Reborn Zombie Daoist

Chapter 509 Future Changes (Part 1)

Chapter 509 Future Changes (First Update)
"June, did you know that Ma Xiaoling changed her destiny."

"The Heavenly Book records that Ma Xiaoling will die in the Song Dynasty, but she did not die, and lived back to 2001."

"She did it, and I can do it too."

"June, believe me, believe that I will wake you up, I am destined to be separated from my beloved by Yin and Yang, but I don't believe in fate, I want to change my fate."


He Youqiu sat on the edge of the bed, gently stroking June's pale face with his palm, his eyes were firmer than ever before.

Suddenly, the books on the bedside table slipped to the ground, and the tables, chairs, cups and other things in the living room shook violently, as if there was an earthquake.

He Youqiu's fingers trembled uncontrollably, and he couldn't control it at all. He slowly turned his head to look outside the bedroom with a solemn expression.

Standing up slowly, he put his trembling hand behind him, and held this hand tightly with the other hand.

Forcibly suppressing the fear in my heart, I mustered up the courage to go out.

A beautiful woman in a long red dress sat gracefully on the black sofa in the living room, looking at He Youqiu with great interest.

"With the first opening of the heaven and the earth, and the chaos in the human world, three strange books of heaven, earth and man appeared."

"The Heavenly Book records the fate of the world, from the beginning to the end, in every detail, it cannot be changed, and it cannot be changed."

"The book from the ground can control all things and change the world, but it cannot change everything recorded in the book from the sky."

"Although the power of the Book of Heaven and the Book of the Earth is powerful, it cannot change the free will of human beings, nor can it make two people who have no relationship and no love fall in love."

"As for the book of man, it is the most mysterious. No one has seen it before, and they don't know what power it has. But as long as you gather all the three books of heaven, earth and man, you can control the universe, create your destiny at will, and become the only one in a thousand kalpas." God."

"It is said that the heavenly book has been handed down in the world, that is, the Huangji classic book in your hand." The Holy Mother of Yaochi said with a smile.

He Youqiu shrank his eyes sharply, tightly clenched his trembling hands, and pretended to be calm and said: "I don't know you, and I haven't heard of any Huangji Jingshishu. This is my home, and you haven't passed by my house. I’m not happy about barging in if I’m allowed.”

"You don't admit that you are the master of the Heavenly Book?" The Holy Mother of Yaochi asked with a smile.

"I don't know what the heavenly book you are talking about."

"Okay, maybe I got the wrong person." The Holy Mother of Yaochi stood up and said with a smile, "The little girl in the room is very beautiful, is she your girlfriend?"

"It has nothing to do with you." He Youqiu replied coldly.

"I'd love to meet her..."

He Youqiu saw a blur in front of his eyes, the Virgin of Yaochi had disappeared, his face changed drastically, and he ran into the bedroom suddenly.

"Let go of June."

When He Youqiu saw the Holy Mother of Yaochi brushing June's face with her light-white fingers, he felt anxious, and sprayed a mouthful of true fire at the Holy Mother of Yaochi.

The Holy Mother of Yaochi waved her arm, and the True Fire of Samadhi immediately rolled back.

His clothes were ignited by the real fire of Samadhi, and the whole bedroom turned into a sea of ​​flames. He Youqiu panicked and yelled loudly.

"A glass of water." The beautiful voice of the Holy Mother of Yaochi came.

He Youqiu wakes up like a dream, and finds that he has returned from the bedroom to the living room, and the Holy Mother of Yaochi is sitting on the sofa, still so graceful and calm, not a single slight movement has changed.

It was as if what I had just experienced was a hallucination.

"A glass of boiled water, thank you."

Disturbing silence.

He Youqiu took a deep look at the Virgin of Yaochi, poured a glass of water from a cup, put it on the coffee table in front of the Virgin of Yaochi, and sat on the sofa opposite the Virgin of Yaochi.

Although he tried his best not to shake his hands, the water in the cup spilled out, but fortunately, the Holy Mother of Yaochi didn't care.

"You are the master of the Heavenly Book, aren't you?" the Holy Mother of Yaochi asked again.

"What exactly do you want to do? With your ability, there is probably nothing in this world that you can't get. Why make things difficult for me."

"I can get many things, but what I want the most has already left me. I want to get it back, and only you can help me." The Holy Mother of Yaochi stared at He Youqiu with burning eyes.

He Youqiu looked ugly, "I'm sorry, I really can't help you, the heavenly book only records the fate of people, just like the Nuwa's destruction of the world that just ended, if it wasn't because the war would affect the world, it wouldn't appear in the heavenly book at all. "

"In December 2001, the Holy Mother of Yaochi fought against the King of People. The world will be destroyed in 12 years. But you, I can't find your information in the heavenly book."

He Youqiu looked at the Holy Mother of Yaochi strangely.

The Holy Mother of Yaochi remained calm, but her heart was full of ups and downs, which could not be calmed down for a long time.

In December 2001, the battle between the Holy Mother of Yaochi and the King of People? !
According to Pangu's plan, the war should be in 2004.

How could it be three years in advance?
The Holy Mother of Yaochi was upset, but she was the most perfect goddess created by the Pangu Clan after all. Her perfect appearance, super strength and wisdom made her calm down quickly.

"Is there no way to stop the battle between the Holy Mother and the Human King?" The Holy Mother of Yaochi looked at He Youqiu nervously and expectantly, which surprised He Youqiu.

"This is what it says in the heavenly scriptures, it is the fate of the Holy Mother of Yaochi and the Human King."

"It is destined that the Holy Mother and the Human King will go to war, haha." As if the last hope was cut off, the Holy Mother of Yaochi suddenly burst out laughing sadly.

"I have always loved him. Even during the tens of thousands of years of being trapped, I always wanted to come out to see him and reconnect with him. It turned out that everything was just a fantasy."

"It's me who is passionate. He has forgotten me a long time ago. He doesn't love me anymore. He doesn't love me anymore..."

The Holy Mother of Yaochi is like a weak woman who has been hurt by feelings, her elegant and noble temperament is gone, and her whole person exudes a desperate and crazy atmosphere.

"Excuse me." She looked cold and stood up to leave.

"and many more."

The Holy Mother of Yaochi stopped and did not speak.

"The Heavenly Book cannot control people's free will. If you want to regain love, I can't help you. If I tell you that fate can be rewritten, will you still have a chance to regain your fate? Will it help June come back to life?" He Youqiu Staring closely at the Holy Mother of Yaochi.

"Impossible, fate cannot be changed." The Holy Mother of Yaochi said firmly.

"nothing is impossible."

The Holy Mother of Yaochi turned around and looked at He Youqiu, "You changed your destiny?"

"It's not me, do you know a woman named Ma Xiaoling?"

"The heir of the Ma family of the Exorcist Dragon Clan?" The Holy Mother of Yaochi asked with a flash of her eyes.

He Youqiu nodded, "It is written in the Tianshu that Ma Xiaoling died in the Song Dynasty, but she did not die, which means that she has rewritten her fate, and because of this, the Tianshu has begun to reorganize."

Hearing this, the Holy Mother of Yaochi was overjoyed, suppressed her joy and exclaimed: "The Book of Heaven has been reorganized."

He Youqiu didn't notice the expression of the Holy Mother of Yaochi, and said ostentatiously: "Actually, the Book of Heaven is like a super computer. Since the beginning of the world, it has collected all the data in the world, and after calculations, it can accurately calculate everyone's life. Life and death are good or bad, destiny is always."

(End of this chapter)

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