Reborn Zombie Daoist

Chapter 532 Borrowing Fate (Part 2)

Chapter 532 Borrowing Fate (Second Change)

"My bow is missing." The first sentence of King Renwang's sitting down made the Holy Mother of Yaochi completely confused, who wants to tell you about the bow.

The Holy Mother of Yaochi asked almost subconsciously: "Where's the arrow?"

The King of People looked at her silently, and the Holy Mother of Yaochi smiled awkwardly, and said solemnly: "The Pangu Bow is your exclusive artifact. If others can't use it, and even you can't summon it, there is only one possibility. The Pangu Bow was forcibly kept." down."

"I'm afraid it's not as simple as staying. I can't sense the whereabouts of the Pangu bow at all. Someone must have sealed it." The King of Man looked gloomy and absent-minded.

The Holy Mother of Yaochi frowned and thought for a while, "I thought of someone."



The king's eyes shrank suddenly, "Isn't he dead? I and Tathagata Guanyin teamed up to kill him."

"He didn't die, his strength reached the level of the Great Elder. Not long ago, he led Ma Xiaoling, Kuang Tianyou, and generals into the Pangu Holy Land. Except for the Great Elder and me, the rest of the tribe died."


The human king stood up in shock, and walked back and forth with his hands behind his back, "No wonder the plan was so many years in advance, so it was he who made it, and fate didn't notice it?"

"Probably not. After you and Linlin left the parking lot, I found that someone was watching me. If there is no accident, it must be fate, and this virus incident is also unusual." The Holy Mother of Yaochi said in a deep voice.

The King of Humans calmed down, and sat opposite the Holy Mother of Yaochi, "This person, Sha Chen, is too evil, let's get rid of it as soon as possible."

The Holy Mother of Yaochi smiled wryly, "It's not easy, his strength is not weaker than the Great Elder, and we don't know where he is now..."

Immediately, the Holy Mother of Yaochi told what happened in Pangu Holy Land, and the Human King's face was not very good-looking, "So he also has to deal with fate?"

"From what he's done, that's true."

"I didn't expect that our Pangu clan would become someone else's pawn." Human King laughed at himself, "What's the opinion of the Great Elder?"

"Continue to implement the plan. If the plan fails, Dust will take over for us to complete the task of destroying fate."

The king of men said a little uneasy: "This man is too mysterious, and I can't see through it at all. I'm worried that he has too much appetite."

The Holy Mother of Yaochi sighed, "I think the same as you, but the plan to capture fate must not be missed, we still have an eternal kingdom."

Hearing this, the Human King breathed a sigh of relief, "Yes, the Eternal Kingdom is the tomb of human beings from the last calamity, and it is the last retreat of the Pangu clan."

In 5 minutes, the Holy Mother of Yaochi and the King of People started a hot chat around Shachen. During this period, they did not mention Wanyanbupo, as if they had forgotten about this person.

"You can't eliminate the virus?" Human King felt that the time was almost up, so he forcibly brought the topic back.

"I need time."

"Okay, I'll give you time, let me know if there is a way." Human King stood up and left with his hands behind his back.

After a long time, Wanyan Bupo flew back from the broken window with his back bowed, and fell headlong to the ground. The Holy Mother of Yaochi yelled and rushed over, hugged him in her arms, with a moved expression, "The king wants to fight, and I will accompany you. Why are you so stupid?"

"I promised you that I would protect you so that the king would not hurt you. How is your talk with the king?"

"He is willing to put aside his hatred for the time being, and talk about other things after the virus is resolved." The Holy Mother of Yaochi said relaxedly.

"That's good."

Wanyan Bupo's face was bloodless, his lips were white, his eyes were opened and closed, and he was extremely weak. His strength was not as good as that of the King of Humans, but the King of Humans hit him with all his strength and almost killed half of him.

"Have a good rest, I'll pour you a glass of water."

"Thank you."

The two of them are very similar. The Virgin of Yaochi was hurt by love, and Wanyan Bupo was trapped by love. Closeness.

This is what the Holy Mother of Yaochi would like to see, and it is also Wan Yan Bu Po's doomed fate.


Tongtian Pavilion.

The man Wang Chong said to the Great Elder opposite: "Great Elder, this is the situation. Without the Pangu bow, it is impossible for me to defeat the Holy Mother, and the plan will be affected."

"You can't sense the Pangu bow, and I can't help it. Human King, no matter what, the plan must go ahead. Go ahead and continue your mission."

"Yes, Great Elder."

Watching Renwang leave, the Great Elder groaned slightly, stepped out and came to the sky above Repulse Bay, and slowly landed in the forest.

The entire mountain forest was covered with barriers, and the first elder was sensed by the soul clone the first time he came, and he left early.

The Great Elder pushed open the door of the thatched hut, but no one was seen. Almost all the furniture was covered with dust, and no one came back for a long time.

She came here to look for Shachen. If she found it, it meant that Shachen didn't die in the Pangu Holy Land, and then she proposed cooperation to return the Pangu bow. At this stage of the plan, neither the Pangu tribe nor Shachen wanted to see the plan fail.

However, Shachen is not interested in cooperating with the Pangu clan, and hides his face, let alone returning the Pangu bow to the king to strengthen his strength.


The Zhonghua Hospital has isolated hundreds of infected people. Even if the dust is burned with fire, the destructive power of the virus cannot be curbed. This is not an option.

Fortunately, the Holy Mother of Yaochi was very powerful, and within a few days, he found a way to eliminate the virus, using Wanyan Bupo's love for her to eliminate the virus.

After hearing the news, He Yingqiu and Renwang rushed to the place. After hearing the words of the Holy Mother of Yaochi, Renwang asked: "One person's love can't save so many people. Is there any other way?"

"This is the only way." The Holy Mother of Yaochi replied.

The King of People said in a low voice, "Could it be that we really need to use hell fire to cleanse the hospital?"

"If love can save those people, I have a way. There is a rare treasure in the Underworld called the Burning Love Lamp, which can borrow fate to pay off the debt of love." He Yingqiu said suddenly.

"Then what are you waiting for, find someone to borrow it." Human King said angrily, you have a way not to say it earlier.

He Yingqiu smiled wryly and said, "Fate is not as simple as you think. You can't save someone by borrowing fate from just a couple of lovers. The love between the two parties must be true and sincere. Only two people in the world can do it."

"Who are they?" Wanyan Bupo asked.

He Yingqiu looked at the Holy Mother of Yaochi, then looked at the human Wang Fuxi, and said: "One is the human Wang Fuxi, and the other is the Holy Mother of Yaochi. The first love in the world was born between you. That love is true and sincere. If you can let go of your grudges and sincerely borrow fate, you will be able to resolve this catastrophe."

Hearing this, Wanyan Bupo felt very uncomfortable, and looked at the Holy Mother of Yaochi fixedly, and the Holy Mother of Yaochi and Renwang Fuxi also fell silent.

After a while, the Holy Mother of Yaochi said: "Human King, thousands of years ago, we have committed many sins because of love and hatred. This catastrophe is God's punishment for us. I am willing to let go of my prejudices and use fate to save the common people."

"Your Lady of Yaochi can do this, and I, Wang Fuxi, won't be far behind. Agent Ksitigarbha, we agreed to borrow fate, will we be able to save people next?" Renwang asked.

He Yingqiu replied: "Not yet."

The Holy Mother of Yaochi and Renwang Fuxi's eyelids twitched wildly, and there were ten thousand words in his heart that he didn't know whether to say or not.


 The two shifts are at the end of the book, and everything is for the full attendance in the last month.

(End of this chapter)

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