City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 113 Brought 4 Daughters Into a Professional Racing Scene by Accident [4 More]

Chapter 113 Brought Four Daughters Into a Professional Racing Scene by Accident [4 More]

On Su Chen's side, after getting in the car, because it was the first time he was officially alone with his fourth daughter, he was still a little nervous when driving, so he didn't drive too fast.

From time to time, he would glance at his fourth daughter sitting in the passenger seat from the inside mirror.

The fourth daughter is really beautiful and has a cold temperament.

The body is also better developed than the eldest daughter, the second daughter, and the fifth daughter.

"Yutong, should we go home first, or go for a ride in the car first?" Su Chen asked to break the silence in the car.

"Skip the car." In fact, Su Yutong was also very nervous at the moment.

Not only because it was the first time to sit in such an expensive car, but also because my father, as Su Youyu said, is more handsome in real life than in photos!

Before she was outside the car, she didn't dare to stare at Su Chen carefully.

After getting into the car now, she would sneak a few glances at Su Chen from the corner of her eye from time to time.

Su Chen who found out that he was driving a Ferrari with one hand is really handsome!
Thinking that such a handsome, young, good-looking, and super rich man is his father.

She got a little nervous.

"Okay, it just so happens that there is a racing track near here. Dad will take you to a drag racing event." I just got the supercar that a man dreams of, and activated his driving skills.

His hands are really itchy right now.

I really want to go to the racing track and race a car.

When he was at the gate of the Imperial University just now, he played a bit cool, and felt that it was not enough.

Because at the gate of the school, not only is the speed of the car restricted, but there are too many cars, the superiority of the supercar is not easy to display.

When we get to the racing track, the superiority of the supercar can be fully realized~
You can experience the feeling of flying~
"Okay, then Dad will take you to the Zhonghai International Circuit to play. It's a bit exciting, can you accept it?" Before setting off, Su Chen still asked his daughter's opinion.

"Go to the racing track? Okay! No problem, Dad! Now the professor tells us that when we become surgeons in the future, the first thing we need to practice is courage." Because surgery is different from internal medicine.

What the surgeon sees are all bloody patients, either amputated limbs with massive bleeding, or severed head bleeding and other eye-stimulating scenes.

People with average courage really dare not choose surgery.

Otherwise, holding a scalpel and fainting from the scene of bleeding before the surgery even started, that would not work.

Because human life is at stake, every extra second of rescue will increase the patient's chance of surviving.

Therefore, the psychological quality requirements of surgeons are particularly high.

It is not only reflected in the resistance to pressure, but also in the courage.

She was thinking about how to practice courage, and her father said that she would take her to the racing track, which would be great.


"Dad, go to the racing track and drive. The speed is very fast, at least 150 yards or more. Dad, can you do it?" Su Yutong asked worriedly.

My father is 37 years old, close to 40 years old.

If you have high blood pressure or high blood sugar, you can't do too exciting things.

Although she really wanted to go to the racing track to experience it, she still had to ask her father's physical condition first, and she couldn't let him have an accident.

Su Chen was stunned for a moment, then he laughed and said, "Your father and I, even though we are 37 years old, are still young!"

"Anytime until it explodes!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he flicked the upshift paddle on the steering wheel with his right hand, and immediately, the speed pointer on the dashboard rushed upwards!
Fifty yards!
Seventy yards!
Ninety yards!
I rushed all the way to 150 yards and didn't stop! ! !

The speed is so fast that it flies!
Su Yutong's complexion changed drastically due to the sudden acceleration, and he quickly grabbed the handrail above his head to stabilize his body.

Especially when she saw the speeding picture in front of the windshield, her heart was about to jump out of her throat.

The eyes are going to be dizzy.

"Ahhhhh..." I couldn't help screaming.

"Dad, there are too many cars, let's not drive so fast..."

"It will hit the car."

"It's too fast, ah... I can't stand it..."

On the road, a baby blue Ferrari supercar passed by on the driveway with many cars!

The distance from the cars on the left and right is only 12 centimeters!

Leaped over.

The car owners who were overtaken by him had already been overtaken by him before they knew his car.

They trembled with fright.

"My God!"

"What kind of car is this! Why is it driving so hard!"

"This car skill is absolutely amazing!"

"Driving on such a complicated road has the taste of a racing car, this buddy, awesome! When will I have such awesome driving skills!"


The Zhonghai International Raceway is located in the suburbs, so Su Chen's car drove out of the traffic in a short while and headed towards the raceway.

Seeing that his daughter was frightened, he reduced the speed of the car to the normal speed of 120 yards.

"Yutong, are you okay?" After experiencing the feeling of flying, Su Chen felt more passionate in his whole body, and the tension caused by being alone with his fourth daughter disappeared in an instant.

While driving steadily, he smiled and looked at his daughter who was sitting in the passenger seat, her face turned pale with fright.

Don't blame him for playing tricks, there is no way, as a man, but also as a father.

He didn't want his daughter to think that he was too old to die.

He has to create a tall and powerful image of him as a superman father in front of his daughter~
"I'm fine...Dad, you're really... going to explode!" Oh my god, her little heart of an 18-year-old girl was about to be stimulated by the super fast speed just now, and she couldn't stand it anymore. She even felt that her legs were still shaking now.

As for her father, there was nothing wrong with him, and he was still chatting and laughing happily.

This is the huge gap in courage!

She really needs to practice her courage again.

Su Chen was praised by his daughter, and the corner of his mouth smiled even higher, "Haha, that's absolutely necessary!"

As soon as Su Chen rode Juechen, he supercar drove into the racing field. When he was about to enter the field, he slowed down the speed of the car.

Ready to register.

Although he couldn't afford a supercar before, he still has the money to bring his girlfriend here to play karting.

So he has been here several times.

On weekdays, you need to register before you can enter.


"Why is there no one?"

"Not a single person."

"Where did you go?"

"Forget it, don't worry about it, let's drive in and have fun first."

"When you come out, you can pay the bill again. Anyway, there is monitoring here, and the money will be calculated according to the time difference between entering and leaving."

After entering the gate, Su Chen pointed to the professional racing track not far away, and introduced to his daughter: "Yutong, this is the China Overseas International Circuit, which is composed of a Formula One track and other types of tracks. The total length of the road is 5451 meters, and the width is 12 to 18 meters."

"There are seven left turns and seven right turns, with an average speed of 205 kilometers per hour, and the longest straight is 1175 meters long..."


After Su Yutong heard it, his whole body felt as if he had been pumped, and he said excitedly, "Father, let's go! I will definitely not be cowardly this time. You can drive as fast as you want!"

"I believe dad is the fastest man!"

Hearing the last sentence, Su Chen was stunned for a moment, then laughed haha, couldn't help but pampered his daughter's little head with his hand, and said, "Dad doesn't want the latter sentence."

"Go, Dad will take you to the sky!"


At this moment, in the middle of the track, more than a dozen cool racing cars of various kinds are chasing after each other. The turning of the racing cars causes the tires and the ground to make violent friction sounds and the racing cars to accelerate.

There are also unmanned aircraft that are following the live broadcast at high altitude.

A professional navigator sits in the co-pilot's seat of each racing car.

The navigator is making a nervous fast broadcast.

"Continue to right 1! Immediately to left 1!"

"Back Straight 3!"

It ignited the passionate atmosphere of the whole racing competition.

On the stands of the finish line auditorium, the crowd watching the race through the big screen excitedly waved the name tags of the racers they supported and cheered loudly for their own racers!

"Come on! Ou Huang!"

"Come on! Big Gaia!"

"Come on! King!"

"Come on! God Gun!"

"First! First!"

"Win the championship! Win the championship!"


In the surveillance video of the racing program group, a staff member suddenly jumped up and exclaimed loudly: "No! A family car broke into our racing track by mistake!"

"Come on, come and intercept immediately! Prevent the other party from being hit by a professional racing driver!"

Drivers of family cars generally drive at a top speed of 120 yards, but race car drivers start at 250 yards per hour!
And when racing, because the speed of the car is too fast and too fierce, the major racers are desperate to compete for the first place.

It is easy to have a racing accident!
Both the racer and the navigator wear professional protective clothing, so even if there is a racing accident, they will not suffer fatal injuries.

But ordinary people drive, but they don't know how to wear protective clothing.

So when the staff member found out that Su Chen's car broke in by mistake, his face changed drastically in fright.

I'm afraid something will happen to Su Chen.

Because this car race is now being broadcast live nationwide!
Accidents must never happen to ordinary people!
(End of this chapter)

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