Reborn Zombie Daoist

Chapter 530 Where is the Bow (Part 2)

Chapter 530 Where is the bow (second update)

Huomian virus treats the symptoms but not the root cause. It can only temporarily curb the spread of the virus and reduce the consciousness of the infected person, but it cannot be completely cured.

As for the way to eliminate the virus, it is love.

Obviously, fate has set up a situation for the Holy Mother of Yaochi and the King of People. The Holy Mother and the King of Humanity are in conflict. If the last cooperation fails, the flames of hatred will burn more and more, directly triggering a war of gods that will destroy the world.

Judging from the series of small movements of fate, he can't wait to get the Holy Mother of Yaochi, that is to say, the time to capture fate and destroy the Pangu clan is coming soon.

"Do you need my help?" The general appeared beside Sha Chen and asked with a smile.

Sha Chen said: "If the sky wants it to perish, it must first make it crazy. Fate is becoming crazy. I have to admit that fate's methods are very powerful. Except for us, no one else can escape his mercy."

"You can't solve the virus?" the general asked in surprise.

"It can only be contained, but not cured. The virus of fate is very strange, more complicated than the red snow storm of Our Lady of Yaochi."

The general said suddenly: "The Holy Mother of Yaochi should have a solution."

"Well, she has a way."


The god of death in the underworld has been dispatched, and there are gods of death searching for infected people from house to house on every street, but ordinary people can't see them.

"It should be over, right?"

"I don't have any here."

"It's gone there too."

"Go back and recover."

"Hey, wait, there's one more."

In order to make it easier for Reaper to search for infected people, He Yingqiu specially made a sensor device, and a red dot will appear on the device if there is an infected person nearby. Now this red dot is very close to Reaper, suddenly disappears, and suddenly appears again. It should be deliberately hidden Woke up.

"Are there still infected people?" JOHN, NICK asked twenty or thirty gods of death to emerge.

"one left……"

"Then what are you doing standing there, grab it." John said angrily.

The god of death hesitated, handed the sensing device to JOHN, and said, "The red dot sometimes disappears. It should be someone deliberately hiding the infected person. This is not something ordinary people can do."

"It doesn't matter what the average person is. If the infected person is not sent to the Zhonghua Hospital for isolation, he will infect other people. Let's go there together and we must take the infected person away."


A wave of death was approaching, and Wang Fuxi didn't notice it. He walked into the bedroom with a glass of water and put it on the bedside cabinet.

Linlin leaned on the pillow with her upper body, staring at the door with dull eyes.She was stimulated by the Holy Mother of Yaochi in the parking lot yesterday. After waking up, she made a fuss, pushed Renwang away and ran out. When Renwang found her, he found her sitting on a roadside chair in a daze. He didn't think much about it at the time.

"Linlin, put the water here, drink it when you're thirsty," said the King of Man.

Linlin didn't respond.

The human king stood up and went out, looking at Linlin when the door was closed, Linlin also looked at him, and a black light flew towards the human king with lightning speed.

The human king hurriedly turned his head, and the black light flew a certain distance and dissipated in the air. Seeing this scene, the human king turned pale, "Virus! Our Lady of Yaochi!"

At this time, a group of ghosts in black clothes appeared in the bedroom, because there were too many people, the bedroom was full, John glanced at Linlin on the bed, without looking at the instrument, he waved his hand and said: "Take it away. "

"Stop." The King of Man shouted, "Why are you arresting people?"

JOHN looked at him indifferently, "We are the gods of death in the underworld. This woman is infected with a virus. This virus has infected hundreds of people in just a few minutes. , we will take her away and isolate her."

"This is Yangjian, if it's not your turn to arrest people, just arrest them and leave." Wang Fuxi said expressionlessly.

"Leave him alone, take him away."

The human king stood in front of Linlin, his eyes swept away, and a golden light swept the fallen leaves like the autumn wind, knocking the gods of death to the ground.

"Damn it, you dare to obstruct the law enforcement of the underworld."

"He is not brave, he is qualified." He Yingqiu appeared in the bedroom, looked at Wang Fuxi and said, "There is no one who can't control what happens in the world."

"Human King Fuxi?!" The god of death was taken aback, and looked at the human king with some trepidation, but the human king didn't pay attention to them at all, "Where is the Ksitigarbha King, let him come up to see me."

"The Ksitigarbha King has been reincarnated. I am the Ksitigarbha agent He Yingqiu. Now I will handle all the affairs of the underworld." He Yingqiu said without fear.

"Why go to Yangjian to arrest people at will?" Human Wang Fuxi was surprised by the reincarnation of Ksitigarbha, but he was more concerned about the behavior of the underworld.

"JOHN just said that a new type of virus has emerged in the world of the earth. This virus will gradually erode people's emotions and desires. Ghosts and zombies are not immune. I have never seen such a powerful virus. The Ksitigarbha is not in the underworld. If there is another way, I will not arrest people in Yangjian. This matter that affects the stability of the Yin and Yang worlds is no longer a matter of Yangjian, and it is necessary for the underworld to take urgent measures."

The king turned his head to look at Linlin, and asked, "If the virus cannot be solved, what are you going to do?"

"We will use hell fire to cleanse the hospital." He Yingqiu said coldly.

"No, you can't do this." Wang Fuxi stopped him.

"Is there anything the King can do?"

The King of People shook his head, "I don't have one, but I know someone who does."

"You mean the Holy Mother of Yaochi?"

The King of People nodded.

He Yingqiu sighed softly, "The Holy Mother of Yaochi cannot protect herself now, and she is no longer able to solve this virus incident."

"What do you mean?"

"In order to break the virus, the Holy Mother of Yaochi introduced the virus into her body. She is very weak, even worse than ordinary people."

The King of People looked surprised, "Didn't she spread the virus?"

"No, the source of the virus is related to you, and she is Chang'e."

"Chang'e?!" Human King was shocked, and said in disbelief: "She returned to the earth, how did she do it?"

He Yingqiu said: "I don't know. We are investigating. Fortunately, Chang'e has been controlled by the Maoshan faction. Without the source, the virus will not spread. The woman behind you is the only infected person who has not been isolated in the Zhonghua Hospital."

"You can take Linlin away, but don't rush to clean the hospital, give me some time, I will find a solution."

"Okay, I'll give you Wang Fuxi face, you have to hurry up, once the virus breaks through the barrier, the world of the underworld will turn into purgatory, there is no need for you to fight the Holy Mother." He Yingqiu reminded.

"I know what to do."

"take away."

A large number of gods of death left, and the bedroom became empty in an instant, and the expression of the king Fuxi changed, "Mother of Yaochi, we must see you."

He came to a remote place and summoned the exclusive artifact, the Pangu Bow. After waiting for a long time, the Pangu Bow did not appear.

Human King's expression changed drastically, "Where's my bow?"


 Today is still two updates. In order to be fully present, it has to be updated until the end of the month. It is estimated that the owed updates will never be filled.

(End of this chapter)

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