Reborn Zombie Daoist

Chapter 266 Hongxi Village (Part 3)

Chapter 266 Hongxi Village (third update)
In the headquarters, Shachen saw Kazuo Yamamoto, full of vigor, with regular features, and a pair of eyes sunk deep like wild beasts.

Those eyes were indifferent, fanatical, full of Chiguoguo's murderous color, if it wasn't for his other layer of identity, Shachen would have slapped him to death.

"Brother Shachen, is there anything special about this little devil?" Seeing that Shachen was very interested in Kazuo Yamamoto, Ma Danna asked curiously.

"You will know in the future, let's go to Hongxi Village."

Sha Chen and Ma Dannuo walked out of the headquarters openly with the invisibility technique, and no one could discover their existence.

"Damn Chinese people, I want to kill them all and avenge my father." Kazuo Yamamoto roared like a raging lion, and under his leadership, little devils ran out of the headquarters to track down Kuang Guohua's whereabouts.

"I really want to shoot him to death." Shachen sighed softly.

Ma Dannuo's face turned ugly, "Little devils are indeed hateful, and death is not a pity, but we are monks, and there will be retribution for killing too many evils. Let our army kill them."


Shachen nodded slightly, left the headquarters, and went to Hongxi Village under the leadership of Ma Danna. She could find out the whereabouts of the generals, so she naturally knew where Hongxi Village was.

According to legend, there lived a thousand-year-old zombie on the mountain stream behind Hongxi Village. Whenever the army was in chaos, the zombie would wake up. As soon as he woke up, the water would turn red, and then he would run out to suck blood. The redder the water, it meant that the zombie sucked blood. The more blood there is, Hongxi Village got its name from this.

Ma Dannuo knew the whereabouts of the general. This legend from Hongxi Village contributed a lot. It is also because the women of the Ma family are too sensitive, and most people would not take the legend as truth.


The two were walking on the secluded and secluded stone bridge, and suddenly they gasped softly, with weird smiles on their faces.

There was a mountain spirit taking a bath in the stream, remembering that in the original drama, Ma Danna peeked at people taking a bath, Sand Chen smiled and said to Ma Danna: "The mountain spirit is taking a bath, do you want to go and see?"

Ma Danna didn't expect Sha Chen to say that, and she was angry and annoyed, "I'll watch it when you take a shower, an ugly ghost, anyone who likes to watch it can watch it."

After speaking, Madonna turned around and left.

"The mountain spirit is running around in the mountains and knows the environment around Hongxi Village best. If you catch it, you will be able to find out the whereabouts of the general." Shachen said slowly.

Ma Dannuo's footsteps paused, killing intent suddenly appeared in her eyes, she jumped up and rushed towards the elf who was taking a bath in the stream.

"Where did the idiot come from, dare to disturb the uncle to take a bath? Yo, she is still a beautiful woman, and she wants to have fun with the uncle."

"Ugly mountain spirit, I'm afraid that you will die, tell me, where is the general?"

"Why should I tell you..."

"Decree of the Dragon God, Heavenly Lightning Eliminates Demon Swordsmanship, kill evil!" Ma Danna poured mana into the Millennium Yinmu Sword, and stabbed at the mountain spirit.

A golden sword qi shot away, the mountain spirit was taken aback, plunged into the water and swam away, the sword qi fell into the stream, exploded with a "boom", splashing everywhere.

The mountain spirit was blown out of the pool, his already pale face was even more frighteningly pale, his whole body trembled, he got up and ran, cursing as he ran: "Stinky woman, I can't find a man to peep at me taking a shower, I don't suffer What are you talking about, you are still doing it, it is extremely abominable."

"shut up."

Ma Danna's face flushed with anger, and she used the five elements escape method to chase after the mountain spirit.The mountain spirit ran very fast, and Ma Dannuo couldn't catch up with her after a while.


A voice came from ahead, and the mountain spirit who was running desperately stopped suddenly, looking at the dust with horror on his face.

Sha Chen put a finger on the center of Shan Jing's eyebrows, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake Sha Chen, as if he was a big mountain.

"Great Immortal, please forgive me, I just took a bath in the stream, and I did nothing wrong."

"Where is the general?"

"There is a cave ten miles upstream of Hongxi Village, and there is a thousand-year-old zombie living in it. I don't know if it is the general you are looking for." Shan Jing said honestly.

"Daxian, I've told you everything I know, please forgive me."

"Dana, he left it to you."


Ma Dannuo kicked the mountain spirit on the buttocks and sent him flying. The mountain spirit only let out a scream and then disappeared.

There is no murderous aura on this mountain spirit, and no hostile karma, which means that he seldom does evil, his cultivation is weak, and the sand and dust don't even have the thought of refining.

"Go to Hongxi Village first, and then go to the general." Before Ma Danna could speak, Shachen walked towards the path.

"Brother Shachen, who do you want to see?" Ma Danna asked curiously.

"You'll find out soon enough."

Shachen reached out and knocked on the door. A young woman with a headscarf wrapped around her head and an apron tied around her waist, who seemed to be cooking, opened the door and asked cautiously, "Who are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for Kuang Guohua."

"Axiu, who is it?"

"Brother Kuang, someone is looking for you, not from the village..."

After Ahxiu finished speaking, a man wearing bunts, long hair and an upright face came out.

"Song Zilong?"

Seeing Kuang Guohua, Ma Danna shouted in surprise, "Captain Song is missing, why is he here?"

Shachen stared at Kuang Guohua, his eyes flickering. Although he had known for a long time that Kuang Guohua and Song Zilong looked a lot alike, it was only when he saw them with his own eyes that they were carved out of the same mold.

The only difference is that Kuang Guohua's hair is slightly longer, while Song Zilong's is slightly shorter, and he is not as decisive and heroic as Song Zilong. "Could he be Song Zilong?"

After Song Zilong joined the army, he went out to fight in the province, but there was no news. People in his army said that he was killed in battle, and there was no body left. Song Xueliang didn't believe it.

When this happens, there are only two possibilities. One is that Song Zilong is really dead, and the other is that something is covering up his existence.

"If Song Zilong was still alive, he would be 38 years old."

"Who are you? What do you want me for?" Kuang Guohua looked at Shachen and Ma Danna, and quietly stood in front of Axiu, his eyes showing a trace of vigilance.

Sha Chen also wanted to ask about his background, but seeing this situation, he dismissed the idea, and said with a smile: "On the way we came, we met a group of little devils, they were looking for Kuang Guohua everywhere, and they will soon arrive at Hongxi Village. If you don’t want to hurt the villagers, get out of here quickly.”

"Dana, let's go."

"Who are you guys? Who is Song Zilong?" Kuang Guohua asked loudly.

"If you want to know, go back to Gantian Town."

After leaving a word, Sha Chen and Ma Dannuo left Hongxi Village and found Jiangchen Cave following the path pointed by the mountain spirit.

Sensing the dark and domineering atmosphere in the cave, Sha Chen subconsciously clenched his fists, and Ma Dannuo also clenched the thousand-year-old Yinmu sword, with a strange flush on his face.

"I finally found you, General!"

"Boom" with a loud noise.

The cave hidden in the weeds exploded, thick smoke billowed, and a black shadow flew out, landing firmly in front of the two.

Zombie King General!

(End of this chapter)

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