Reborn Zombie Daoist

Chapter 196 Dragon Soul (Part 1)

Chapter 196 Dragon Soul (Part [-])
"The incomplete nine-character mantra summoning dragon method is also called the Dragon Soul Method in our Ma family. It is a spell for multiple generations of Ma family heirs to simultaneously summon the dragon to exorcise demons."

Sha Chen recalled the plot of the original drama. It is true that several descendants of the Ma family summoned the Shenlong at the same time, and there was only one Shenlong.

Also, there are strong and weak dragons in the play. It turns out that the Ma family has an incomplete method of summoning dragons.

Sha Chen asked Aunt Ma, "Aunt Ma, can you explain in more detail?"

"Girl Ma, do we need to avoid it?" Mao Xiaofang asked tactfully.

"Mao Daochang, don't evade. The cultivation method of the Dragon Soul Method is special. Without the approval of the Ma family dragon, no one else can practice it. Moreover, I believe in Mao Daochang's character."

Aunt Ma didn't care, "The so-called dragon soul method is the spell that the dragon soul imprints in the body of someone else, strengthens the dragon soul through a special method, and summons the incantation to attack."

"Ah Chen, this is what our Ma family descendants must learn. There is only one divine dragon, but the Ma family's descendants may coexist for many generations. In order to maximize the Ma family's ability to exorcise demons, this is the Dragon Soul Method. Danna herself Practice."

"Dragon Soul Technique has been cultivated to the tenth level, and its power is only [-]% weaker than the real dragon. Achen, do you want to learn it?" Aunt Ma asked, and then quietly waited for his reply.

Sha Chen was lost in thought. The Dragon Soul method is that the Ma family will give you a dragon egg, let you hatch it yourself, and spend a lot of effort in cultivating it. When it grows up, it will be [-]% weaker than the real dragon. No matter how you look at it, it is a bit disadvantageous. .

But this is the dragon of the Ma family. If you don't learn, you will not be able to overcome this hurdle, and your instinct tells him that you will not suffer if you learn.

"I'll change." After pondering for a while, Shachen said firmly.

"Okay, Dust, I will summon the real dragon in a while. Only when the dragon approves of you will it give you the dragon soul mark. If the dragon does not approve, you will not be able to learn it. This exchange will be void." Aunt Ma solemnly said Things warned.

"I understand, shall we start now?"

"Let's go out into the yard."

Sha Chen followed Aunt Ma to the courtyard, Mao Xiaofang, Ma Dannuo and others were watching at the entrance of the Taoist hall.

Aunt Ma formed the seal and recited the mantra:









As soon as the words fell, Aunt Ma spread her palms, and the Jingshi Dragon Ball in her palms, which was as crystal clear as a glass ball, was suddenly filled with golden light, "The dragon comes out!"

The Jingshi dragon ball was quickly dyed golden, and the golden light burst out through the dragon ball. The bright light and glaring light filled the courtyard, like a round of golden sun hanging over Fuxi Hall.

The light was so dazzling that it overwhelmed the sun, even Shachen's eyes could not look directly at it, narrowed to the size of a needle's eye.

Then, an extremely terrifying coercion was generated out of thin air, with a roar of "ang", the ferocious dragon's head poked out from the Jingshi Dragon Ball, followed by the dragon's body several feet long.

When Shenlong fully appeared in the courtyard, everyone really saw its whole picture clearly.

It has horns like a deer, head like a camel, eyes like a rabbit, neck like a snake, belly like a mirage, scales like a fish, claws like an eagle, palms like a tiger, and ears like a cow.There are beards beside the mouth, pearls under the jaw, and reverse scales under the throat.

The golden dragon scales covered the dragon's body, hard and vigorous, majestic, standing in the void and looking down on all living beings.

Shenwei was like a prison, and when they hit him head-on, Sha Chen, Mao Xiaofang, Ma Xiaohai, Luo Sang and others felt their breathing was stagnant and felt a great sense of oppression.

"As expected of a divine beast, this aura is too strong." Mao Xiaofang exclaimed.

"Dragon, a real dragon." Ma Xiaohai murmured subconsciously, "It's a pity that Ah Chu is not here, and I missed seeing Shenlong."

"The Shenlong that appeared this time is much stronger than the last time I dealt with the God of Death. That one should be Aunt Ma's dragon soul, not the real Shenlong. Ma's Shenlong has a well-deserved reputation, and [-]% of its strength is enough." Sand Chen stared. Blazing, agreeing to switch methods is indeed a wise decision.

However, you can't be happy too early, if Shenlong doesn't recognize him, he won't be able to learn.

Aunt Ma rushed to the Shenlong hanging in the void and shouted: "Shenlong, the one in front of you is Achen, I want to use the dragon soul method to exchange an escape method with him, please help me."

At this moment, Aunt Ma was so startled that Shachen and the others' eyes shattered, how old she is, she still acted like a baby!
Sha Chen couldn't help shivering. When Aunt Ma saw it, she rolled her eyes angrily. You think I think that if I don't do this, Shenlong will lose face at all.

"hold head high."

There was a hint of helplessness in Shenlong's eyes, Tongling's big eyes glanced at the sand and dust perfunctorily, and the huge body actually retracted towards the Jingshi Dragon Ball.

Is this being ignored?
Sha Chen had black lines on his face, and Aunt Ma smiled apologetically, "Ah Chen, I'm sorry, Shenlong doesn't approve of you, you can't practice Dragon Soul Technique anymore."

"Not necessarily."

Saying that, Shachen took out a piece of emerald green wooden vine from the Qiankun bag, which was exactly the dragon vine stolen from the Wanbao building of Lingjiao.

This dragon vine has a long history. In the Qin Dynasty, there was a guardian dragon in the heaven and earth. It was injured by a maiden in the Qin Dynasty. The dragon's blood splashed on a vine and was absorbed by it, forming a treasure for tempering the body, the dragon vine.

Isn't the guardian dragon of the Qin Dynasty the predecessor of the Ma family dragon?
However, Sha Chen is not sure, a dead horse is a living horse doctor.But when he took out the raw dragon vine, the dragon with only the dragon's head outside stopped suddenly, and looked at the dust suddenly, the dragon's eyes were full of disbelief.

To be exact, he looked at the dragon vine in his hand, with excitement, longing, memories, and complex expressions in his eyes.

Then, under Aunt Ma's surprised expression, Shenlong drilled out of the Jingshi Dragon Ball, slowly swam up to Shachen, and looked at him complicatedly.

"Do you want it?" Shachen held the raw dragon vine tightly, shook it in front of Shenlong, and asked jokingly.

Shenlong nodded.

"Give me the dragon soul."

Shenlong showed a humanized thoughtful look, nodded, and opened his mouth to spit out a dragon's breath, which sank into Sand Chen's eyebrows.

Perhaps it was an illusion, after Shenlong breathed out the dragon breath, the breath was much weaker, it seemed that separating the dragon soul would do great harm to it.

When Shenhun saw the Dragon Qi appearing in the Zifu Shrine, Shachen smiled with satisfaction, and suddenly stretched out his hand to touch Shenlong's head, the tentacles were cold, as if touching steel, he couldn't help but patted, and praised: " Good, really good, feels good."

As if the owner was stroking a pet dog, this scene made Aunt Ma's expression startled, Ma Danna's mouth opened wide, and even Ma Danfeng, who was not too cold about sand and dust, widened his eyes.

When can Shenlong be touched?

Shenlong was also startled by Shachen's sudden action. In its memory, no one except Ma Ling'er dared to insult it like this, and its pair of big copper bell eyes were full of murderous intent.

Shachen smiled slightly, and threw the raw dragon vine behind Shenlong. Shenlong instinctively turned around and spit it out, the coldness in his eyes almost turned into ice.

I'm not a dog, and the dragon vine is not a bone, Zhu Zi'an dares to insult me ​​like this.

Aunt Ma looked at Shenlong who was about to go berserk, her heart beat violently, and she quickly ordered: "Shenlong, come back."

"hold head high."

Shenlong turned his head and stared at Shachen, as if to say again: "You wait for me."

Plunging headfirst into the Jingshi Dragon Ball and disappearing, Aunt Ma put away the Jingshi Dragon Ball and walked around the dust a few times, "Tsk tsk, Dust, you are the first person who dares to do this to Shenlong other than Sister Ma's ancestors! "

 Thanks to the book friends of Genesis [A Snow Leaving New York], [Yue, Half a Moon], [Responsible for Facade], [Fate & Summer], [Taoist Confucian] for their generous rewards.

  Today's update is still late, and it will be delivered before twelve o'clock. I can't wait to watch it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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