Reborn Zombie Daoist

Chapter 277 Plan and Breakthrough (Part 2)

Chapter 277 Plan and Breakthrough (Second Change)
Gantian Town, Fuxi Hall.

"Xiaoqiu, stop for me, have you been lazy again today, why did you write so many talismans?"

"Senior Sister Sangsang, I am not lazy. My talisman was snatched by Senior Sister Wang Shan. She ran out to play with Senior Brother Wang Ling and did not write the talisman."

"Okay, Xiaoqiu, you little traitor, I brought you food in vain every time, and you dare to betray us, ah, Senior Sister Sangsang, I don't dare, I don't dare to be lazy anymore."

"Senior Sister Sangsang, I'm a girl, take it easy, ah!"

A scream came into the Taoist hall, Shachen, Jiu Shu, Simu Taoist, Ma Madi, Qianhe Taoist, Wang Badi, Cane Gu, and Ma Xiaohai smiled knowingly.

"The little devil was driven away. I thought China was at peace, but I didn't expect the civil war to break out again." Uncle Jiu shook his head and sighed softly. In the past hundred years, China has been full of disasters.

"The national army is about to be defeated."

"No way, the national army still has millions of troops." Aunt Cane said in surprise.

The four-eyed Taoist shook his head, "The Northeast is gone, the Northwest is gone, and next is East China, Central China, South China, junior sister, haven't you seen it yet, the national government is unpopular, and failure is doomed."

"Ah Chen, I heard that there is no magic in the north. If we win the world, it will be difficult for us ascetics. You have to prepare early." Wang Badi reminded.

Ma Madi sat up straight and yelled: "What are you afraid of, can they still destroy the Maoshan faction?"

"Cough cough."

Ma Madi's face turned red, and he started coughing violently, Aunt Cane poured him a cup of tea, walked over to calm him down, and persuaded him: "Senior brother, you are already old and in poor health, don't get angry casually. "

"Yeah, I'm old." Ma Madi laughed at himself.

As soon as these words came out, Uncle Ninth and the others looked at Shachen together, with admiration and envy in their eyes. After so many years, Shachen was still exactly the same as when he was in his 20s.

Sha Chen noticed everyone's eyes, and joked: "Every one of you let me take a bite, and you will never grow old or die or get sick."

"Life and death are fate, you can't force it." Taoist Four Eyes said with a smile.

"I don't want to die, and I don't want to become a monster to live. I used to catch zombies. In the future, if someone else catches me, I will die sooner or later. Why not take the other way and enter reincarnation to be reborn." He coughed numbly.

Uncle Jiu looked relieved, "Senior brother, you finally got the hang of it."

"Lin Jiu, don't show off in front of me. You have cultivated to the peak of the Ninth Level of Qi Training, the seventh turn of the Ten Profound Golden Body, and you still have decades to live. I will die before you, are you happy?" Numbly angry asked.

Uncle Jiu pointed at him, "A dog can't change Chixiang, I take back what I just said, you haven't made any progress at all."

"Lin Fengjiao!"

"City patrol horse!"

"Hey, two senior brothers, don't do anything, just talk if you have something to say." Seeing that the two were about to pinch each other, Taoist Simu hurried over to pull them away.


Ma Madi, Jiushu Qiqi snorted coldly, turned their heads away, and didn't look at anyone. Shachen and the others sat without moving. They had seen this situation countless times.

Some people's feelings are more noisy and deeper.

"In the next few decades, there will be no place for us to survive in the mainland. I suggest that the Maoshan industry be transferred to Hong Kong." Sha Chen said.

Uncle Jiu nodded and said, "Ah Chen, you have a far-sighted vision and precise control over the situation. If you think it is necessary to transfer, then transfer it. Hong Kong is not far from the mainland. You can come back whenever you want."

"Ah Chen, we are all getting old. The future of the Maoshan faction depends on you younger generation. With you at the helm, we are very relieved. Alas, it is a pity for the Maoshan ancestral court."

The people in the ancestral court of Maoshan were too stubborn, and Sha Chen reminded them to leave the right and wrong place of Maoshan, but the people in the ancestral court refused to listen, thinking that Sha Chen wanted to annex the ancestral court and stick to Maoshan.

When the little devils raided Maoshan, if the Maoshan faction hadn't helped out on the basis of fellowship, the ancestral family would have given them the whole job.

Zu Ting was not happy to join the sect, and Sha Chen didn't like it. Over the years, the Maoshan sect has developed rapidly, with a large number of outer sect disciples and many core disciples, all of whom are outstanding and talented.

If it weren't for the dharma-ending era and the lack of cultivation resources, they would have made a difference. The Maoshan Sect has no shortage of talents.

"When are you going to Hong Kong?" Uncle Jiu asked.

"Chen Biao is doing an inventory of Maoshan's industries, and it will take a long time to do so. It will probably be next year anyway."

The four-eyed Taoist smiled and said, "Too much money is also troublesome."

"It is."

"Ha ha."


The night is like ink dyed the world, and a round of silver moon hangs high in the night.

In the Tiantian Pavilion, Shachen sat cross-legged, and a nearly condensed spirit jumped out of Tianling, sitting cross-legged in the void.

The cold and biting wind blows out from the inside, corroding the spirit and soul to be riddled with holes, the sand and dust are indifferent, and the hands are sealed, and the Yungong Thunder God is out of the body chapter.

A ray of moonlight fell, covering the soul and body, quickly repairing the damaged soul and resisting the erosion of the wind.

The duration of the third hurricane disaster was the same as the previous two, each quarter of an hour, but it was more destructive. With the experience of the first two times and adequate preparations for sand and dust, the third hurricane disaster survived smoothly.


Sand Chen let out a breath, submerged in his soul, and murmured in a low voice: "It took 23 years to cultivate to the late stage of night travel, and it took more than ten years to survive three wind disasters. I don't know how long it will take to reach the realm of day travel."

"I have the Divine Fire of Chaos in my body. It should be relatively easy to cross the fire." Sha Chen pondered slightly, his mind sank into the Zifu Shrine, looking at the basketball-sized Chaos Divine Fire floating in front of his soul, his eyes were filled with joy.

"The Divine Fire of Chaos has grown to a certain extent, the next step is to condense the source, the fire has its source, it will never go out, and its power is unmatched."

"The Nine Netherworld flames in the underworld and the multicolored flames in the scorched earth space are all excellent nourishment for the chaotic fire. Unfortunately, these places are not easy to break into."

Shachen regrets secretly, these years, he has been in the scorched earth space, the savages and the masters of the colorful flames played sneak attacks openly and secretly, and Shachen can't steal chickens without losing money.

In the underworld, there is Ksitigarbha King, who is a powerhouse at the same level as the Holy Mother of Yaochi and the King of People, and the sand and dust can't afford it.

"In the late stage of the night tour, it should be possible to upgrade some of the supernatural powers to level ten and complete..."

He had just made a breakthrough in cultivation, and the system rewarded him with five times the energy points. He upgraded the palm thunder, the small evil talisman, the Samadhi true fire mantra, the five elements escape method, the Lightning and Thunder Fist, the wooden stake Dafa, and the ten mysterious golden body to the tenth level in one go. , Level ten is already the limit of these supernatural powers.

The eighth level of Dragon Soul Art is still a long way from the full level. In terms of potential, Dragon Soul Art is indeed stronger than other supernatural powers.

For the immortal Shachen, it seemed that he could not feel the passage of time at all, and two months passed in the blink of an eye.

Early in the morning, Luo Sang led He Yingqiu into the Shafu, "Master, there is news from Hong Kong that the old master is in trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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