Reborn Zombie Daoist

Chapter 229 Corpse Dance (Part 3)

Chapter 229 Corpse Dance (Part [-])

"Clap clap clap..."

Michelin straddled the Ghost Zombie, discharging electricity with one hand and slapping the face with the other, having a great time playing.

She didn't stop until there was a knock on the door, and turned her head to look, and suddenly saw the stunned six people at the door.

The devil remembers Uncle Jiu, even if he turns into ashes, he can still recognize him. Seeing Uncle Jiu, he felt a trace of fear and unwillingness in his heart. He wants to be reborn and not return to Lingyingtang.

"Sister Lian!"

"Sir, don't go there, she is controlled by the devil's tire." Aunt Cane held onto Uncle Jiu and said in a deep voice.

"You can't let the magic fetus be born, junior sister, let's subdue her together." As Uncle Jiu said, he took eight steps towards Michelin.

Aunt Cane got Nine Uncles and got what she wanted, her husband and wife followed suit, and naturally followed.

Both of them are monks, among them Uncle Jiu is a master of the eighth level of Qi training, and it is easy to deal with evil babies, and he beat Michelin flying with a move of Tai Chi Qiankun.

Stepping forward, clasping Michelin's left hand with both hands, Aunt Cane grabbed Michelin's right hand and subdued him.

"Sanggong, what should we do now?" Aunt Cane asked.

"Pregnant women like to eat sour food. We use vinegar, mix it with bitter tea, and boil water with danggui head and croton to feed her. I don't believe that the devil's fetus can't come out." Uncle Jiu said confidently.

"You are going to have an abortion, but where is the jealousy?"

"It's in the kitchen." Uncle Jiu shouted to the four people at the door: "Nianjiao, go to the kitchen to get vinegar, and do as I tell you."


As soon as he finished speaking, the four of them yelled "Ah", turned around and ran away, Uncle Jiu was taken aback, and said angrily, "It's useless to teach them, it's useless when it comes to critical moments."

"Brother, don't you think their expressions just now are strange?"

"What's weird?"

Aunt Cane thought for a while and said, "It's like seeing a ghost."

Uncle Jiu and Gu Gu exchanged glances, turned around abruptly, and a swollen and terrifying zombie face came into view.


The two were scared to death, screamed, let go of Michelin and ran out the door.

The Ghost Zombie is very afraid of Michelin, his face is swollen from her beating, so he abandons Michelin and rushes towards Uncle Jiu and Aunt Cane.

Suddenly, Uncle Jiu stopped, took out an ink fountain string net from nowhere, threw the other end to Aunt Cane, and caught the Ghost Zombie in one fell swoop.

Uncle Jiu said with a smile: "I'm just catching zombies, how can I be afraid of zombies, you can't escape now, I'll deal with you first, and then go save Lianmei."

"Chuck" sounded.

The Ghost Zombie used a little force and tore apart the ink fountain thread net. Uncle Jiu didn't expect that the ink fountain thread net would be useless to the Western Zombie.


Aunt Cane was furious, a string of beads fell out of her sleeves, she stretched her hands open, murmured something, and with all her force, the beads shot at the ghost zombie like golden bullets.

"Bang bang bang" there was a burst of explosions, and the ghost zombie staggered back with smoke all over its body.

Aunt Cane clapped her hands and said with a smile, "If you dare to hit my husband, I will kill you."


The Ghost Zombie stood still, and rushed towards Aunt Cane as if nothing had happened. Aunt Cane gave a strange cry and stepped back eight steps.

"Junior Sister!"

At this time, Uncle Jiu stepped forward quickly, pushed a golden Taiji diagram with one hand, and hit the Ghost Zombie hard.

The Ghost Zombie hit the wall, then rolled to the ground, and was about to get up, when Uncle Jiu bit his finger, muttering something, and tapped on the forehead of the Ghost Zombie.


The spirit blood sealed the town, and the ghost zombie's body froze. In less than two seconds, he regained his composure and grabbed Uncle Jiu's head with his claws.

"Taoism is useless to him?" Uncle Jiu showed surprise, stepped back eight steps quickly, and distanced himself from the ghost zombie.

"Master, I see, he is the Western zombie who escaped from the church." Aunt Cane shouted loudly.

"Western Zombies are not afraid of Taoism. I'm afraid only a freak like Ah Chen can deal with him, but Ah Chen is gone..." Uncle Jiu's expression changed, feeling very troublesome.

"Achen hasn't left Jiuquan Town, send him a message quickly."

Uncle Nine was overjoyed, Wu Lei Zhang patted the Flying Ghost Zombie, and took out a sound-transmitting amulet from the air from his bag, and was about to send a message to Sha Chen for help.

Suddenly, from the corner of his eye, he saw Michelian running out of the bedroom and fleeing towards the commander's mansion. He was startled, and chased after Michelian without sending a message to Shachen.


Aunt Cane wanted to chase after her, but the Ghost Zombie pounced on her again, blocking her way. She had no choice but to concentrate on dealing with the zombie, and she was vomited blood by the Ghost Zombie after a few hits.

"bang bang bang"

At this time, the sound of orderly footsteps suddenly sounded outside the Marshal's Mansion, Jiu Shu, Qiu Sheng, Michelin and the others were forced back at gunpoint by more than a dozen soldiers.


"Junior Sister, get down!"

Aunt Cane was startled, seeing the zombie teeth in the soldier's mouth, her scalp went numb, and she fell limp on the ground.

In an instant, the only standing ghost zombie became a living target, a series of "cracking" gunshots sounded, and bullets hit the ghost zombie, making him back again and again, roaring again and again.

Hearing his roar, more than a dozen zombie soldiers looked at each other in blank dismay, stopped firing hastily, and lowered their heads not daring to look at the ghost zombie.

"Run!" Jiu Shu shouted.

Everyone rushed out of the villa desperately, seeing the zombies chasing them out, Uncle Jiu slapped his back, five bright lightning flashes burst out, the villa door exploded, and the arc swam away, blocking the zombies from chasing.

"Come on."

Qiu Sheng replied with a look of despair: "I can't go anymore."

Wen Cai is like a concubine, "I didn't expect them to come after me."

Outside the villa, more than 20 Hanba corpses suddenly appeared. The leaders were a man and a woman. The woman had no zombie teeth, staring at Qiusheng Wencai.

"Where did you attract the zombies?" Uncle Jiu asked.

"Tengteng Town."

Uncle Jiu had an idea, "Everyone hold your breath, don't let them find out, let them fight zombies."

The Ghost Zombie rushed out with the zombie soldiers, and instantly attracted the attention of more than 20 Hanba Zombies. The aura on the other party was obviously of the same kind, but why was it so annoying?
The two sides confronted each other, roaring and demonstrating.


Uncle Nine dragged Michelin and Aunt Cane to run away, and the Ghost Zombie wanted to chase after him. He immediately touched the nerves of more than 20 Hanba Jia Zombies, roared a few times, and rushed towards them.

Chinese zombies fought against Western zombies, and for a while, a group of corpses danced in front of the Marshal's Mansion, forming a chaotic mess, which was spectacular.

Without the threat of zombies, Michelin, who was controlled by the magic tire, was exposed to fierceness, and thunder and lightning came out, causing Uncle Jiu to foam at the mouth.

Aunt Cane, Qiusheng and the others came to rescue Uncle Jiu, but they were also blinded by the shock, smoke came out from their seven orifices, and they fell limp to the ground bit by bit.

"You can't run away."

Uncle Nine's cultivation was so advanced that the lightning from the devil's fetus could not hurt him, and he returned to normal in just a moment.

"Leave Lianmei's body, and I can let you live." Uncle Jiu said in a deep voice, but in exchange for Michelin's fierce grimace.

"Stubborn." Uncle Jiu shook his head, his expression changed slightly as he looked at the ghost zombies sweeping away Hanba's armored corpses, and he grabbed and smashed the sound transmission symbols through the air, "Ah Chen, you have to come quickly, the western zombies are waiting for you Woolen cloth……"

 Maybe, should, maybe another chapter?will be late?
(End of this chapter)

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