Reborn Zombie Daoist

Chapter 306 Ren Zhuzhu (Part 1)

Chapter 306 Ren Zhuzhu (Part [-])
"Ren Tingting..."

After saying these three words, Bai Wuchang's expression became terrified, because Shachen stared at him like a beast, and if he said a wrong word, he would pounce on him and tear him apart.

"Who is Ren Tingting?" Ma Xiaoling looked at Bai Wuchang and asked.

"Where is she...?" Shachen felt his voice trembling.

"She has been reincarnated, and you will meet each other in this life. As for whether you can continue your relationship, it depends on your fate. Don't ask me where she is, because I don't know."

Shachen closed his eyes, "The fourth thing."

"At twelve midnight, Ms. Ren Zhuzhu will pass away. She has never been married and is waiting for someone. The Ksitigarbha King said that if you can come back in time, you should go see her for the last time."

Sha Chen took a deep breath, "Take me to see her."


Bai Wuchang turned sideways, Shachen strode into the vortex, Ma Xiaoling followed, and Shachen said to her: "You should do what you should do instead of following me."

"What I should do is to keep an eye on you before I find out your origin with our Ma family, so as not to let you go out to harm others, and then subdue you." Ma Xiaoling said.

"You are really similar to your aunt, no, it should be that all the women in the Ma family are very similar."

Ma Xiaoling sneered and said, "Don't act like you know the Ma family women very well."

"I have met three generations of women from the Ma family. I know everything about your Ma family, and I know what you don't."

"Have you met my parents?" Ma Xiaoling asked nervously.

"You haven't seen them?"

"They died when I was very young."

Shachen's eyes flickered, "I haven't met your parents, but I have met your grandfather, your aunt, and your aunt's aunt."

"If you live long enough, zombies don't grow old and never die. Isn't it painful to watch the people around you die one by one?" Ma Xiaoling asked gloatingly.

"Are you going to remind me to turn everyone around me into zombies?"

"You can try it." Ma Xiaoling said coldly.

Sand Chen smiled and said, "I tried it a long time ago, but I failed. Zombies can't do what gods can do, and gods can't do everything. We still have to rely on ourselves."


Bai Wuchang's voice interrupted the conversation between Shachen and Ma Xiaoling, and a group of them appeared in a VIP ward.

Lying on the hospital bed was a wrinkled woman. She was over 80 years old and would come to the end of her life tonight.

Shachen looked at her quietly, recalling how long he hadn't seen her, maybe 60 years, probably more than that, he really couldn't remember, maybe he never cared about her, about Ren Tingting He remembered everything clearly.

"We'll come back later." Bai Wuchang bent down slightly and disappeared.

Shachen walked to the bed, and the woman lying on the bed seemed to sense that someone was approaching, and slowly opened her eyes, looking at the person beside the bed, her dim eyes suddenly became brighter.

Ma Xiaoling can swear that she has never seen such bright eyes at her age, like the sun, people dare not look directly at them.She wanted to leave, but she was afraid that there would be another zombie in the world, so she had to stay.

"You came?"

"It's not a dream."

Ren Zhuzhu smiled softly, "I knew you would come back. I always knew that I could still see you before I died. It's great. I will die without regret."

"I'm not worth your waiting, you should have a better life."

Ren Zhuzhu moved her body, Sha Chen helped her to sit up, and put the pillow behind her, Ren Zhuzhu suddenly took his hand.

"Whether it's worth it or not, you have to ask yourself. I think it's worth it and I'll wait. In the end, I'll wait for you, brother-in-law. I want to ask you a question."

Shachen opened his mouth, and Ren Zhuzhu suddenly screamed: "I won't ask, don't tell me."

"It was a beautiful mistake that we met." Shachen sighed quietly.

"Maybe, brother-in-law, take me to the sky and fly around?" Ren Zhuzhu looked at Shachen expectantly, "I begged you countless times before, but you used all kinds of excuses to shirk, and now there is no excuse not to agree to me." Bar."

"No, it's just your body..."

"This is my last wish."

"Okay, I'll take you to heaven."

Shachen hugged Ren Zhuzhu and disappeared into the ward. Ma Xiaoling hesitated to follow her. From the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of the time on the wall clock, and her face changed drastically. "No, it's almost twelve o'clock."

Hospital rooftop.

Ren Zhuzhu leaned against Shachen's arms, with a satisfied smile on her face, "People's desires are endless, and they will never be satisfied. If you get some, you want more. Suddenly, I don't want to die."

"Then you should know that I'm a zombie, and I'll bite you if you want."

"No, you can't bite her." Ma Xiaoling stopped her.

Ren Zhuzhu turned her head to look at Ma Xiaoling, and said with a smile: "A very beautiful girl, with young legs and long legs, she must be a good match with my brother-in-law, but I am already old."

"You misunderstood, I catch zombies." Ma Xiaoling said meaningfully.

"Then you must have worked very hard, because your brother-in-law is very powerful."

"No matter how powerful he is, I will subdue him."

"May you succeed." Ren Zhuzhu replied in a very negative tone, Ma Xiaoling gritted her teeth, but Ren Zhuzhu didn't give her a chance to argue, and asked Shachen: "Brother-in-law, let's not talk about the past, in the future you will Do you like me?"

Sand and dust remained silent.

Time passed bit by bit, and Shachen didn't give an answer. Ma Xiaoling watched the light in Ren Zhuzhu's eyes gradually dim, and suddenly had the urge to let Shachen bite her.

She didn't know why, maybe it was the old man's decades of waiting that moved her, or something else, she couldn't tell.

"Wow, wow."

There was a sound like a child crying, and a fat white parrot flew out of the night, landed on Sand Chen's shoulder and rubbed his face with its beak affectionately, with indescribable dependence and joy.

A smile appeared on Shachen's face, and just as he was about to speak, another roar sounded like a human being, but a beast.

Xuankui's tall and burly body stood like a demon god between the sky and the earth, exuding a terrifying aura that made Ma Xiaoling's face turn pale.

"Another stinky zombie!" Ma Xiaoling said frantically.

Xuan Kui has changed a lot from 50 years ago, he is more human, turning his head to stare at Ma Xiaoling, growling.

"I haven't seen you in 50 years, when did you learn to bully little girls?" Sha Chen laughed.

Xuan Kui looked away, jumped to the side of Sha Chen, bent down and patted his shoulder with his claws, grinning an ugly smile.

"Yes, I'm back."

Shachen lowered his head and said to Ren Zhuzhu, "Tonight will be very lively."


Ren Zhuzhu sighed softly, she saw the answer from Sha Chen's face, there was no sadness, no pain, no regrets, and she felt a sense of relief in the face of death.

"May I never meet you again in my next life."

(End of this chapter)

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