Reborn Zombie Daoist

Chapter 268 Ferocity (Part 2)

Chapter 268 Ferocity (Second Update)

Ma Danna used her mana to point out the general's surroundings, only to hear four "boom" explosions, and four yellow cloths flew out from the ground, wrapping the general around like vines, and the more the general struggled, the tighter the wrapping.

"Brother Shachen!"


The two of them threw out Tianlei Town in a tacit understanding, quickly formed seals with both hands, and read: "Lin, soldier, fight, whoever, all, array, line up, in front, punish evil!"

"Ang" gave two beast roars, and two golden dragons flew out. The dragon that Ma Danna invited looked at the dragon that was invited by the dust around him, his eyes fluctuated slightly, as if he was very surprised.

"Shenlong, kill the general." Ma Danna shouted.

The dragon stared at the general and roared to the sky, the sound was like thunder rolling away, the sky and the earth were shaking, stretched the dragon body and slammed into the general, and the second dragon followed closely behind.

The two divine dragons rushed towards the general, the general's eyes showed a trace of solemnity, his strength burst out, and with a "tear" sound, the yellow cloth collapsed, but it was too late.

The two dragons collided with him, and there was a crisp "dang, clang, clang", like striking iron. The dragon, which can easily penetrate the body of demons and ghosts, has met an opponent this time.

The dragon hit the general one after another, bit it with its mouth, and whipped it with its tail, but it couldn't break the general's body.

The ferocious mana gathered into a golden ocean, and the dragon, the general, was in it, and the aftermath spread out, trees were broken and grass was broken, and the area with a radius of tens of feet seemed to be plowed, full of potholes.

When the general saw the torn clothes on his body and the blood dripping from his fist, an uncontrollable anger welled up in his heart. He had already restrained himself, why they were so aggressive and had to kill him.

He didn't understand.


A loud roar, mixed with doubts and anger, resounded between the heaven and the earth. No one can describe the aura that erupted at that moment, the king returned, and all things surrendered.

Violent and majestic magic power gushed out of his body, forming a golden ocean with rough waves, and one wave sent two dragons flying.

He clenched his fists and punched Shenlong. A golden beam of light hit Shenlong fiercely. Shenlong screamed and disappeared in place with a "bang".


The general gave another punch, smashing the divine dragon invited by the dust.He crossed his arms, and his eyes were shining with red light. The eyes turned red for a while, then turned black for a while, red and black flickered, and finally turned black, returning to calm.

In a blink of an eye, the general defeated the two dragons, and appeared in front of Sha Chen and Ma Dannuo like a ghost, and hit their chests hard with two fists wrapped in golden mana.


The two vomited blood together, their bodies flew out like paper kites, hit the ground and slid several feet away, the ground exploded with a "boom", and trees collapsed wherever they passed, leaving a mess.

Shachen lay on the ground vomiting blood, and shouted at Ma Danna: "Danna, we can't kill the general, let's go."

"Chinaman, stop and don't run."

"Little devil, catch up with me if you have the ability."


Kuang Guohua and Kazuo Yamamoto ran out suddenly. Their bodies were covered with dense wounds and their clothes were soaked in blood. They looked miserable.

"It's you?" Kuang Guohua was taken aback when he saw Shachen and Ma Danna lying on the ground vomiting blood, and was about to speak when Ma Danna yelled.

"Get out of here."


With disheveled hair, Jiangchen rushed over like a ghost, with two pointed zombie teeth in his mouth, which was particularly terrifying.Kuang Guohua and Kazuo Yamamoto had never seen such a monster before, and they were so frightened that they stood there motionless.


Sha Chen's face changed slightly. Looking at Ma Danna who was rushing towards the general, a carp stood up straight, raised his hands, the void waved and twisted, and five giant wooden stakes flew towards the general.

The general sent Ma Danna flying with one punch, one left punch, one right punch, and the five wooden stakes were smashed by him in the blink of an eye, and they rushed towards the dust like a tyrannosaurus.

"Let's go."

Shachen yelled at Kuang Guohua and Kazuo Yamamoto. The two woke up like a dream, and Kazuo Yamamoto ran away. Kuang Guohua looked at Shachen, hesitated slightly, gritted his teeth and ran.

"I'm changing the future, right?" A smile appeared on Sha Chen's face, and disappeared before killing the minister.

"Dana, let's go..."

Sand Chen appeared beside Ma Dannuo, grabbing her arm and was about to leave. The two divine dragons were their strongest means of attack, neither of which could kill the generals.


A roar came from behind, Shachen shrank his pupils, pushed Ma Danna away, dodged sideways, and three chaotic sword energy rolled back and stabbed at the general.

Jiangchen changed direction with his fist and blasted towards the chaotic sword energy. To his surprise, his fist did not shatter the sword energy, but left three small holes on his finger by the sword energy.

"General, go to hell." The general roared in pain again and again, the force of his body surged, and the small hole healed instantly, but this moment gave Ma Dannuo a chance to attack.

The general whose eyes didn't change color was much weaker than before. Ma Danna easily inserted the Millennium Yinmu Sword into the general's left eye and stabbed it out from the back of the head.


Suffering such a serious injury, the general opened his mouth and roared, and spewed out a mouthful of black air. Ma Dannuo was dizzy, and only felt a terrible suction force. up.


Sand Chen threw a Lightning and Thunder Fist at the general, and the thunder and lightning fell on him, and the general took a slight step back, unharmed.

Seeing that the supernatural power was invalid, Sha Chen's expression changed, and he held the Qixing Yanyue knife in both hands and slashed at the general's neck.

The sound of "clang" was like chopping on steel, and his hands were numb from the shock. Even so, the Qixing Yanyue knife still left a wound on the general's neck.

The blood flowed out, Jiangchen's black eyes fluctuated, there was a trace of blood color faintly, his chest straightened up, and Ma Dannuo was directly sent flying.

Holding the blade of the Qixing Yanyue Knife in his claws, he turned it suddenly, and an unshakable force came. Sand Chen was caught off guard, and grabbed the handle of the knife and flipped it several times in the air.

As soon as he landed, the dizziness hadn't disappeared yet, Jiang Chen appeared as if teleported, grabbed Sha Chen's neck and bit down.

"No, brother Shachen, get out of the way."

Ma Danna's mournful cry came, and the sand dust's trance vision instantly became clear. Looking at the Zombie Fang who was close at hand, he lifted his shoulder up and hit the general's chin hard, knocking his head off a bit. .

Before Shachen had time to rejoice, he only heard a "click" and bit Chen on his left arm. There was severe pain, and Shachen's face was as pale as paper in an instant.

"I was bitten."


Without even thinking about it, he let go of the Qixing Yanyue Saber and unleashed the chaotic sword energy. Instead of attacking the general, he slashed at his left arm.

"Let go of brother Shachen..." Ma Dannuo stabbed the general's back with a sword, and the latter was forced to hit the sand, the chaotic sword slashed on the general's head, but failed to cut off her left arm.

(End of this chapter)

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