Reborn Zombie Daoist

Chapter 427 Chaos Is Empty (Part 2)

Chapter 427 Chaos Is Empty (Second Change)

Heaven and earth are silent.

In the stillness, thunder broke out, and the bright and bright thunder spread rapidly in the dark clouds. Almost in the blink of an eye, the dark clouds were dyed pale.

This color is very common in hospitals, and it has the breath of death.

Suddenly, the thunderclouds that covered the sky and the sun spun up, forming an unfathomable huge vortex.

The entire thundercloud was dragged by the vortex, slowly converging towards the vortex, and the coverage area quickly narrowed to several hundred meters.

The color in the center of the vortex is deep, like ink rendering, and the color becomes lighter as it goes outward, showing a gradual color change.


A low-pitched sound came from Jiutian, rolling out in all directions, and the thundercloud shook violently, as if a terrifying monster had broken free.

The whirling thundercloud suddenly stopped for a moment, as if it had finished brewing, and without a sound, a jet-black thunderbolt fell down.

Wherever it passes, a dark passage appears in the space.


With a roar, Sha Chen suddenly rose up from the ground, his whole body was wrapped in flames, like a rocket flying into the sky, the speed was unbelievably fast.

With a "bang", the red and black lights collided in the dark sky.

The aftermath of the energy visible to the naked eye spread out like splashed ink, the sky and the earth shook, the black thunder collapsed, and the sand and dust also fell at an extremely fast speed.

"The power of the black thunder surpassed that of the last time. It is infinitely close to the power of a human immortal. It is hard to imagine how the ninth time will shake the earth."

His feet sank into the ground, and he stared at the sky solemnly. The vortex spun again, and the size of the thundercloud shrank again.

A second black thunder is brewing.

At this time, an unexpected visitor came from the devil world.The five-colored light stopped outside the edge of the thundercloud, looking at the sand and dust under the thundercloud in horror.

"Xiaoya, why are you here?" Ren Tingting flew over and asked.

"Mom, I went to Hedong Town. Uncle Xuankui said you were in the Demon Realm, so I came. Dad is crossing the robbery?"

"The eighth thunder disaster." Ren Tingting looked at Shachen worriedly.

"Father is so powerful, Lei Jie can't do anything to him, so don't worry." Sha Yueya comforted.

"Your father's thunder tribulation is too strong. The seventh time is more powerful than the nine thunder tribulations. This is only the eighth time, and the ninth time... I don't even dare to think about it."

Sha Yueya opened her mouth, but no words came out. The second black thunder fell, the second fell, the third, and the fourth followed.

Three in a row!
Ren Tingting and Sha Yueya looked pale, Shachen's pupils shrank suddenly, and the superimposed power of the three black thunders surpassed Yangshen.

"Flame burns the sky!"

A sea of ​​flames rose from under his feet, with a diameter of hundreds of meters. The flames were raging, like a world of flames, floating above his head and spinning slightly.


Sand and Dust roared angrily, holding the flame world soaring into the sky, the second, third, and fourth black thunders collapsed in succession, and the size of the flame world also shrank significantly.

The remaining flame world was thrown into the thundercloud by him, and with the sound of a huge explosion, the dark cloud split into pieces in an instant.

After a while, the thunder clouds gathered, and the fifth black thunder came.

"The power of refinement."

The invisible and formless refining power of the system erected barriers around the sand and dust, which became his outer defense against the thunder disaster.


The black thunder hit the barrier formed by the power of refining, making a piercing sound of metal friction, and then there was a soft "boo", the barrier collapsed, and the black thunder arrived in an instant.

"Fire Sword Domain!"

The perfect nine-zhang scarlet red sword field emerged, and Heilei entered the sword field like a quagmire, the speed was extremely slow, and countless sword intents attacked Heilei, weakening Heilei's power.

"A field of fire."

Seeing that Hei Lei had penetrated three feet into the Sword Domain and was still charging towards him, Sha Chen took a deep breath and displayed one of his few gains in the past eight years.

The fusion form of Jiuzhang Fire Field and Jiuzhang Raging Fire Sword Domain.

The Raging Fire Sword Domain belongs to the way of the sword.

The domain of fire belongs to the way of fire.

The two are irrelevant, but Shachen's Raging Fire Sword Dao was born out of the Fire Dao, and the Fire Dao can boost the power of the Raging Fire Sword Dao to a certain extent.

In the Fiery Sword Domain, the temperature skyrocketed. In addition to the sharpness of the sword intent, there was suddenly an extremely high temperature, which seemed to be able to melt everything in the world.

The power of the black thunder was reduced again.

Sha Chen spread out his palms, and the seven-star Yanyue Knife shone with silver light emerged, spinning with one arm, the knife shone like a galaxy on the black thunder.

The fifth black thunder collapsed.

Without giving the sand and dust a chance to breathe, the sixth, seventh, and eighth lands came together, five more than the seventh lightning calamity.

Looking at the thunderclouds in the sky, there is at least one more.

Nine black thunders!

Sand Chen's breathing was a bit chaotic, without the slightest hesitation, the zombie's strength recovered, and he used "Burning Flames" again.

The three black thunders dissipated.

At this time, the thundercloud was only tens of meters in size, quickly gathering towards the center, and the area shrank again. It seemed that the last black thunder was brewing.
"The last one, I'll let you make a grand exit."

Sha Chen's expression froze, and he said in a low voice, "Chaos is empty."

Gray light bloomed all over his body, like a flame releasing endless rays of light, and everything he passed turned into chaos.

Time and space no longer exist, only the chaotic airflow permeating the sky and the earth, the chaotic airflow quickly melts the sky and the earth, and the gray area expands rapidly.

Like a prehistoric beast that chooses to devour people, it opened its bloody mouth and swallowed the thunder cloud.

The electric snake wandered away in the thundercloud, and the sound of explosion was finally a slumped compromise, slowly assimilated by the chaotic airflow.

The eighth thunder tribulation was successfully passed!
A beam of golden light descended from the sky, covering the sand and dust, causing the Yang God to transform again, and the consumed mana was also rapidly recovering.

After accepting the gift of rules, the gray light on Sha Chen dissipated, and the flowing chaotic air flow froze instantly, squeezed together by the constantly repairing space, and finally disappeared between the heaven and the earth.

Chaos is empty, this is the supernatural power created by Shachen's development of Chaos Divine Fire, the principle is not complicated, it uses the way of fire to activate Chaos Divine Fire, and brings out the characteristics of Chaos Divine Fire.

The power of this supernatural power does not lie in the instant attack ability, but in the continuous destructive and terrifying growth.

There is no concept of time and space in the chaotic airflow, so the time and space ability has no effect on sand and dust.

Secondly, the chaotic airflow will turn all the matter in it into chaos, even if it cannot be assimilated immediately, it will weaken the opponent's strength all the time.

The power range of the supernatural power depends on the Chaos Divine Fire, cultivation base, and understanding of Taoism. The more powerful the Chaos Divine Fire, the higher the cultivation base, and the deeper the realm of enlightenment, the greater the power of supernatural powers and the scope of evolving chaos.

Because of the characteristics of the chaotic airflow, the current chaos can be regarded as a supernatural power of the immortal level, and the strong immortals will be affected if they are trapped in it.

Sand Chen's overall strength has reached the early stage of human immortality, and the strongest is the soul clone, which should be in the middle and upper stages of the early stage.

Yangshen, soul avatar, golden dragon, three immortal-level combat powers, plus generals, they are not considered weak in the zombie world.

When the magic star is born, Kuang Tianyou also has a chance to become a red eye. The magic star itself is not weak and can be a helper.

 The last update is very late, so don't wait.

(End of this chapter)

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