Reborn Zombie Daoist

Chapter 347 Soul Insect (Part 3)

Chapter 347 Soul Insect (Third)

This is a cicada-like Gu insect, milky white in color, with a pair of colorful wings stretched out like a rainbow, beautiful and magnificent.

Its body contracts and expands at a strange frequency, giving people the feeling of a beating heart.When shrinking, the Gu worm's body becomes transparent, and when it expands, the transparent body returns to normal, which is extremely weird.

"This kind of Gu worm seems familiar."

Sand Chen fell into deep thought, took out the Nanyang Subduing Technique Baijie from the Qiankun bag, and turned to the Gu worm chapter, "I found it, it turned out to be an extremely rare soul worm!"

He was shocked.

Soul worms are the most difficult to cultivate among all Gu worms. They are not as powerful as the six-winged centipede, nor can they control others like golden silkworms.

It's fragile!

It feeds on human souls, and the larval stage eats at least three times a day, and three of them have fixed eating times.

That is to say, no matter whether the soul worm is full or not, it will eat the soul at the fixed three feeding times, and it will die immediately after a minute and a second, which is very delicate.

Soul worms are not attacking Gu worms, nor are they assisting Gu worms, they are used to save their lives.

After cultivating soul worms, the head-down master or Gu master will feed the soul worms with their own primordial spirit and soul until the soul worms become adults.

At this time, the soul worm will become a soul clone of the head-down master, a soul clone that is independent of the soul body but fully controlled by the body.

It is said that it is a life-saving Gu worm, the reason is this, the soul body is annihilated, and the soul worm does not die.

The soul worm avatar can live in other people's bodies, and can survive in nature like an insect. It has a human soul, consciousness, and thinking. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a human insect-shaped soul.

In short, essentially human.

God is fair, giving the soul worm such a magical ability will also deprive it of other abilities.

Cultivating a soul worm is time-consuming and labor-intensive. An experienced head-down master can refine a yin and yang corpse, but it may not be able to cultivate a soul worm in a lifetime.

The soul worm has no attack power and is very fragile. The formed soul clone is incomplete, deformed, irreparable, and cannot be cultivated. In the future, it can only be an ordinary person, or survive in the form of a cicada until the soul worm dies.

The lifespan of soul worms is very long, more than 50 years, less than 150 years, and will never exceed 150 years.

There are obvious flaws in its function, but no one can deny the magic of the soul worm, it is well-deserved as a life-saving Gu worm.

Shachen didn't expect the mage to bring him such a big surprise, and he didn't know where he got it, most likely it was stolen. You must know that there are two kinds of power in his body, one is the spirit, and the other is the zombie.

In the realm of day travel, the spirit roams around day and night, it doesn't matter if he cuts off the connection with the physical body, if he uses the soul worm to cultivate a soul clone, then the physical body and the spirit can be separated.

The soul practiced day and night, and the body led the system to slay demons and demons everywhere, gain energy points, and the speed of strength improvement will be faster.

Shachen didn't worry at all that the soul worm avatar would not be able to control the power of the zombies. The zombies were just his power, controlled by the three-element magic.It doesn't matter if the avatar is weak, there is a system to sit in the Zifu Shrine, which is very safe.

No matter how far away they are, they can sense each other, know what the other party has done, and can rescue them in time when they are in danger.

"Larval stage soul worm, good thing, good thing."

Shachen smiled happily, and pressed his finger on the soul worm, and the soul worm followed his fingers into the Zifu Shrine, and when it saw the soul, it let out a sharp cry.

"Hostile? He has already been sacrificed by the head-down master. It doesn't matter. How can his spirit be compared to mine, and he will stun you."

The soul worms in the larval stage are very fragile and delicate. They have three fixed meal times a day, and they die every minute and a second late, and they have such a huge appetite that they can eat up the soul of a four-level qi-training ascetic in one meal.

Before the adult worm becomes a soul clone, the soul worm can be sacrificed by many people. The way of sacrifice is to make it full before the meal time, not full, which is very important.

Soul worms eat and drink like drunks. After waking up, they will forget their previous masters and recognize their masters again until they become adults.

"How much should I give you to eat?" Shachen was in trouble, the soul of Riyou Shenren was very concise and powerful, and even a big little finger would kill the soul worm.

"A tenth of the little finger."

He made up his mind, and a small piece was separated from the soul.The soul worm has no resistance to the soul. It knows that the soul fragment in front of it is a big meal, even though it's not time to eat, it rushes over excitedly and swallows the fragment in one gulp.


The soul worm screamed and flew around like a headless fly, its body swayed like a drunk, and then fell unconscious in the Zifu Shrine with its feet in the sky and its back on the ground.

"The little guy is quite cute." Shenhun volleyed and grabbed the soul worm in his hand.

Although the soul worm has three fixed meal times, it will also be greedy at other times, so ordinary masters do not dare to keep the soul worm next to the soul, for fear that it will eat it all in one go.

Sand and Dust is different, it is not afraid of being stuffed to death, it doesn't matter what you want to eat, and it saves him from coming to feed it on time every day.

"When you reach the adult stage, I will be able to do things in my clone. With the strength of my soul, you will grow up soon."


Xiao Hei bit Sha Chen's trouser leg and barked, Sha Chen glanced at it and scolded with a smile: "Dead dog, don't get your saliva on me, I won't go to your kennel, I'll look for it tomorrow." you."

"Wang Wang."

"Just stay here honestly."

With a word of instruction, he grabbed the unconscious Shi Gongzi and left the cave.

When the master left, Xiao Hei shook his head and yelled at the surrounding black dogs, his voice was loud and domineering, like a black boss.

Dog king, not bragging.


At Maoshi the next day, Sha Chen and Ren Tingting got up on time and made their morning work.Ren Tingting really made up her mind to practice hard, she didn't want to be a burden to Dust, she hoped that she could help him.

After breakfast, the two had some breakfast, and Sha Chen took her to pick up the new pet, but Ren Tingting hated Xiao Hei very much.

"It's not as good-looking as a spirit bird."

"Wang Wang."

Unconvinced, Xiao Hei barked a few times at the hostess, and a group of black dogs, big and small, ran out of the cave and barked around it.Xiao Hei raised his head, how about it, look up.

"This dog..." Ren Tingting couldn't find words to comment on it, she covered her mouth and smiled, her impression changed a bit.

Xiao Hei yelled three times, slammed the dogs away and walked to Sha Chen. Sha Chen thought it was reluctant to leave, but he didn't expect it to be so straightforward.

"Go to Uncle Jiu's house first."

Refining two worm corpses, six unnies, and two snake puppets, the energy points he got were pitifully small. He had to go to other places. Uncle Jiu also told him that there were ghost zombies, and he planned to go and see.

The two of them and a dog came to the door of Uncle Jiu's house, and just about to knock on the door, the door was pulled open by A Hai, A Hai said happily: "Master just asked me to find you, and you came here, it's really a fate."

"What does Uncle Jiu want from us?"

"A guest is coming..."

"Ah Hai, what are you doing at the door, hurry up and ask Achen and Tingting to come over..." Uncle Jiu came over, Shachen and Ren Tingting looked up, and when they saw the person behind him, their expressions were astonished...


 I owe four more, the old iron has been remembering it, and I will make up for it when I take the time.

(End of this chapter)

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