Reborn Zombie Daoist

Chapter 242 The Situation Changes Suddenly (Part 3)

Chapter 242 The Situation Changes Suddenly (Third Change)

Four avatars, four battlefields.

Real fire was fired on every battlefield, mana surged, and it was extremely violent. Ordinary people inserted it and instantly turned into fly ash. Even ascetics with weak cultivation bases could only watch from the sidelines.

"Oops." Shrimp exclaimed.

"Xiami, what's the matter, the mustache is obviously pressing the blood demon to fight, how could it be so bad." Black Rose stared nervously at Mao Xiaofang, and when he heard Xiami's bad words, he slapped him hard.

"Xiami, don't talk nonsense, Master has the upper hand." Luo Sang retorted, hearing this, the worried Ren Tingting relaxed a little.

Xiami rolled his eyes, "I didn't mention Big Brother Shachen, he is a freak, he is obviously only at the eighth level of Qi training, and there are endless supernatural powers, all of them are very powerful, only he can suppress the Gorefiend clone."

"But other people are not as strong as him. Look at that old man, he is too old. He can have such a strong strength. It all depends on the supernatural power of the golden body. The so-called power is not long-lasting. He can't defeat the blood demon in a short time. It's him."

"The eighteen guardians are also in danger. Master Mao and the others are not the opponents of the Gorefiend clone. Once the Gorefiend defeats them, Brother Shachen will be powerless." Xiami said worriedly.

"Then what should we do?" Luosang asked anxiously.

Xiami stroked his chin, "It's too late to call someone, and I can't run away, so I have to find a way to kill the blood demon."

"Luo Sang, let's help Brother Shachen, first help him destroy one of his clones, and let him get out."

"it is good."

"And me." Madonna stood up.

"Old woman, what do you say?" Xiami suddenly looked at He Xiangu, who sneered, turned and left.

"I don't have any intention of saving the world, I'm just a disciple of Maoshan." Xiami shook his head, golden light bloomed all over his body, his hands clasped together, his treasure looked solemn, and he walked step by step towards the battlefield of Shachen.

"The hundred-year-old ghost sealed me for a hundred years. You hit me hard once with sand and dust. I am a blood demon who has run across the world and lost to you one after another. Today I will cram your muscles and skin to vent my hatred."

The Gorefiend roared angrily, and a black long spear was like a dragon coming out of the water, piercing directly towards the sand and dust. Sand and dust rubbed his hands on the golden pull, and seven small golden pulls flew out.

The spear swung, smashed, picked, or stabbed, fending off the flying gold bulls, and punched the dust with a fist.

"Five elements escape method."

The sand and dust disappeared in place, and when it reappeared, it was not far from the blood demon, and the sword pointed out, and the fiery sword intent reappeared.

Looking at the sea of ​​flames that engulfed him, the Gorefiend showed a trace of panic in his eyes, the power of the chaotic sword energy was still fresh in his memory.

"The fighters who are approaching the army are all arrayed in front, and punish the evil!"

Just when the Gorefiend was panicking and wary of the chaotic sword energy, the nine-character mantra suddenly came from his ears, and two divine dragons rushed out of the sea of ​​flames again and slammed into him fiercely.

The Gorefiend vomited blood and shot backwards, and the ground exploded with a "boom".

"Lightning Lightning Fist!"

"Palm Thunder!"

"Wooden Pile Dafa!"

Sha Chen was in control, and his storm-like supernatural powers smashed towards the Gorefiend's avatar.

The Gorefiend pierced the thunder python with one shot, and shattered the thunder and lightning with one punch, but he was unable to stop the wooden stake, and was slammed into the air again, vomiting blood.

"Blood Demon, die! The Spirit King has fixed his body!"

A huge golden phantom appeared behind Xiami, and he was in the phantom, volleying toward the Gorefiend avatar.

In an instant, a strange spatial fluctuation filled the air, as if to freeze the space, and even Sand Chen felt that his actions were greatly restricted.

This was because Xiami was not the target of the spell, and was frozen like a blood demon, motionless.

A stream of blood flowed from the corner of Xiami's mouth, only to hear Xiami shout: "Brother Shachen, hurry up, kill him quickly, I can't hold on anymore."

Shachen's pupils shrank suddenly, and appeared in front of the Gorefiend's avatar in an instant. With a finger on the center of the Gorefiend's brow, a ray of chaotic fire rushed in.

In order to kill the Gorefiend clone, he split out half of the Chaos Divine Fire, and the Chaos Divine Fire left in the Zifu Shrine was in a trance for a while, looking like it was about to dissipate at any time.

The chaotic divine fire poured into the Gorefiend's body, and his brows melted quickly, turning into a gray air current that spread throughout his body.


The Gorefiend roared and broke free, Xiami suffered a backlash and flew upside down, vomiting blood, it was extremely miserable, after all, he hadn't recovered the cultivation base of his heyday.

"Shrimp rice!"

Ma Danna and Luo Sang ran to his side, helped him up, and looked at the blood demon clone, only to see that half of the head of the blood demon clone was burned by the chaotic fire, no matter how much he resisted, he could not extinguish the chaotic fire.

"What a powerful flame!" Xiami exclaimed.

"This is Master's Chaos Divine Fire, which is a fusion of the Sun's True Fire, the Nine Nether Fires, and the Samadhi True Fire." Luo Sang said.

"Integrating the three real fires!" Xiami was stunned, "Brother Shachen is really amazing, he can do what others can't. With this chaotic fire protection, there may not be many people in the spirit world who are his opponents."


A shrill scream sounded, and the other three Gorefiend clones stared fiercely, their eyes tearing apart, and saw that Bloodfiend clone lost its head and fell to the ground dying.

"System refinement!"

The blood demon is formed by the four evil ghosts and monsters in the world, collecting the evil thoughts in the world and practicing for thousands of years.

The four clones can survive independently and can be combined together. They are very magical monsters, and the system can be refined.




Three hateful voices came, and I saw terrible magic patterns on the faces of the other three clones, and the magic energy around them surged, and they all poured into the right fist, and the fist swelled and became bigger.

"Heiba ​​Fist!"

A punch hit the old man, the old man dodged, the black fist shadow hit the ground, exploded, and the aftermath ripples swept out, knocking the old man out.


The second avatar bombarded the five thunderbolt sky shield above his head, and the five thunderbolt sky shield instantly fell apart. Taoist Simu, Badi Wang, and Taoist Qianhe all vomited blood and flew backwards. Was shocked back.

When the two avatars escaped, the third avatar was confronting the Eighteen Guardians. The black fist shadow collided with the golden ring staff, and the golden ring staff exploded. The Eighteen Guardians coughed up blood. .

The Gorefiend avatar stared at the sand and dust resentfully. The four evils were one, destroying a avatar would seriously hurt his vitality. He thought that he would be able to avenge his hatred when he came back this time, but in the end...

"Sand, I want you to die!"

As the voice fell, three Gorefiend clones burst out suddenly, one was blocked by the old man, the other was stopped by Mao Xiaofang and the horse-faced Taoist desperately, and the third broke through the Eighteen Guardians and rushed towards Ren Tingting with the result of losing both.

The Gorefiend's movements were too fast, and he was desperately fighting for his life. Under such circumstances, all cultivators of the same level should avoid his sharp edge, let alone the Eighteen Guardians who have not escaped their bodies.

"Tingting, no..." Shachen's face was pale, and he tried his best to use the Five Elements Escape Method to rush towards the Gorefiend clone, only a little slower than the Gorefiend.

(I really want to stop here and write tomorrow)

 Say two things.

  First, this book is released on Chuangshi Chinese website. The book of Chuangshi has more than 30 words, and 40 words are available for free. Inverted V, inverted V is the responsibility of the editor, those who charge for dozens of chapters, please go to Yuewen and tell me that it is useless to tell me in the book review area.

  Second, talk about the Holy Mother of the Book, disgusting, you don’t need to read it if you think it’s hot on your eyes, and say it in the book review area every day, it’s boring.The old iron often wanders in the book review area. When you see your account blocked and your post deleted, you feel uncomfortable. Leave messages everywhere to seek justice. Let’s not deal with it. The old iron is uncomfortable, why bother to hurt each other?
(End of this chapter)

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