Reborn Zombie Daoist

Chapter 463 Tongtian Pavilion (Part 3)

Chapter 463 Tongtian Pavilion (Third Change)
"The human book in your body is the projection of the real human book. The content of the human book is also on it. The Ksitigarbha can carry it with him."

Ksitigarbha looked strange, "You already know?"

"I know what I should know, I know what I shouldn't know, do you think I know or don't know?" Sha Chen asked around.

"Are you sure that fate will get the three books?"

"The future is full of changes, no one can tell, right? Be prepared, think about it, one day fate will get the human book in your body, and you will be ecstatic."

The corners of Ksitigarbha's mouth twitched, "There is a connection between the three books of heaven, earth and man. Fate will definitely notice it. Sand and dust, the cause and effect are not mature yet, so we can't disturb Fate."

"I haven't touched the heavenly book." Shachen said, "I will properly arrange the human book. You don't have to worry about it. Let's talk about the Pangu clan."

Ksitigarbha's eyes narrowed, "You want to deal with the Pangu clan?"

"It's not me, it's us." Shachen corrected, he was already planning to drag Ksitigarbha into the water, and when the king was unprepared, Ksitigarbha gave him a slap in the back, and Shachen picked up tens of millions of energy points for nothing.

Ksitigarbha frowned and pondered, and his expression became more and more sad. The rhythm of this conversation was completely controlled by Shachen, and Ksitigarbha was at a disadvantage. Who made Shachen stronger than him now?

The three books are combined into one, becoming the unique true god since thousands of kalpas, controlling the universe, rewriting fate at will, this kind of temptation can't be rejected even by Ksitigarbha.

But he had no choice but to be approached by someone in his weakest state, and he had no other choice but to compromise.

So, he told Shachen what he knew about the Pangu clan, and Shachen knew it all.

Where is Pangu Holy Land?
Who is the strongest member of the Pangu clan?

The Ksitigarbha Kings of the Eternal Kingdom and the god-making technology also know nothing about it, and Sha Chen believes that he will not deliberately conceal it.

But there is one thing, the Pangu clan is a hard bone.

Ksitigarbha suffered a lot of damage when he drew Lirenshu, and disappeared after a few minutes, and the dust also left the underworld.

During this trip to the underworld, Shachen's goals were not all achieved, and Ksitigarbha sent a human letter without hesitation, disrupting Shachen's rhythm.

It is impossible to empty the creatures of the six realms, and it has become a luxury to wake up Ksitigarbha in advance. They can only rely on themselves to deal with Nuwa's catastrophe.

Fortunately, getting one of the three books from Renshu can be regarded as a great harvest.

When I watched TV dramas in my previous life, I always felt that the single scriptures from the sky, the scriptures from the earth, and the scriptures from the people were nothing to the real strong.

It is only after getting the human book with one's own hands that one discovers the mystery of the three books. Let's take the human book as an example, it is an opportunity in this world.

Holding a human book is equivalent to an opportunity in this world, holding a chance to change the trajectory of your destiny, and you will have a closer connection with the world.

Ren Shu can find opportunities to guide mankind from the fate of the Book of Heaven and the events of the Book of Earth, which is completely against fate.

It would be a ghost if fate didn't settle accounts with you. It can be said that Ren Shu is a hot potato, but he still can't get rid of it.

Because it is an opportunity, Sha Chen can find a breakthrough from the predicament of enlightenment by holding it, and can watch all living beings break through the predicament.

"People's books should be in the hands of Ksitigarbha, no one is more suitable than him." Shachen sighed.

"King Ksitigarbha gave me the book of human beings, which is to send the opportunity of this world to me. This is a mandatory bondage. Every time he guides an opportunity, it will attract the attention of fate. It is insidious."

"However, I have a system in my body, which perfectly isolates the connection between the human book and the heavenly book and the earth book. If I want to find my destiny, I will also find the King of Ksitigarbha."

The human book is very useful to him, and it cannot be discarded for the time being, but it must be kept well. There is no safer place than next to the system.

He put the human book into his body, and kept company with the looming system interface, surrounded by the power of refining all the time.

However, what Shachen didn't realize was that when the power of refining wrapped the human book, the system interface shone brightly, as if absorbing the nutrients from the human book, and the human book became a bit more illusory.


In the days that followed, Shachen sat in Repulse Bay, using human books to comprehend the laws of the road, and made great progress by leaps and bounds.

The imagined revenge of the Pangu clan did not appear, but Jiangchen appeared in Hong Kong with Lan Dali and Hong Chao.

"Zhenzu, this building is called Tongtian Pavilion. It used to be the property of Ridong Group. I bought it. What do you think?" Lan Dali asked with a smile.

"Yes, I like it."

Lan Dali laughed, "As long as the true ancestor is satisfied."

"Qino, why is Levi's gone?" The general circled around and asked suddenly.

Lan Dali couldn't figure out what the general was thinking, and smiled cautiously: "Zhenzu, you don't know that Chino and Levi's were eaten by a golden dragon in Japan, and they swallowed them in one bite, leaving nothing left."

"Golden dragon?" The general was taken aback, "Is it the dragon of the Ma family of the exorcist dragon clan?"

"Does not look like."

"It's interesting." The general took a sip of wine, "How is your master's soul?"

"Okay, very good, I put the master's primordial spirit in the body of the demon dragon, and absorb the dragon energy every day. It won't be long before the true ancestor can meet the master." Lan Dali laughed.

"You did a good job. After you go down, each of you will prepare a gift as a congratulatory gift for Mother Earth's awakening. She will be very happy."

The general was full of anticipation, "Hong Chao, Huang Zi, Hei Yu, Bai Hu, you should also go and inform. When Mother Earth wakes up, you'd better be there."

"Yes, True Ancestor."

"Go get busy, I'll find a friend to drink..."

"Don't look for it, I'm here." A voice sounded in Tongtian Pavilion, Lan Dali and Hong Chao were taken aback, they turned around and looked behind them.

Sha Chen came over with a smile on his face, his hands behind his back, Hong Chao immediately relaxed when he saw him, Lan Dali looked unnatural, a little scared, Jiang Chen stood up and greeted him with a smile.



"How do you know I'm back?" the general asked curiously.

Sha Chen replied: "As soon as the Zombie King arrived in Hong Kong, the Zombie was too frightened to show his head, even if he didn't want to know."

"It's not as exaggerated as you said, you are not afraid of me, I am going to find you, and we will go to Dingdang Bar for a drink together." The general invited warmly.

"Okay." Shachen nodded, looking at Lan Dali.

"He is Lan Dali, one of the five-color messengers that Nuwa, the mother of the earth, sat down. Shachen, no matter what he does, he is the man of the mother of the earth after all. Before Nuwa wakes up, don't touch him, I think Give Nuwa a surprise." The general said with a smile.

Sha Chen nodded, "I promise you, but it's best for him to keep his own place, and if he goes out to make trouble, Mother Earth won't be able to keep him."

"Lan Dali, from today onwards, you will stay in Tongtian Pavilion to protect Nuwa Yuanshen, and you are not allowed to leave one step."

Lan Dali's expression relaxed, and he replied, "Yes, True Ancestor."

"By the way, General, I have one more thing to tell you. You don't mind if I accidentally killed Chino and Levi's." Sand Chen said casually.

The general replied indifferently: "That is their fate."

 There is another update, it should be in the wee hours of the morning, so you don’t have to wait, just get up and watch it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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