Reborn Zombie Daoist

Chapter 473 The Book of the Disappeared (Part 3)

Chapter 473 The Book of the Disappeared (Third)
After Jiangchen brought Nuwa to the bar, he never appeared again, and stayed in Tongtian Pavilion like glue.

Because of the separation of the primordial spirit, as long as the primordial spirit in Shachen's hand is not destroyed, Nuwa will not die. Without the scruples about life and death, Nuwa's attitude towards the generals is not as indifferent as pretended in the original drama.

The relationship between them gradually heated up, but Ma Dingdong became more and more fond of being in a daze, sometimes staying up all night.

On this day, Nino walked into the bar absent-mindedly.

Although he is obviously under one year old, but he has the appearance of sixteen or seventeen years old, he is actually a child, his thinking and thinking are full of childish innocence.

Different from the original drama, Nino is not bald, does not suffer from rapid aging, is full of youth, innocent and handsome.

"Nino, are you here so early?" Da Mi held her chin in a daze with her right hand, and wiped the bar with a rag in her left hand. When she saw Nino, she immediately regained her spirits.

"Auntie Big Mi, bring me a glass of wine." Nino said frowning.

Big Mi subconsciously went to drink, walked a few steps, turned back, and said, "Nino, you are not of age, so you can't drink."

"Big Mi, give it to him."

"Boss lady..."

Ma Dingdang laughed and said, "Nino has grown up, he can drink it."

"Thank you, Aunt Dingdang." Nino said happily.

"I don't seem to be in a good mood today. What's on your mind? Tell Auntie Dingdang, just say it."

"I can't figure out something."

Ma Dingdang looked at him with a smile and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Is this world bad? Why did Nuwa want to destroy the world?" Nino asked.

"Nino, do you think this world is good?" Ma Dingdang asked back.

Nino looked confused, "I don't know if it's okay or not. There are many people who love me in this world, like my mother, Auntie Dingdang, Auntie Big Mi, Uncle Shachen, Uncle God Bless, and Auntie Xiaoling. They are all very good. , I don't want to see them die."

"Nino, don't worry about other people's thoughts, follow your own heart, if you don't want Nuwa to destroy the world, find a way to stop her, I believe you can." Martin Dingdong encouraged.

"Follow your own heart." Nino loosened his frown and said with a smile, "I understand, I will protect mom and everyone, thank you, Auntie Dingdang."

"Stupid child, are you depressed because of this?"

"Not all, there are many things." Nino hesitated, "Aunt Dingdang, do I have a father?"

Ma Dingdang's face changed slightly, "Everyone has blood parents, and you, Nino, do too."

"Where is my father, why isn't he by my side?" Nino asked, "I saw many children have fathers on the way here, but I don't."

"Nino, your father has done many wrong things and is already dead." Martin hesitated for a moment, but decided to tell him the truth.

When Nino heard this, anger appeared in his eyes, "Aunt Dingdang, my father is dead, tell me how."

"Your father's name is Tang Benjing, and he is a zombie just like your mother. He killed many people, and those who love you have been besieged by your father." Ma Dingdang said patiently.

"So you killed him?" Nino asked in a low tone.


"Then should I kill you to avenge my father?" Nino asked.

"Should those people killed by your father kill you and avenge their relatives in the future?"

Nino was stunned.

"Nino, don't be blinded by hatred. If someone kills the future, how would you feel? Your father killed not just one person, but tens of thousands of people." Martin Dingdang said.

"Aunt Dingdang, I'm sorry, I need to think about it." Nino put his hands in his pockets and left the bar with his head down.

"Hey, how did Nino leave? Don't you drink?" Big Mi asked in surprise.

"He's still a child." Ma Dingdang replied with a smile.

"Didn't you just say..."

"The guests are here, let's work."


Nino came out of the bar, didn't go anywhere, and went straight back to the thatched hut at the back of Repulse Bay. Jin Weiwei didn't respond to his calls, and locked himself in the house for a long time without coming out.

"Have you acted?"

In the hut not far from Jin Weilai's home, Shachen slowly opened his eyes, and two sword-shaped flames flashed in his eyes.

"Nino is still on that road, he is going to open Pan Gu's tomb."

The magic star is the key to unlock the secrets of the Pangu clan, and Nino shoulders the mission of the Pangu clan, that is to open the Pangu tomb, take out the Pangu bow and arrow and shoot Nuwa.

To a certain extent, his fate was changed by the dust, but unfortunately his mission was engraved in his mind, and he would not forget it because of the appearance of the dust.

This also shows from the side that no one has seen through the big drama starring Nu Wa, Jiang Chen, and Sha Chen, and the plot is still developing step by step.

"Pangu's arrows cannot kill generals, nor can they kill Nu Wa."

In the original play, the Pangu arrow was broken by the general before it showed its power just after it appeared, and Shachen didn't worry about Nuwa's safety at all.

Flipping the palm of his hand, the human book appeared in his hand, and he couldn't help but let out a small sigh, looking at the human book in his hand with suspicious eyes.

"Strange, the human book seems to have become thinner."

Renshu is one of the three books, mysterious and unpredictable, even Shachen's current cultivation level can't see through it. Whenever there is a bottleneck in enlightenment, he will look for breakthrough opportunities from Renshu.

"It's not an illusion, is it?"

Sha Chen murmured softly, opened the human book, and suddenly densely packed small characters appeared on the blank paper.

After the text appeared, it flickered, as if disturbed by some kind of force, and became very unstable.

After reading the words above, Sha Chen felt dazed in his eyes, staring at the flickering small characters, frowning.

This kind of situation had never happened before, the sudden change cast a layer of haze on Shachen's heart, and his spiritual thoughts shrouded people's perceptions carefully.

Got nothing.

"It's really strange, the human book has always been in my hand, could it be that the Ksitigarbha King is playing tricks?" Shachen's eyes froze, and then he shook his head.

"The Ksitigarbha took away the Renshu, and I used the power of systematic refining to cut off the connection between the Renshu and the outside world. It is impossible for the Ksitigarbha to continue to manipulate the Renshu."

"Right, system."

Sha Chen's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly called up the system interface, only to find that the system interface was still the same, with no changes at all.

"The power of refinement."

The power of refining that reached the middle stage of immortality enveloped the human book, and the human book suddenly burst into brilliant light, and densely packed small characters flew up, branding the void, like a Taoist scripture engraved between heaven and earth, containing the supreme truth.

Suddenly, Dust lost control of the power of refining, and the power of refining stretched out countless roots, and these roots penetrated into the void, absorbing the nutrients contained in the small characters.

Sha Chen didn't understand what he meant, he hesitated slightly, he didn't forcibly interfere with the power of refining, just watched the changes, and soon, his face changed.

The human book flickered between the virtual and the real, and with a "pop", without giving the dust any time to react, it disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye...

 After twelve o'clock, I used my mobile phone to type, and I fell asleep after coding. I am old and my energy is not as good as before. The old iron has changed his life against the sky, and he no longer has the life of a night owl. Hey, this chapter is yesterday. .

(End of this chapter)

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