Reborn Zombie Daoist

Chapter 524 Purple Eyes End of the World (Part 1)

Chapter 524 Purple Eyes End of the World (Part [-])
"Our Lady of Yaochi!"

Mao You and Ma Xiaoling called out the woman's name at the same time. The former means vigilance, alienation and curiosity, while the latter means resentment.

"Where is God Bless?" Ma Xiaoling asked, biting her lip.

The Holy Mother of Yaochi laughed and said, "I don't know either. In the Pangu Holy Land that day, you spread the virus in a moment of anger. If you survived, it means that other people can also survive."

"If Tianyou is still alive, why didn't you come to me?" Ma Xiaoling asked.

"Now you have to ask Kuang Tianyou, Ma Xiaoling, we don't know whether Kuang Tianyou is dead or not, I hope you can put down your hatred for me for a while, maybe one day Kuang Tianyou will appear in front of you alive, maybe you will I need my help." The Holy Mother of Yaochi said sincerely.

"Xiaoling." Mao You pulled Ma Xiaoling's hand.

Ma Xiaoling stared fiercely at the Holy Mother of Yaochi, "I will not stop looking for Tianyou, and I will not trouble you until I get definite news from Tianyou."

"As expected of Ma Xiaoling, she has a great personality. I hope we can become friends."

"Friend?" Ma Xiaoling sneered, "We can't afford to be friends with a goddess who is crazy about love and wants to destroy the world, maybe he will die at some point, and we don't even know."

The Holy Mother of Yaochi was taken aback, "You guys know what happened between me and the King of People, well, honesty is the most important thing between friends, and I don't want to hide my true thoughts. I have been trapped by the Pangu Clan for thousands of years. , I always thought about taking revenge on the Pangu clan and the human king Fuxi, but when I really destroyed the Pangu Holy Land, I suddenly didn't dare to face the human king again."

Mao You asked, "Do you still love him?"

The eyes of the Holy Mother of Yaochi became blurred, "You don't understand the relationship between me and the King of Humans. I have known him since the beginning of Pangu Heaven and Earth, shortly after the appearance of human beings. We have been together and accompanied for thousands of years, let alone Two people, even two grasses will form a deep relationship, I think you can all understand."

"That is to say, if Wang Fuxi changes his mind, you will not go to war?" Mao You asked with concern.

The Holy Mother of Yaochi said: "The Human King will not change his mind, he doesn't love me anymore."

"I mean if."

"God's war destroys the world and destroys the world. I have committed countless crimes thousands of years ago. If it can be avoided, I certainly hope that nothing will happen. After all, I am also the goddess who is in charge of punishment in the world." The Holy Mother of Yaochi replied.

"Okay, your words are enough. We will try our best to persuade the king to prevent you from starting a war and avoid a catastrophe on earth." Mao You said solemnly.

"Thank you." The Holy Mother of Yaochi actually bowed to the two daughters to thank her.

She is a god.

The goddess who looks down on all living beings from above, bows her knees in order to find her lost love.At this moment, the Holy Mother of Yaochi gave Mao You and Ma Xiaoling the feeling that she was not a god, but a weak woman longing for love.

Looking at her, Ma Xiaoling couldn't help but think of herself, the two of them had many similarities, she thought they were the same kind of women.

"Boss lady..."

At this time, Kuang Tianya, who had changed into clean clothes, went downstairs and felt a strange feeling when he saw the Holy Mother of Yaochi.

Fear, disgust, and hatred are more complicated than feelings for Ma Xiaoling.

"Tianya, have you learned how to mix the wine that I taught you in the past few days?" Mao You asked.

Kuang Tianya nodded his head fiercely, and said expectantly: "I've already learned it, lady boss, how about I make you a drink?"

"Okay, make three cups, one for me, one for Xiaoling, one for Our Lady of Yaochi..."


Kuang Tianya happily ran into the bar, picked up the bottle and was about to mix the drink, suddenly his expression froze, the bottle in his hand fell to the ground and shattered, the liquid splashed on Mao You, Mao You smiled It solidified, and the anger went straight up.

Kuang Tianya did not apologize sincerely as usual, but stared at the Holy Mother of Yaochi, and asked, "Are you the Holy Mother of Yaochi?"

The Holy Mother of Yaochi looked at Kuang Tianya and nodded slowly.

"The Holy Mother of Yaochi, I will kill you to avenge my father."

What came to my ears was a deafening roar that looked like a human being, a beast, and a beast. Kuang Tianya's eyes turned purple, which was a mysterious purple, and two pointed zombie teeth appeared in his mouth, which added to the pure girl's eyes. A bit ferocious and fierce.


Mao You and Ma Xiaoling were taken aback, subconsciously stepped back, and looked at Kuang Tianya warily.

Kuang Tianya's whole body was glowing, a strong aura surged out like sea waves, the wine bottle burst "bang bang", liquid splashed, the bar was in a mess, and a few guests were scared away.

"Tianya, don't..."

Ma Xiaoling couldn't stop Kuang Tianya's determination to take revenge, she rushed towards the Holy Mother of Yaochi at an extremely fast speed, and the bar in front of her collapsed, forming a narrow exit.

She punched the Holy Mother of Yaochi, the Holy Mother of Yaochi smiled mockingly, and disappeared in a flash.

"Little sister, I don't want to fight with you." The Holy Mother of Yaochi smiled while standing on the spiral staircase.

Her speed was too fast, even faster than Kuang Tianya, Mao You and Ma Xiaoling couldn't see clearly at all, and couldn't even react.

"I hate it, don't run away." Kuang Tianya looked at the smile on the face of the Holy Mother of Yaochi, and felt that she looked down on him, and the "little sister" almost made Kuang Tianya's lungs explode.

She roared angrily and ran towards Our Lady of Yaochi, who turned around and left.

"The End of the World."


Mao You and Ma Xiaoling hurriedly chased out of the bar, but Kuang Tianya and Our Lady of Yaochi were nowhere to be seen.

On the crowded street, the Holy Mother of Yaochi shuttled through the crowd, but she could only see a vague shadow, and the people around her couldn't see it at all.

Behind the Holy Mother of Yaochi, Kuang Tianya tried his best to catch up but was still a short distance away.

"It's really persistent."

The Holy Mother of Yaochi smiled, and suddenly disappeared into the crowd, appeared in the advertisement on the screen of the building, and blinked at Kuang Tianya.

Kuang Tianya also appeared on the big screen, chasing the Madonna of Yaochi, jumping from one screen to another, sparking discussions among the citizens.

"Tianya, stop."

On the street, Ma Xiaoling and Mao You fell between the Madonna of Yaochi and Kuang Tianya. Ma Xiaoling held the Demon Subduing Sword and looked at Kuang Tianya coldly, "How did you become a zombie?"

"I don't want you to care, get out of the way, I want to avenge my father."

The Holy Mother of Yaochi smiled and asked: "Little sister, you keep saying that you want to avenge your father, but you haven't told me who your father is yet."

"My father is Kuang Tianyou."

Kuang Tianyou? !

Ma Xiaoling's head buzzed, Mao You had a shocked expression on her face, and the Holy Mother of Yaochi had a strange look in her eyes, she had already guessed Kuang Tianya's origin.

"But as far as I know, Kuang Tianyou doesn't have a daughter, and now Kuang Tianyou's life and death are unknown, so why do you avenge him?" asked the Holy Mother of Yaochi.

Kuang Tianya said resentfully: "You did not kill Dad, but Dad has been tortured by your virus, and he is in pain. Dad's death is inseparable from you."

"God Bless is dead?" Ma Xiaoling turned pale and stared blankly at Kuang Tianya.

 Speaking of one thing, I told the editor-in-charge today that the Zombie Taoist Master will end between the end of August and the beginning of September. Some readers also reported that the stalemate plot dragged on too long. Today, Lao Tie sorted out the following plot and decided to discard some details. , compress the chapter.

  In addition, the new book is also in preparation, and it is expected to meet you in September, so stay tuned.

(End of this chapter)

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