Reborn Zombie Daoist

Chapter 270 Three Yuan Divine Palace Art (Part 3)

Chapter 270 Three-Yuan Divine Palace Technique (First Change)
"Not refined."

Zombies are just Dust himself, how can he refine himself? The demons and ghosts refined by the system will completely disappear, and there will be no reincarnation.

Although he couldn't refine himself, Shachen discovered that the system's refining power was so powerful in the Zifu Shrine that it was able to suppress the lava giant without any resistance.

Seeing this scene, Shachen suddenly remembered the mysterious spirit body possessed by Bomi. He also entered Shachen's Zifu Shrine, but Shachen had nothing to do with him. In the end, the system took action to drive the spirit body out. The Zifu Shrine.

"The refining power emitted by the system is obviously stronger than ultraviolet. What's the reason?" Shachen said to himself, "Could it be that the system only protects my Zifu Shrine?"

"It seems to be the case. Only when the existence of the Divine Soul and the Purple Mansion Shrine is threatened, the system will reveal unusual abilities."

Sand Chen Shenhun looked at the lava giant who was imprisoned by the refining power of the system and could not move, his eyes burst out with astonishing brilliance.

With his current level of cultivation, it is impossible to destroy the lava giant. From another perspective, the lava giant is the soul fragment contained in Jiangchen's blood. If he can control it, Sand Chen will have the strength of a second-generation zombie.

As a human being, there is no way to have the power of the second-generation zombies with a human body. This sounds a bit far-fetched, but Shachen really thought of a risky way.

"Three-Yuan Divine Palace Technique!" (mentioned in Episode 159)
The Sanyuan Shengong technique was created by a casual cultivator Yuluo San in the Tang Dynasty.

This Yuluo Sanren is a genius. He wanted to break the iron law of only one practice and one shrine in the spiritual world since ancient times. He created the Three-Yuan Shrine Technique based on the classics and his own cultivation experience.

There are three major shrines in the human body. The soul method is majored in the Zifu Shrine, and the Jindan method is majored in the Dantian Shrine and the Heart Shrine.

The shrine is the place where ascetics store mana, and a person can only open one shrine in a lifetime.

Yuluosan people discovered a kind of spiritual fruit that germinates for a hundred years, grows for a hundred years, blooms for a hundred years, bears fruit for another 500 years, and matures for a thousand years. It is called Sanqiao Shiyuan Fruit.

The fruit has three orifices, which are shaped like the three palaces of the human body. After taking it, the unique secret method is used to stimulate the kinetic energy to open up the three major palaces at the same time.

After opening the three major shrines, you can practice more than two kinds of exercises together, but the mana you cultivate must be evenly matched to form a balance. Once the balance is lost, the rampant mana will destroy the shrine.

Therefore, two conditions are required to practice the Three-Yuan Divine Palace Technique, one is the three-orifice stone Yuanguo, and the other is two or more exercises of the same level, and a very strong distraction technique is required.

Dust doesn’t have the Three-Aperture Stone Yuanguo, but he has a zombie body. If he forcibly breaks through the Heart Shrine or Dantian Shrine, if the Shrine is damaged, the zombie’s body will be restored. Try a few more times, it may not break the Shrine possible.

In fact, ordinary ascetics can also use violence to break through the second shrine, but it is dangerous, like the heart shrine, located in the heart, if the shrine is damaged, the heart will also be damaged, and the ascetics in the realm of Qi training will die if their heart is severely injured of.

The second condition is that the two mana forces are evenly matched to form a balance.

With the help of the refining power of the system, Dust suppressed the magma giant. The magma giant was unable to move, and the soul was sealed in the body by the power of zombie blood. Is this a kind of balance?

If the blood of the zombie is regarded as a kind of power, there are two different kinds of power in Shachen's body, which meet the conditions for performing the Three-Yuan Divine Palace Technique.

"The physical body turned into a zombie body, which cut off the connection between the soul and the outside world, and trapped the soul in the Zifu Shrine. It can be said that every day is not working, and the earth is not working. I have no other choice. I have practiced for three years. Yuanshen Gongshu might be able to solve the current predicament."

Shachen thought for a while, and made up his mind, "Tingting, wait for me, I will be back soon, and I will still be the same Shachen as before."

"Three Yuan Divine Palace Technique..."

The whole body of the soul was glowing, and his hands quickly formed seals, and shot a blue light at the magma giant. The magma giant did not resist, as if time was going backwards, he quickly exited the Zifu Shrine, condensed into a drop of zombie blood, and slammed into the closed heart god above the palace.

"Bang" sound.

A bloody hole exploded in Shachen's heart, and the heart was shattered into pieces, wriggling in the hole, which was extremely terrifying.

The blood of the zombies has nowhere to go, and it flows back to the whole body in an instant, the damaged heart and body recover quickly, and the soul fragments rush into the Zifu Shrine at an extremely fast speed.


A trace of fear appeared in Shenhun's eyes, the magma giant went fast and came even faster, almost hitting Shenhun.

"Failed, the zombie blood is too strong, and the Heart Shrine can't withstand its impact. Could it be that the Three-Yuan Shrine also won't work?"

"No, as long as I control the impact of the zombie's blood and ensure that the heart shrine is intact, I will be able to complete the three-element shrine technique."

"The only thing that can suppress zombie blood is the system, the system, you have to work harder."

Shenhun cast the Sanyuan Shengong technique for the second time, and the magma giant quickly exited the Zifu Shrine. At the same time, the refining power of the system burst out under the full control of Sand Chen, but it was a pity that Zombie Blood was a step behind.

Heart exploded.

The blood of the zombies flowed back, and the soul fragments returned to the Zifu Shrine, and Dust hurriedly mobilized the refining power of the system to suppress the magma giant.

"The speed of the zombie blood is too fast, and my reaction can't keep up. The power of the system's refining power has also weakened after leaving the Zifu Shrine. I can't suppress the zombie blood."

Shachen thought for a while, and tried for the third time. This time he worked up all his energy. The moment the magma giant withdrew from the Zifu Shrine, the power of refining also gushed out. In addition, his own mana also Immediately afterwards, he attempted to suppress Zombie Blood with several forces.


"My mana is fused with the power of refining?!"


A eerie haunted house in the north.

A shrill scream sounded, and the crow screamed "Wah-wah" in shock, flapping its wings and flying into the night sky. Ma Donna walked out with a blank expression on her face, and slowly disappeared into the dark street.


A figure appeared in front of her. It was a woman in white clothes. She held an ice sword in her hand and looked very cold. With her appearance, the temperature in the surrounding streets dropped.

Seeing her, Ma Danna shouted in surprise: "Sangsang..."

"Shut up, don't call me Sangsang, I don't know you well."

"Sangsang, what are you doing?"

"Where's my master?"

Ma Danna lowered her head, "We had a fight with the general that day, but we didn't kill the general, and then we separated. Brother Shachen didn't go back to Qianbei?"

"No news for three months."

"What?" Ma Danna was taken aback, "Impossible, after such a long time, he should have gone back earlier."

Luo Sang said coldly: "Uncle Lin used Taoism to find the whereabouts of the master. Guess what he said, he said that the master died, the master was hit by this, and she couldn't get sick. She was in danger, and you didn't reply when I sent you a letter." , these three months have made it easy for me to find."

(End of this chapter)

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