Reborn Zombie Daoist

Chapter 147 Feels Important (Subscribe to Chapter 3)

Chapter 147 Feels Important (Subscribe for the third update)

The bright sunlight shines into the room through the white gauze curtain, casting fine spots of light.

In the spot of light, a slender and tender arm is lying on the quilt casually, like suet jade, dazzling white, covering the sun's rays, and the owner of the arm is an angel Such a delicate face.

"Master, Master!"

Suddenly there was a hasty knock on the door, waking up the two sleeping on the bed, Sha Chen rubbed his temples, got up from the gentleness, and asked, "Alian, what's the matter?"

"Young master, the second master is leaving..."

"Oh, tell Second Uncle to wait, I'll come down right away."


"Well, what's the matter?" Ren Tingting asked in a daze. Last night, the wedding night in the bridal chamber, the two of them fought to the death and spent a whole night. If it wasn't for Ren Tingting's first taste of the pain of breaking a melon, and she couldn't bear the whipping, they might have quarreled until dawn.

Even so, the two of them fell asleep very late, and Ren Tingting was still sleepy when the sun was high.

"Second uncle is leaving."


Ren Tingting's drowsiness disappeared instantly, she straightened up suddenly, the quilt slipped off, revealing a piece of snow white.

Noticing Sand Dust's fiery gaze, Ren Tingting quickly retracted, and said angrily, "I'm going to die, I didn't make enough noise last night, put on clothes quickly and keep Second Uncle here, it's rare to come to Renjia Town, why are you leaving so fast."


"what happened?"

"It hurts!" Ren Tingting looked at Sha Chen pitifully, and Sha Chen smiled slightly, "Who made you so crazy last night, it's all right, take a good rest, I'll go find my second uncle."

"Be a man in the next life, yawn." Hearing what Sha Chen said, Ren Tingting lay back lazily, yawned, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

Shachen helped her cover the quilt, and went downstairs to wash gently. After washing, she came to the living room and saw Mao Xiaofang and Ren Da sitting on the sofa in the living room chatting.

"Master, Second Uncle."

"Ah Chen, I'm sorry to bother you." Ren Da said with some embarrassment.

Shachen waved his hand indifferently, "Second Uncle, don't say that, we are all one family, Tingting is inconvenient to come down, I have neglected Second Uncle, please forgive me."

Ren Da is someone who has been here before, so he doesn't know the joints, and nodded with a smile, "It's her blessing that Tingting can marry you, Dust, the eldest brother only has a daughter like Tingting, you must treat her well."

"I will." Shachen said solemnly.

"I believe you can do it." Ren Da said, and then hesitated to speak, as if there was something difficult to say, Mao Xiaofang noticed his face, and asked curiously: "Master Ren, do you have something to say?"

Ren Da sighed softly, looked at Sha Chen with complicated eyes, and said, "Ah Chen, our Ren family is not prosperous. The eldest brother only has one daughter, Tingting, and I only have one daughter, Zhuzhu. She told me yesterday that she wanted to continue I have nothing to do with her if I stay in Renjia Town to play, can you help me take care of her for a while."

"Master Ren, this?" Mao Xiaofang looked sideways with a look of disbelief.

All the people present are smart people, how can they not understand the meaning of Ren Da's words, what's the matter with a girl who is about to marry and stay at her brother-in-law's house for a long time?

Are you not afraid of falling in love with each other?
Are you not afraid of others gossiping?

Sha Chenpin expressed surprise, and said with a smile: "Second Uncle, this is not good, Zhuzhu has lived in Ren's house for a month, of course, I have no other intentions, but Zhuzhu will continue to live. I'm afraid that others will gossip, it's not good for her, or Second Uncle stays for a while longer, and then brings Zhuzhu back together."

"Ah Chen, you really don't understand?" Ren Da asked.

I understand, of course Shachen understands, from the first time Ren Zhuzhu saw Shachen, she looked at him in a wrong way.

During the few days in Wangxi Town, Ren Zhuzhu came to him every day, pestering him to take her to heaven, as long as he was not blind, he could see Ren Zhuzhu's affection for Shachen.

However, Sha Chen had no feeling for her.

I don't know if it's because he masturbated too much to the goddess in his previous life, or he paid too much attention to cultivation in this life, which made him not so possessive of women.

Originally, Sha Chen in his previous life was a person who was particularly focused and picky about feelings. He valued feelings very much, yes, it was feelings.

The first time he saw Ren Tingting, he felt a throbbing in his heart, so he had no objection to marrying Ren Tingting as his wife.

But when facing Ren Zhuzhu, he had no intention of getting close to her at all. On the contrary, because Ren Zhuzhu's waywardness had a very bad sense for her, he deliberately kept a distance from her and alienated her.

Unexpectedly, Ren Zhuzhu was so persistent that she ran from Wangxi Town to Renjia Town. Is she really here to play?Playing is just an excuse, the real purpose is sand.

The blessing of being equal to others, no man will refuse, but after a lifetime, Shachen will be very cautious, and still hopes to spend his lifetime with a woman he has feelings for.

If it's just a physical need, the brothel can solve it, and you don't need to be responsible for picking up your pants and leaving, why bother to find a rich and wealthy daughter to ask for trouble.

Originally thought that when he married Ren Tingting, Ren Zhuzhu would give up, but she never expected that she would convince Ren Da.

Of course, even so did not change the sense of sand and dust on her.

Ren Da's inquiry was tantamount to putting the matter on the table, so Sha Chen also wanted to use this matter to make it clear and cut the mess quickly.

"Second Uncle, Tingting and I are married and have a family." With a smile on his face, Sha Chen tried his best to politely refuse.

When Ren Da heard this, he heard the string and knew the elegant meaning, his expression changed, and he said with some reluctance: "Ah Chen, I understand what you mean, Tingting has indeed found a good man, let's let this matter go."


At this time, Ren Zhuzhu suddenly ran in with pear blossoms in the rain, looked at Shachen and asked, "Brother-in-law, do you dislike me?"

"Zhuzhu, get out." Ren Da shouted with a gloomy face.

Ren Zhuzhu looked at Shachen stubbornly, and ignored Ren Da, Shachen sighed slightly, and said with a smile: "You are a very cute and beautiful sister, although sometimes you mess around, but you are still very likable. "

"Then why didn't you promise my father?"

"Zhuzhu, that's enough, go out." Ren Da scolded.

Shachen said: "Zhuzhu, you are almost at the age of marriage, and staying in our house will damage your reputation. You miss Tingting, you can come and live for a while at any time, Tingting and I are very welcome, as for other Things, don't think too much, don't be blind, there will be a better person to take care of you in the future."

"I hate you!"

Crystal clear teardrops slipped from Ren Zhuzhu's eyes, she stared blankly at the sand and dust, turned around and ran upstairs, the crying sound came into the ears of the three clearly.

Ren Da's face twitched violently, and he said in a slightly cold tone: "Ah Chen, Zhuzhu is still young and not very sensible, I will cause you trouble, and I will take Zhuzhu back to Wangxi Town in a while."

Shachen frowned, "Second Uncle, I'm doing it for her own good."

"I know." Ren Da said expressionlessly.

Sha Chen and Mao Xiaofang glanced at each other, feeling a little helpless, people like the Ren family of the Sha family have no shortage of money and status, and they value face the most.

Ren Da lowered his head and gave his daughter to Sha Chen as a child, but Sha Chen didn't like it, it was like slapping him in the face, embarrassing, Ren Da probably couldn't swallow it.

"In that case, I'll send my second uncle off."

(End of this chapter)

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