Reborn Zombie Daoist

Chapter 325 Destiny (Part 1)

Chapter 325 Destiny (Part [-])
Opening the gate of heaven requires the right time, place, and people. The three breaking suns meet the right time, the Beidou treasure cave meets the right location, and what the sand and dust lack is the moonlight mirror.

Sensing Shachen's gaze, the layman in the Caolu said through a voice transmission with his spiritual thoughts: "Friend Sha, I will leave you the Moonlight Mirror."

"After you open the gate of heaven, the power of time and space contained in the moonlight mirror will also be exhausted. What's the use if I want it?" Sha Chen's eyes were stern.

"The power of time and space can supplement..."

Shachen frowned slightly, "Are you serious? Since the power of time and space is insufficient, why did you take the risk of opening the gate of heaven?"

The grass dweller sighed, "I have cultivated to our level, and I have a sense of good and bad, good and bad. If I don't open the gate of heaven, I will definitely die. Opening the gate of heaven, there is still a chance of life. This is a matter of fate."

"If Fellow Daoist Sha is not afraid of death, you can go back to the Tang Dynasty with us. With your talent, you can definitely live to the modern age."

Sha Chen dismissed the idea with a slight thought. It is not safe to go back to the Tang Dynasty with the layman in the cottage. The power of time and space contained in the moonlight mirror is not enough. Opening the gate of heaven is very risky. It's not working.

"You swear to the sky, leave the moonlight mirror to me after opening the gate of heaven." Sand Chen said via voice transmission.

"it is good."

Ascetics cannot easily swear to the sky, and they must fulfill the oath, otherwise they will be punished by the sky.

As long as the thatched layman still has the idea of ​​survival, he can't go back on his word. He doesn't think for himself, but also for his two apprentices.

"Heaven above, my thatched cottage swears to the heavens that after opening the gate of heaven, six pieces of moonlight mirrors will be left to fellow Taoist Shachen. If you break this oath, there will be thunderbolts." The layman said loudly.

Ma Shangfeng, Xiaohui, Zhong Bang and the others looked at each other, not understanding why the grass dweller swore without reason.

Sha Chen and the Caolu layman nodded tacitly, and the Caolu layman ordered: "Fellow Shachen, please stay ten feet away from me. My two apprentices and I are about to start."

"it is good."

"Everyone back off."

Shachen grabbed Gigi and backed away, five to sixty meters away, farther than the ten feet that the grass dweller said.

It's not a joke if you are accidentally brought in by the Tianmen, and the Tianmen opened by the thatched cottage is still unstable, he is forced to, and Shachen doesn't want to be buried with him.

"Senior Brother, what is Senior Caolu going to do?" Zhong Bang asked with a pale face.

Sha Chen's eyes were deep, "He wants to open the gate of heaven..."

"What is Tianmen?" Yamamoto Mirai asked.

"The Gate of Heaven is also called the Gate of Time and Space. It exists between heaven and earth, straddling the past, present and future. It is said that from the Gate of Heaven, you can reach any time period in the past and future." Sha Chen said.

Ah KEN, Yamamoto Mirai, Luo Kaiping, Zhong Bang, and GIGI all looked shocked, and Ah KEN asked: "Can't that change the past?"

"In theory, it is possible, but it is very difficult..." Shachen told everyone the nonsense made up by the layman in the grass cottage, which made the look in the eyes of AKEN and the others dim.

"Isn't Senior Caolu in danger?"

"Fate is doomed, the two lives cannot coexist, the past life came to the present, the past life must die, there is no present life if you don't die. If the present world returns to the past, the present world will definitely die, because the present world does not exist in the past, unless you can change your destiny..." Said Really, Sha Chen really wanted to try to change the fate of the grass dweller, but he couldn't do it.

"Are you going to start..."

Sha Chen looked intently, and saw that the Caolu layman, Ma Shangfeng, and Xiaohui were sitting cross-legged in a trio of heaven, earth and man. Each of them was surrounded by ink lines, and there was a magic talisman on the line. It was the moonlight treasure that the Caolu layman had told him about. mirror array.

"This formation is a little tricky." Shachen nodded secretly.

"Shangfeng, Xiaohui, prepare to fight."

"Yes, Master."

The layman in thatched cottage looked at the moon, pinched his fingers, and waited for a while. His whole body glowed with golden light, and his mana was poured into the two moonlight mirrors in his hands.

The six moonlight mirrors lighted up at the same time, shooting out six golden lights, and the six golden lights merged in the void, and the night sky changed drastically.


Lightning flashes and thunder rumbles, violent winds rise suddenly, and endless Yin Qi is drawn from the moon, condensing into black clouds that cover the sky and the moon, blocking the light of the moon, and the sky and the earth are darkened.

"Fellow Taoist Shachen, leave this alone, and put away the Moonlight Mirror." The layman in the grass hut made a beating, and six pieces of the Moonlight Mirror flew towards Shachen.

As soon as Shachen used the Moonlight Mirror, the Caolu layman, Xiaohui, and Ma Shangfeng were struck by three bolts of lightning and disappeared in place.

"Is that the gate of heaven?"

He quickly looked up, and there was a huge vortex in the dark cloud of Yin Qi. It was as big as a star, and it was still clearly visible from such a long distance.

Rotating, as if to devour space and time.

Three golden lights streaked across like meteors, submerging into the vortex, maybe it was an illusion, and the sand and dust faintly heard three screams.

"The grassy dweller failed?"

"Damn it, his danger is not staying in this world, but traveling through time and space." Sha Chen's face changed slightly, "Fate is doomed, can it really be changed?"


"From ancient times to the present, there have been no heroes who change destiny, only fools who try to change destiny."

Above the nine heavens, the Great Sun Tathagata sighed softly, "This sentence expresses the true meaning of the destiny of the world. Fate controls the world and deprives mankind of opportunities. It is extremely hateful."

"World Honored One, fate is certainly abominable, and the Pangu clan is no exception."

Da Ri Tathagata was silent, "Sand Chen went to the underworld and acted differently, what did the Ksitigarbha King tell him? Ren Tingting's reincarnation can't distract him?"

"World Honored One, in my opinion, Ksitigarbha played a trick on Ren Tingting's reincarnation, and that person didn't know Shachen at all. You must know that after reincarnation, people who were close to them in previous lives must have subtle emotions."

"It is the intention of Master Guanyin that the woman is not the reincarnation of Ren Tingting?"

"The Ksitigarbha King has infinite powers, right and wrong, only he can judge, and the Ksitigarbha King never explicitly stated that Ren Tingting's reincarnation is this woman, maybe he has other plans. It's just that Shachen needs to spend some time thinking."

"Amitabha, this person Shachen is really an odd number. However, we have worked so hard that many people's fates have been deviated, and karma is entangled. We have no energy to waste energy on him. As long as Rahu does not die, let him go. His Appeared, Ma Xiaoling broke the fate arrangement, did not kill him, has already attracted Pangu's attention, and can't do anything again."

Master Avalokitesvara nodded silently, "World Honored One, 800 years have passed, and Fa Hai and Bai Suzhen's unfinished karma will come to an end in this life."

Da Ri Tathagata looked regretful, "Fa Hai has a very high understanding of Buddhism, but unfortunately, his obsession is too deep, and he was born at an untimely time. It is also the cause of my cherished talents planted 800 years ago. After 800 years, it will be completed and the merits will be perfect."

"World Honored One, the cause is determined by the human species, the result is determined by the sky, and the cycle of cause and effect is like this."

Dainichi Tathagata was thoughtful, "Master Guanyin, you can arrange for them to go back to the past and change history, so as to prove the conjecture. Remember, don't change too much, otherwise you and I will be beaten back to our original shape immediately."

"Yes, Master."


The stern siren sounded from far to near, the police surrounded Junsheng's garage, and a smile appeared on Shachen's face.

"GIGI, Ah Bang, you stay to deal with the police, in the future, Ah KEN, Luo Kaiping, let's laugh back."

After the four left, the police rushed over. GIGI and Zhong Bang looked at the three policemen at the front with astonishment on their faces.

These three people look almost exactly like the Caolu layman, Xiaohui, and Ma Shangfeng. They look like when they were young.

"Miss, are you okay?" The young policeman who looked like a layman asked gently.

GIGI panicked for a while, and her speech was a little awkward. The young policeman thought she was overly frightened, so he asked the female policeman to help her leave.

"Sir, I didn't find anything. It seems that this place has experienced the end of the world."

"Keep looking."

(End of this chapter)

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