Reborn Zombie Daoist

Chapter 235 At the Beginning of the Month (Part 1)

Chapter 235 The Tenth Day of October (Part [-])
After talking with Mao Xiaofang about the dispatch, Shachen went to Yu Dachu and asked him what happened to him, but he didn't say anything, so he had to give up.

Back in Shafu, Ren Tingting, Luo Sang, and Ma Danna went shopping together, and Ma Danfeng became a coolie carrying bags and running errands.

In the huge Sha Mansion, except for the servants, there is only Sha Chen left. He has nothing to do, so he enters the quiet room to practice.

Sha Chen flipped his palm, and the magic weapon Jinba appeared in his hand, "Jinba has three spiritual restrictions, and now I haven't refined even one, so I can't exert the power of the magic weapon at all."

Ordinary magic weapons can be driven by being imprinted with the soul brand, but if you want to activate the ability of the magic weapon, you must refine the spirit.

The spirit ban is like an egg, protected by a hard shell on the surface, if the strength is not enough, the shell cannot be broken, if too much force will damage the spirit ban, causing the magic weapon to lose its level.

Sha Chen had obtained Jin Ba for a long time, and he used the power of his soul to refine the spiritual ban every day, but he made no progress at all.

"What method should I use?" Sand Chen held Jin Ba in contemplation. He first looked for a breakthrough point in himself, sorted out the magical powers of Taoism under his control, and finally set his sights on the chaotic divine fire.

"Try a dead horse as a living horse doctor, try!"

A strand of chaotic divine fire, several times thinner than a hair, separated from the main body, was controlled by the power of the divine soul, merged into Jinba, and slammed into the first spiritual prohibition.

With a soft "poof", the surface of the spirit ban was actually melted with a small hole by the chaotic divine fire, through which the power of the soul can penetrate into the interior of the spirit ban and refine the spirit ban.

"it works."

Shachen was overjoyed, and separated a trace of flame from the chaotic divine fire and sent it to Jinba. Gradually, the gap on the surface of the spirit ban became bigger and bigger.

After a while, the sand and dust suddenly stopped. The size of the gap on the surface of the spirit ban had reached its limit, and if it continued to expand, it would destroy the spirit ban.

"The gap is still too small, and the power of the soul that seeps in is very weak. According to the current speed, it will take at least a month to refine a spirit ban. In two months, I can exert the power of Jinba's spirit ban. Spirit silk gloves All the defensive capabilities are pretty good."

He breathed a long sigh of relief, formed a soul seal, opened his mouth and spewed out the true fire of samadhi, which was swallowed by the chaotic fire weakened by the separation of the flames.

There is no time to practice, and it will be the tenth day of October in the blink of an eye.

This morning, Sha Chen, Mao Xiaofang, Ma Xiaohai, Yu Dachu, Ren Tingting, Luo Sang, Ma Danna, and Ma Danfeng were all at the entrance of the town to welcome the Jingu faction.

Shachen was dressed in a white robe with a black belt around his waist, with delicate features and elegant demeanor.Mao Xiaofang was wearing a dark blue robe, with a white cloth bag on his shoulder, and stood with his hands tied, as motionless as a mountain, giving him a sense of calmness.

"Lao Sha, when are they coming?" Yu Dachu stood on tiptoe several times to look outside the town, but he didn't see anyone, so he asked impatiently.

"It should be soon." Sha Chen paused slightly, his eyes lit up, "Here we come..."

Ten figures appeared on the road outside the town, the leading ones were Ma Madi and Uncle Jiu, followed by Taoist Simu, Badi Wang, Aunt Cane, Aqiang, Ahao, Xiaoyue, Anny, and a Taoist that Shachen had never seen before. .

"Ah Chen, is it them?" Mao Xiaofang asked.

"It's them, the leader is Uncle Jiu..." Sha Chen introduced Uncle Jiu and the others to Mao Xiaofang in a low voice, and Mao Xiaofang walked forward to greet him while listening.

When the two sides met, Mao Xiaofang clasped his fists and said, "Mao Xiaofang, No. 30 eighth-generation disciple of the Tiandao Sect, has met all of you from Maoshan."

"Senior Brother Mao, you're being polite!" Uncle Ninth and the others didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly returned the greeting.

"Senior Brother, Senior Brother Mao is very similar to you." Taoist Four Eyes looked at Mao Xiaofang and Uncle Jiu in surprise and said.

Hearing what he said, everyone's eyes moved back and forth on the two of them, showing surprise.Uncle Jiu and Mao Xiaofang are really similar, at first glance they seem to be carved out of the same mold.

If you look closely, there are still differences. Mao Xiaofang has slightly darker skin, looks older than Jiu Shu, has a serious demeanor, and is serious, while Jiu Shu looks younger, with softer facial lines, and is more friendly than Mao Xiaofang.

Mao Xiaofang and Uncle Jiu couldn't help but look at each other a few more times.

Noticing the surprised expressions on everyone's faces, Shachen suddenly felt a sense of joy that the prank was successful.

Afterwards, he introduced the two parties, and said a few naughty words from time to time, which made everyone laugh, and the atmosphere of the first meeting was quite harmonious.

When cultivators get together, they will always discuss the Tao naturally, and Mao Xiaofang can't be troubled in this regard. Mao Xiaofang knows that the sound transmission talisman through the air was invented by Uncle Jiu, and he is full of praise immediately.

Uncle Nine learned a lot from Mao Xiaofang's idea of ​​improving sound transmission through the air, and he admired Mao Xiaofang. After a few words, the two felt a sense of sympathy for each other.

Ever since, the two wizards of Taoism got together to talk about the yin and yang of heaven and earth, geomantic omen and earth veins, and formation and Taoism. Their knowledge is so great that it is simply shocking.

When he came to the Hexing Building, Uncle Jiu said to Mao Xiaofang as soon as he sat down: "Senior Brother Mao, I only realized that there is a sky beyond the sky and people beyond people when I saw you today. Your understanding of the Earth Master is too deep, and I am not as good as it."

"The younger brother has a wide range of research, is proficient in ventilation and water layout, has a unique style, and has many whimsical ideas. I also admire the younger brother's ingenuity." Mao Xiaofang praised sincerely.

"Master, Ninth Uncle and the rest have been exhausted all the way, let's eat first, and discuss the Tao after dinner." Shachen laughed.

"Yes, yes, fellow apprentices, let's eat first."

Sha Chen ordered three tables of food and drink, Ren Tingting, Xiao Yue, Anny, Cane Gu, Luo Sang, Ma Danna, and Shu Ning.

Originally, Shachen was worried that Anny and Xiaoyue would make Ren Tingting unhappy, but he took a quick look and found that a few women were very speculative, talking about perfume, clothes, and foreign countries.

Sha Chen, Ma Xiaohai, Yu Dachu, A Qiang, A Hao, and Ma Danfeng sat at the table. They were all juniors and had a lot of common topics.

The remaining six elders were seated at the same table. Uncle Nine scolded them severely when they came to the table. They didn't pick their noses or feet, and sat upright at the dinner table, which looked very unnatural.

The meal ended at the end of the meal, and Mao Xiaofang took Uncle Jiu, Taoist Simu, Ma Madi, Taoist Qianhe, and Bader Wang for a stroll around Gantian Town.

Ren Tingting is a good teacher, she took a few women to Lancome Cosmetics Store to teach them how to make up, each with their own things.

On the first day, Shachen, Mao Xiaofang, and Uncle Jiu didn't take the initiative to bring up the matter of sending them together, because it took a while for everyone to get in touch, otherwise Uncle Jiu and the others would not have proposed to meet Mao Xiaofang in Gantian Town.


The moonlight came in through the doors and windows, leaving bright spots of various shapes on the ground.

In the darkness, Ren Tingting hugged Sha Chen, drew a circle on his chest with her little hand, and asked curiously, "Brother Chen, will the merger succeed this time?"

"Why do you ask?"

"None of Uncle Nine and the others took the initiative to bring up the matter of the merger. I feel a little suspenseful."

"Don't worry, it's settled. Uncle Jiu and the others will take the initiative to bring this up tomorrow. Just wait and see."

"By the way, Tingting, I'll ask Shu Ning tomorrow what's going on with her second senior brother. They've been together for so long and they're old enough to get married, so second senior brother won't have to think about it all day long. "

"Well, let me find out about Aning's tone first."

Sure enough, as expected by the sand and dust, on the second morning, just after Mao Xiaofang finished his morning work, Uncle Jiu, Ma Madi and others came to visit.
 Recommend a friend's new book "Guan Hai Jing", introduction: I used to believe in science, but when the gods knock on your window, you have to believe it.

  One day, the god will no longer be a god, let the fierce beast slaughter all living beings, watch the gods fish and meat in the world, and watch the drastic changes of mountains and rivers.

  Taking off his suit and leather shoes, Chu Mo embarked on a journey of killing gods, going back to the present, and uncovering the history of gods engraved with blood.

  Ps: The starting point of this book's first release, book lovers can collect it first and slowly grow fat.


(End of this chapter)

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