Reborn Zombie Daoist

Chapter 335 Fire Spirit (Part 1)

Chapter 335 Fire Spirit (Part [-])
"KEN, you and the future have become human beings, it's the end of all hardships, don't think about the past, and cherish the remaining year." Sha Chen said.

"One year?" A KEN, Mirai Yamamoto stared at the sand and dust with an ugly expression on his face.

"Yes, one year. I have been to the underworld. The Tibetan king told me that in July 1999, the world will come to an end. You have also heard my conversation with Miao Shan. In July 7, the eternal It is agreed that Rahu will come back to the world, hold a moon burial ceremony, and turn the world into a prajna hell from which no one can escape."

"To tell everyone these past events today is just to let everyone know that zombies are not our enemies, but helpers and comrades-in-arms. We should unite and get through next year's catastrophe first. Especially you Kuang Tianyou, you will be the main force. "Sand Chen looked at Kuang Tianyou.

Kuang Tianyou asked: "Your strength is stronger than mine, and the Ma family has a dragon, so you can't defeat Luo Hu?"

"Be prepared."

Sha Chen said that if his plan fails, what he will face next July will not be Luo Hu, but the manipulator behind the scenes, the Great Sun Tathagata and Guanyin Master.

With his strength, he can't beat the combination of the two, only the combination of Kuang Tianyou and Ma Xiaoling may still have a slim chance.

Ma Xiaoling glanced at Shachen, then at Kuang Tianyou, Kuang Fusheng, Ma Danna, stood up and said, "I won't do anything to you until the end of the world, but if you suck human blood everywhere, don't blame me for being ungrateful." .”

"Sister Xiaoling, you can rest assured, my father and I have never sucked human blood before." Kuang Fusheng laughed.

"And you..."

Sha Chen said: "You don't need to take care of my affairs, Ma Xiaoling, what you should do is to concentrate on cultivation and improve your cultivation level. You are too bad now."

"I suck, stinky zombie..."

"Xiaoling." Ma Danna shouted, and then said to Shachen: "Brother Shachen, I will follow your instructions to urge Xiaoling to practice. What are your plans for the future?"

"Miaoshan promised me that she would send me back to the past to change history."

Ma Danna and Luo Sang looked at each other, they both knew why he wanted to change history, they fell silent for a while, not knowing what to say.

"I've finished what I have to say. Everyone should know what to do next. I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first." Sha Chen stood up, glanced at Wang Zhenzhen, Yamamoto Mirai and A KEN, and said with a smile: "The future, Wang Zhenzhen It's your mother's reincarnation."

As soon as these words came out, Wang Zhenzhen, Ma Xiaoling, Mirai Yamamoto, Kuang Tianyou, and AKEN all looked shocked and couldn't believe it at all.

"Rosan, let's go."

The two stood up, nodded to Ma Dannuo, and disappeared.


In the depths of endless time and space.

The Great Sun Tathagata sits cross-legged on the lotus platform, the Buddha's light illuminates the three thousand worlds, and he bows his head in meditation, while Guanyin stands quietly aside.

"World Honored One, Kazuo Yamamoto is dead, and Rahu's plan to use Kazuo Yamamoto failed. If he gives up on the moon burial, how should we deal with ourselves?"

"No problem." Da Ri Tathagata said, "Shachen wants to go back to the past and change history, he must want to save Ren Tingting, you can help him. Master, let your avatar send him, Kuang Tianyou, and Ma Xiaoling back to 1938 to stop the generals. "

Avalokitesvara's eyes lit up, "The World Honored One wants to prevent Kuang Tianyou and Dust from turning into zombies?"

"However, now that the plan has been carried out, you and I have been unable to get away. The Ksitigarbha King has obstructed it, and it has become a trend that cannot be lost. The potential of Pangu's bloodline is too great. I am worried that something will happen when Rahu is buried in the moon."

"However, Tianyou is destined to become a zombie."

"Don't worry about these things, the key is to make the plan go smoothly, and let the Pangu clan clean up the rest. Ksitigarbha, how much trouble the woman's benevolence has caused you and me, alas."

"It is all at the command of the World Honored One."


Xiaomao Mountain.

Sha Chen and Luo Sang stood in front of Ren Tingting's tombstone, silent.After a long time, Luo Sang said: "Master, they want to deal with you. It is useless for you to go back to the past and change history."

"Of course I know. In fact, I don't want to change history when I go back to the past. I just need this opportunity."

"I don't understand."

"You will understand." Sha Chen smiled, looked at her and asked, "Luo Sang, I mean, if, if everything can start all over again, what do you want most?"

Luo Sang was stunned for a moment, a trace of confusion appeared in his eyes, he shook his head and said, "I don't know what I want either."

"Everyone has wishes and regrets. What are your wishes and regrets?"

"If I really want to say it, I hope that my adoptive father and adoptive mother are not dead, I hope that my father, Ba Siba, will not do those bad things, and that my wife is well, and then I will be your apprentice again." Luo Sang said with a smile.

Sha Chen looked into the distance with his hands behind his back, his eyes were as bright as the stars, "I've been living too much in this life, with too much helplessness and regret. If I have the chance, I will try my best to change all of this."

"I believe Master will do it." Luo Sang said.


Day by day, Miao Shan didn't come to look for Sha Chen, Sha Chen didn't seem to care about it at all, every day he either practiced or went to Jiajia Mansion to eat and drink.

He will not go to GIGI's house, it has become a love nest for her and her boyfriend, it is inconvenient to continue living there.


The clear birdsong resounded in Xiaomao Mountain, lingering in the mountains for a long time, and the disciples of Maoshan did not care about it, and they did their own things.

"Little guy, come back when you've had enough fun." Sand Chen beckoned, and a gray firebird flew out of the mist, and everything it passed turned into chaos.

This fire bird was twice the size of an eagle, with a gray chaotic divine fire burning on its body, holding its long tail feathers, very much like the legendary Suzaku, a divine bird that was born from the fire.

It is the Fire Spirit that was born from the Chaos Divine Fire.

The chaotic divine fire devoured the source of the fire, and its source was multiplied several times, and it could transform into a spirit and manifest itself, and its power increased dramatically.


"Ah Chen."


Luo Sang, Ninth Uncle, and Zhong Bang rushed over, looking at the extremely agile Firebird standing on Shachen's shoulder combing its feathers, all with surprise in their eyes.

"The Chaos Divine Fire has evolved, Uncle Jiu, your soul has changed from yin to yang, and I will help you break through the night travel realm." Shachen said in a deep voice.

"it is good."

Uncle Jiu's eyes showed joy, and he responded immediately. He condensed the extremely yin spirit, and his spirit changed from yin to yang, and he could cross the fire.

It's just that Uncle Jiu was not sure, so he forcibly suppressed his cultivation. With the help of Chaos Divine Fire, there is no need to suppress it.

Looking at Uncle Jiu who was sitting cross-legged, Sha Chen stretched out his hand to caress Huo Ling's body, and murmured softly: "Little guy, let go of your stomach and eat later, when you evolve again, it's when I cross the fire for the second time. "


As soon as he pointed his finger, the fire spirit flew out and entered between Uncle Jiu's eyebrows, enveloping his soul.Seeing this, Uncle Jiu relaxed his mind, his mind was forced out of his body, and the fire fell.


Seeing the source of the fire, Huo Ling pounced on it like a hungry wolf, devouring it with great mouthfuls, it was so cruel.


Luo Sang was stunned. When she crossed the fire, she was tortured to death by the source of the fire and almost failed to survive. Seeing Uncle Jiu cross the disaster so easily, she felt very uncomfortable and couldn't help but roll her eyes.

One-tenth of the source of the fire was swallowed by the fire spirit, and Uncle Jiu's fire was basically over, which meant that there would be another strong Japanese tourer in the Maoshan faction.

"50 years, I have 50 years, why is this so."

The more Sha Chen thought about it, the more determined he was in his mind. He stretched out his hand and made a move, and Huo Ling screamed and flew back into the space between his eyebrows.The little guy refines the harvest this time, and the sand and dust will survive the disaster with confidence.

"Hey, Miao Shan is here..."

(End of this chapter)

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