Reborn Zombie Daoist

Chapter 304 Awakening (Part 2)

Chapter 304 Awakening (Second Update)

Peacock's cultivation is not good, but his mind is still quite flexible. He has made two-handed preparations. It is good to be able to catch Chuchun in the hotel. If he can't succeed, he will force Chuchun out of the hotel.

The lotus flower sealing formation is a sealing formation. It is said that it can seal the sentient beings of the three realms and six realms, and it is very mysterious.

"Monster, let's see where you are going to escape, and start fighting."

The peacock descended from the sky and stood on the altar. With an order, the lotus-shaped brazier burst into flames, and the hot air formed a light shield that trapped Kuang Tianyou and Wang Zhenzhen (Chu Chun) in it.

Surrounded by flames, 81 braziers in Jiujiu blazed up and baked at high temperature. Wang Zhenzhen screamed in pain.

Kuang Tianyou asked Peacock to withdraw the formation, but Peacock remained indifferent and continued to chant the spell.Seeing this, Kuang Tianyou pulled Wang Zhenzhen on his back, and wanted to rush out of the 'Lotus Sealing Demon Array' with his back on his back.

"Benefactor, don't waste your energy, my formation can seal the sentient beings of the three realms and six realms..."

"I don't believe you can seal me!"

Kuang Tianyou lowered his head to reveal the zombie's real body, half of his body appeared outside the barrier of the formation, and half of his body was inside the barrier, desperately holding Wang Zhenzhen's hand, trying to pull her out.

Peacock turned pale in shock, pointed at Kuang Tianyou and asked, "You are not a sentient being from the Three Realms and Six Realms, who are you?"

"I am a Hong Kong policeman, please stop quickly."

"Hmph, I won't be able to seal you off." Peacock snorted coldly, and at the same time, he and several disciples summoned mana and pointed at Kuang Tianyou, "Tenth-level fixing spell!"

Kuang Tianyou was fixed in place as if struck by lightning.

"The Hong Kong police are really useless."

Just when Kuang Tianyou was secretly worried, Ma Xiaoling's flat voice came.

She is wearing a peach pink cardigan, a white vertical knit sweater underneath, a white short skirt, white high-heeled boots, a white hairpin stuck on a head of beautiful curly hair, slender legs swinging, sexy and fashionable, instantly attracting everyone's attention .

"Xiaoling, save Zhenzhen!" Kuang Tianyou shouted.

Ma Xiaoling glanced at Wang Zhenzhen, and asked Peacock, "Great Monk, have you ever seen the Chinese formation break through the Japanese barrier?"

Without waiting for Peacock to reply, Ma Xiaoling took out the Demon Breaking Crossbow, put an arrow on it with an ink line and shot it at the altar where Peacock was.

The ink thread arrow flew towards the altar at a speed invisible to the naked eye, and the arrow was deeply nailed into the altar. Ma Xiaoling pulled the ink fountain thread hard, and with a "boom", the altar collapsed instantly, and the formation collapsed!
"No!" cried the peacock.

"Puff puff puff puff puff" sound, after the barrier was broken, Peacock and his five apprentices directly vomited blood, fell to the ground in disgrace, unable to get up for a while.

"I told you to steal this girl's business!" Ma Xiaoling let out a sigh of relief, with a pretty smile on her face, she pulled the altar and threw it into the lotus flower seal formation, and ninety-nine 81 braziers exploded violently.

When Kuang Tianyou saw Fatai coming towards him, he ran away with Wang Zhenzhen on his back, and suddenly the ground collapsed, and the two fell into it.

"Zhenzhen!" Ma Xiaoling yelled loudly as she ran to the dusty cave with a frozen smile on her face.

"Hong Kong police……"

Neither of them responded, Ma Xiaoling jumped down from the hole without any hesitation, Peacock and five apprentices also jumped down after a little hesitation.

"Great monk, what are you doing here? You want to make amends. Let me tell you, if something happens to Zhenzhen, I will demolish your ruined temple." Ma Xiaoling said fiercely, holding the flame in one hand.

"Amitabha, benefactor, it is important to save people." Peacock reminded.

"Yes, Zhenzhen."

Ma Xiaoling didn't care about mocking the peacock, and ran into the passage with the treasure chest. The six peacocks cast lighting spells and followed her closely, and the seven of them felt something was wrong while walking.

"Master, we are back again." A disciple pointed to the scratches on the wall and said, "My tin staff just hit here, and I remember it very clearly."

The peacock said: "Female benefactor, we must have stumbled into the underground labyrinth by mistake. There are countless passages and forks in the road. If you are not careful, you will go wrong, and you will be trapped underground and cannot get out."

"Great monk, do you think there is a way to do so much?" Ma Xiaoling asked.

Peacock replied awkwardly: "I'm not good at solving mazes."

"Then why are you following me here? Add to the confusion, you are the worst monk I have ever seen." Ma Xiaoling mocked.


Ma Xiaoling looked at the densely packed entrances, and said in a low voice: "This ghostly place is really evil, who is so bored to build a maze underground, try this method to see if it works."

She took out a magic talisman with Wang Zhenzhen's birth date written on it, used her mana to write and draw on the talisman, muttered something, and threw it out casually.

With a "poof", the talisman burned and glowed and turned into a lark, flying towards the entrance on the right.

"Great monk, follow if you want to survive."

Running out of the labyrinth, Ma Xiaoling and Peacock saw Kuang Tianyou wrestling with Wang Zhenzhen (Chuchun).

"Chuchun, leave Zhenzhen's body!" Ma Xiaoling rushed over holding the demon stick.

Kuang Tianyou hastily turned his head and put away the zombie's teeth, so as not to let Ma Xiaoling and the others see that he was a zombie.

With this loose force, Wang Zhenzhen (Chuchun) seized the opportunity to knock Kuang Tianyou into the air, avoided Ma Xiaoling's attack and slammed into the dirt wall of the passage.

With a "bang", a big hole was knocked out of the earthen wall, and Wang Zhenzhen (Chu Chun) got in. Ma Xiaoling and Wang Zhenzhen were like sisters, and she would never allow her to be harmed, so they followed closely.

A strong smell of blood rushed to his face, Kuang Tianyou's face changed, and his real zombie body appeared in an instant. The zombie's teeth were protruding from his lips, and his body was full of longing. He quickly covered his mouth and lowered his head.

Behind the earthen wall is a palace of sixty to seventy square meters. Nine ever-burning lamps are inlaid on the walls around the palace, emitting an eerie green light.

In the center of the palace was a blood pool about Zhang wide. Bubbles bubbled in the blood pool, and blood kept pouring up from the bottom of the pool.

"There is a person in the pool of blood!"

Someone exclaimed, Ma Xiaoling, Kuang Tianyou and the others felt that their scalps were numb, the underground palace was very dark and eerie, which was scary enough in itself, and a person suddenly appeared in the pool of blood, everyone was startled.

The man's white clothes were like snow, soaked in blood and spotless, his eyes were closed tightly, and there was a majestic and deep meaning between his brows, which made people feel depressed and uneasy.

"It's him!!"

Kuang Tianyou screamed, his breath became short of breath, and he stared at Sha Chen's face. He would never forget that day 60 years ago, when this man found him, called him Song Zilong, and saw him fighting against the zombie king.

Ma Xiaoling turned her head to look at Kuang Tianyou, "Hong Kong policeman, you know him."

"I've seen it before." Kuang Tianyou nodded. In 60 years, he hasn't aged at all. How could he be in Japan and still soaked in a pool of blood?

"Soaked in blood, disgusting and evil, not a good person, when I save Zhenzhen, I will clean up with him. It's a loss, it's a loss-making business this time, it's so difficult in an early spring, plus a disgusting It's even more troublesome for men, and you should ask for more cleaning fees when talking with Ryu Yamamoto." Ma Xiaoling said dissatisfiedly, and rushed towards Wang Zhenzhen.

Wang Zhenzhen (Chuchun) has been watching the sand and dust in the blood pool since entering the underground palace, and suddenly she left Wang Zhenzhen's body and submerged in the sand and dust.

She felt that this person was more capable of exerting her power.

"Zhenzhen." Wang Zhenzhen fell to the ground, and Ma Xiaoling ran over to help her up, "I lost some yang energy, but it's fine. Damn female ghost, let's see how I deal with you..."

Ma Xiaoling's voice stopped abruptly, because she saw Shachen opened her eyes, they were a pair of strange green eyes, evil and mysterious...

 Thanks to Genesis book friends [138******44], [Broad Sea and Sky], [Wind Language], [A snow that left New York]

  Thanks to the starting point book friends [Li Guijian], [Half Sleeping Dream], [Long Felt Hat], [Dangling Salt Water], [Tucao Xingren 001] for their generous rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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