Reborn Zombie Daoist

Chapter 406 Don't Ask (Part 1)

Chapter 406 No need to ask (first update)
The back hill of Repulse Bay villa area.

He Youqiu supported June to appear in a lush forest, where several small courtyard huts made of planks and thatch were abruptly built.

The small courtyards are separated by dense forests, and you can only see each other through the gaps in the trees. The environment is quiet and the air is fresh.

"I have a request, where is it?"

"This mountain forest was bought by my third uncle a long time ago. It is a secluded place for the elders of the sect to live in seclusion. There are formations in the forest. People who are not from the same sect or those who have cultivated to the profound are not allowed to come here. The thatched huts are also built by the elders themselves, Master is over there, I will take you there."

June hesitated slightly, "I beg, your master is practicing in seclusion, so don't bother him, I..."

"June, it's okay." He Youqiu patted her hand lightly, with gentle eyes, and helped her walk to the nearest small courtyard.

The small courtyard is small, with two thatched huts, surrounded by a wooden fence, and a small gate opens to the south of the fence.

The two opened the door and walked in. A path paved with bluestone slabs led to the door of the hut. There were green spots on both sides of the path, and the vegetables planted had just broken the ground.

Simple, quiet, like a farmyard, June was surprised, this is Repulse Bay, every inch of land is expensive, the people who live here are either rich or expensive, not to mention rich clothes and good food, shouldn't it be like this?

"Isn't it strange?" He Youqiu asked with a smile.

June nodded fiercely.

"Actually, it's not difficult to understand. The elders are sincere practitioners, not tempted by foreign objects, and devote themselves to cultivation. Like the second uncle and the third uncle, they founded the world-famous Lancome cosmetics company, making money every day. Uncle San has funded the University of Hong Kong, and Uncle San has a share of patents obtained for every scientific research project of University of Hong Kong. In his words, money is just a number to him.”

"Little uncle retired from the position of the chief of the Hong Kong Police Force for a few years. He has enjoyed all the blessings he should have enjoyed, and he has also experienced what he should have experienced. He has earned more money than can be counted. The things he pursues naturally change. This kind of state is beyond my comprehension and reach, compared to them, I am just a layman." He Youqiu laughed at himself.

"If you want, we will meet just because you are a layman," June said.

He Youqiu smiled contentedly, let go of June, took three steps forward, and said respectfully: "Master, disciple He Youqiu asks to see you."

After a while, the doors of the two thatched huts opened, and Ma Xiaohai and Lei Xiu, who were very old, opened the door and came out.

Ma Xiaohai was short and fat, exuding a calm and mountain-like aura, Lei Xiu was slightly stooped, with gray hair and a few shallow wrinkles on his face, looking at them with kind eyes.

"Master, Mistress!"

"Is there anything you want? Is the girl next to you your girlfriend?" Ma Xiaohai stared at June with great interest.

A blush appeared on June's pale face, she lowered her head in embarrassment, He Youqiu hurriedly said: "Master, Master, I'm sorry to disturb your cultivation, but there is something I can't do, so I came here to ask Master for help."

"Tell me." Ma Xiaohai was taken aback and said.

"Master, she was seriously ill in June. The doctor said she could live for a month or two at most. Master, please save her." He Youqiu begged.

"So serious?" Ma Xiaohai's eyes narrowed, he and Lei Xiu exchanged glances, and they released the power of their souls to cover June.

After a while, Ma Xiaohai sighed: "There is a need. Birth, old age, sickness and death are common sense in the world. Fate has already been predestined. Miss June's soul is unstable, and her yang is declining and her yin is flourishing. This is a sign of impending death, and there is nothing I can do about it."

"Master, is there no way for Master, Uncle and Master?" He Youqiu asked tremblingly.

Lei Xiu shook his head, "I have a request, we are cultivators, not gods, we can't change our fate against the sky, so cherish the remaining time."

He Youqiu's face turned pale, and he clenched his fists tightly, "Master, June is very important to me, please find a way."

"I really have no choice. How about this, you take Miss June back first, I'll discuss it with your ancestors and uncles, and I'll let you know if there's any news." Ma Xiaohai said thoughtfully.

"Thank you Master."

"Go, take good care of Miss June."

Watching the two leave, Lei Xiu said in a deep voice: "Life and death are determined, you say that, once hope turns to despair, desires will collapse, and it will depend on how you end up."

"That's why I asked them to leave. There are ways, but first we need to convince Master." Ma Xiaohai said with a wry smile.

"You want June to be a zombie?"

"Other than that, there is no other way."

"You don't even have to think about it. Master won't agree. He is the most principled. He has a clear distinction between good and evil. He has captured zombies all his life. He will never sit back and watch zombies bite people. Just wait to be scolded." Lei Xiupo said coldly.

"Who told me that I am a master in need. If I don't help him, I will help him. I will not go to the master by myself. I will bring my uncle, brother Sha, and Ah Chu to go with me."

Lei Xiu laughed and scolded: "Why didn't I find out, when did Ma Xiaohai, who used to be honest and hardworking, become cunning."

"Haha, I learned from Ah Chu, let's go, go and drop by."


"Junior Brother Sha, what do you think?" Ma Xiaohai looked at Shachen expectantly.

Not long ago, Sha Chen passed through the sixth thunder tribulation, and was comprehending the Fiery Sword Art. His soul avatar took Xiao Hei and Xuan Kui to the Stone Cave of Hedong Town to help the two guys break through their cultivation.

In the original play, He Youqiu was kicked out of the teacher's school because of the death of his girlfriend June, who used the Yang-returning curse without authorization, and was finally controlled by fate.

After all, He Youqiu is his nephew, so he can't ignore it. Facing Ma Xiaohai's expectant eyes, he nodded and said, "I need to tell Master about this matter. I'll go find him with you. By the way, can June hold on?" ?”

"I have used the power of my soul to detect her physical condition, at least she has a lifespan of one or two months."

"you sure?"


"That's good, go to Master first."

Shachen and Ma Xiaohai went directly to Mao Xiaofang's house, and then Yu Dachu, Ren Tingting, Lei Gang and others also came.

"You have all discussed it, what do you want me for?" Listening to everyone's persuasion, Mao Xiaofang glared at Ma Xiaohai fiercely.

"Junior Brother, there is an extra zombie from the Tiandao faction, we created it ourselves, and it must not be able to get around you, the head. If you don't agree, we can only watch June die." Lei Gang said leisurely.

Mao Xiaofang looked at Lei Gang angrily, "Brother, don't talk to me, I don't disagree, Junior Brother Qianhe is a zombie, and there is zombie methadone made by Achen, so he doesn't need to suck blood. He has been killing demons all these years, For the benefit of mankind, I see it in my eyes. But life and death are orderly, turning June into a zombie is a way of disrupting the order of life and death. If someone around us dies, we will turn him into a zombie and deprive others of their lives at will. Going against the righteous way, if things go on like this, the world will be in chaos, we are disciples of the Heavenly Dao Sect, not evil heretics, and we should see through life and death and abide by the rules."

"The younger brother's words are justified, ask Miss June what she wants..."



At this moment, the yin energy of the world suddenly fluctuated, and the fluctuations were so violent that Mao Xiaofang, Lei Gang and the others could feel it even if they were far away.

Shachen said quietly: "Don't ask June..."

(End of this chapter)

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