Reborn Zombie Daoist

Chapter 412 The Unfathomable Person (Part 1)

Chapter 412 The Unfathomable Person (Part [-])
Shachen frowned and thought for a while, then asked cautiously, "Who do you want?"

"He Yingqiu is the most suitable."

As he said that, King Yama noticed Shachen's strange expression, worried that he was thinking too much, and explained: "Don't get me wrong, I didn't intend to make Maoshan's idea, this is the order of Ksitigarbha King."

"Ksitigarbha?" Shachen looked at him inscrutablely.

"You should have guessed that Ksitigarbha is not in the underworld, otherwise you would not choose to go through the catastrophe in the underworld, and Ksitigarbha would not sit idly by." Yama said with a smile.

"What does Ksitigarbha want to do?" Shachen asked straightforwardly.

King Yan Luo shook his head and said, "I'm not too clear about it. Ksitigarbha is leading the institutional reform of the underworld. In the future, Ksitigarbha will set up the post of agent of Ksitigarbha to take charge of the management of the underworld. He is willing to let me take over. I refuse."

"are you crazy?"

"Can Yinshen get sick?"

Sha Chen looked at him and said, "I don't know if the Yin God will get sick, but I know you are sick, and Tang Tang's Yan Luo Wang is going to abdicate for the virtuous?"

"Shachen, it's not easy to be the king of Yama. It takes a lot of hard work to manage such a huge underworld. Look at my cultivation base in the past few decades, have I improved a little bit?" King Yama asked with a wry smile.

Sha Chen glanced at him, and said with a smile: "I understand when you say that, you're too tired and don't have time to practice, but where do you have the confidence to manage the underworld well?"

"As long as his ability is not too bad, and he is compassionate, it's not a big problem to manage the underworld, just work harder."

"You can ask for advice. If he wants to be the Ksitigarbha's agent, I won't object. Others want you to settle it. I won't help you."

Yan Luo Wang was overjoyed, "It is enough to have you, although He Yingqiu is the most suitable, but I like Xiami more..."

"Don't push yourself!" Shachen said through gritted teeth.

Xiami is the former leader of Lingjiao. He awakened Su Hui from previous lives. His cultivation path is extremely smooth. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a thousand miles a day. King Yama abducted him.

Seeing Shachen's ugly face, King Yama slammed his mouth, and said regretfully, "It's fine if you don't want to. Anyway, He Yingqiu is the one chosen by Ksitigarbha King. It seems that he needs to do something in the future."

Sha Chen's eyes flickered slightly. From the perspective of the original drama, it is likely that He Yingqiu was sent to die, no, it was to awaken He Youqiu.

In other words, He Youqiu will still be controlled by fate.

"Ksitigarbha...destiny...what is the relationship between them?" Sha Chen was thoughtful, and the original drama said it was very vague.

Fate said that Ksitigarbha wanted to take revenge on him, what kind of revenge?Why can the Tibetan king predict every move of future destiny?
"The Three Books of Heaven, Earth and Man dominate the birth and death of the world..."

"It's interesting."

A flash of light flashed in Shachen's mind, and he said to King Yama calmly, "I promise to give you the person you want, and you agree to my conditions..."

"Naturally it will be fulfilled." King Yan Luo stretched out his palm, holding a simple book in his palm.

This book is dusty, and it looks like it has been covered with dust for a long time.

"This is……"

"The book of life and death, if you put your thoughts into it, you can see the whole life of the person you want to see, from birth to death, poverty and misfortune, in every detail."

Yama handed the book of life and death to Sha Chen, "You can have a look at yours."

Shachen took the book of life and death, and with a thought, the book of life and death turned the pages automatically, very fast, turning to the end in the blink of an eye, and closing it automatically.

"What do you mean?"

"I just can't find it. Look at Ren Tingting, Sha Yueya's."

The book of life and death was flipped again, and there was no information about Ren Tingting and Sha Yueya in it, and Shachen was shocked.

"Thousands of millions of years, since the appearance of the six realms, this is the first time this has happened, Dust, do you know what this means?"

"It means that your family is not bound by the book of life and death, and not at the mercy of fate. In this world, only zombies can do it." Yan Luowang said solemnly.

"My family...not Tingting."

"She gave birth to a daughter for you. She has your power in her body, and this is not the most amazing thing. You are looking at your master Mao Xiaofang."

This time Mao Xiaofang's information appeared in the book of life and death, but his past is incomplete, and there are gaps in many places.

"What does that mean?"

"Unpredictable. Anything related to you will not appear in the book of life and death. Zombies can't do this."

"For example, if a zombie kills your master, this information will still be recorded in the book of life and death, but the influence you exerted on Mao Xiaofang will not be recorded at all in the book of life and death."

"It's are real, but you will not leave traces when you influence others. You are unfathomable in the world. Do you understand me when I say that?"

Sha Chen guessed almost instantly that it was the ability brought to him by the system fusion, and it was to deceive the heavens, but what he didn't expect was that this power could be inherited to Ren Tingting and Sha Yueya.

"Ksitigarbha thought it was caused by chance in this world, and I couldn't figure it out. It wasn't until I saw you that night that I realized that you are the source of everything."

"You have returned to the past alive. You are a zombie and a cultivator. You have survived six thunder disasters. You can expect to become a fairy, variable, and different." Yan Luowang sighed.

"Apart from you, who else knows that I'm alive?" Sha Chen asked suddenly.

"The Ksitigarbha King should know that you took Ren Tingting away, and her fate has changed because of this. It is impossible for him not to notice it, but your existence is too vague to be traced, so he cannot determine your location."

"Others?" King Yama paused, "I don't know."

"That's it."

Sha Chen looked at King Yama and fell silent. King Yama's scalp was numb, and he hurriedly said, "Sand Chen, don't mess around. I didn't come here to fight you. I never told anyone about you."

"If you don't say it now, you will say it later..."

"I swear to the sky, right?" Yama said.

"Let's start."

King Yan Luo looked at him resentfully, and swore to the sky.

"Who borrowed fate for me in the previous life?" Sha Chen asked.

"By predestined relationship?" King Yan Luo was taken aback, "I don't know what you said. It was Ma Xiaoling who had a predestined relationship with you in the previous life."

"Sure enough."

Shachen already knew it by heart, Ksitigarbha said that people who borrowed fate could protect him, and among the women in the contract, Ma Xiaoling was the one who had this ability.

The Ma family of the Exorcist Dragon Clan is the blood of Destiny, a pawn used by Destiny to deal with the Pangu Clan, and also his eyes to see the world.

If the Pangu clan wants to capture fate, the Ma family is also a key link. If the blood of fate falls in love with zombies, it will break through the arrangement of fate.

Under this unexpected and expected change, the Pangu clan would not insist on killing the sand dust for stability. Unfortunately, things went against their wishes, and the system changed. Tathagata and Guanyin jointly suppressed and killed them, and finally led to Wang Fuxi.

Uncovering the confusion of the previous life, Shachen wanted to know more, and asked, "Where are the Tathagata and Avalokitesvara?"

(End of this chapter)

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