiu.

"Huh?" Dizang Yuanshen let out a light sigh, and said, "The Holy Mother of the Human King succeeded in borrowing the fate."

"Do you need me to help you empty the hell?" Sand Chen asked.

Ksitigarbha shook his head, "No need, I have other arrangements."

There are many creatures in the six realms of the underworld, but none of them are very strong. All refining can't make Sand Chen upgrade to Earth Immortal. Forced refining will only make Ksitigarbha feel unhappy.


Zhonghua Hospital.

He Yingqiu, King Ren, and the Holy Mother stood solemnly on the altar, and the God of Death was lined up in two rows under the altar, quietly looking at the Zhonghua Hospital wrapped in the barrier.

The virus in the hospital filled the air, which could be clearly seen by the naked eye. The virus condensed into a cloud and hit the barrier, making a roar that ordinary people could not hear.

"Agent Ksitigarbha, hurry up." Renwang urged.

He Yingqiu nodded, and slowly spread his palms, a golden character "Tibetan" appeared in his palms, and the golden light shone into the night sky, instantly changing the color of the sky and the earth.

Blossoming golden clouds floated over the Zhonghua Hospital, and the vast and mysterious Sanskrit singing resounded like a bell, and the sacred golden light diffused from the hospital, forming a golden "*" outside the hospital's barrier.

He Yingqiu said pleasantly: "The Ksitigarbha King has appeared, welcome to the Ksitigarbha."

"Congratulations to Dizang Fajia!"

Dozens of gods of death in black knelt on one knee, shouting in unison, and the shaking Zhonghua Hospital shook.

Lying on the hospital bed, Ma Xiaohu's whole body was glowing, flying around in the hospital, looking at the infected person like a walking corpse, with a sad expression, and clasped his hands together, "Amitabha, save all sentient beings, only then can you prove Bodhi, hell is not empty, vows will not be fulfilled Buddha, the way of heaven is ruthless, all living beings are suffering, the world of mortals and six desires, I am willing to go up and down..."

(End of this chapter)

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