It's time to wear a female match

Chapter 73 The Wheelchair Woman's Wish (1)

Chapter 73 The Wheelchair Woman's Wish ([-])

Hearing what he said, Li Shishi's complexion improved a little, but she started to grind her teeth after listening to what he said.

"Xiao Shishi, it's not good for you, it's very bad, no man will want it, but it's okay, I just want you, but you can't be so fierce in the future..."

"shut up!"

Li Shishi listened to him babbling in her ear, she really couldn't stand the croaking, she wished she could sew his mouth shut, his mouth was just short.

After Chu Tianmo calmed down, Li Shishi still did not give up on the question just now, "Who are you? "


I don't know what exactly Chu Tianmo said to Li Shishi, but he stayed in Kang Wang's mansion from this day on.

But when Li Shishi sees Chu Tianmo afterwards, his eyes are full of playfulness, which will always provoke Chu Tianmo to show an expression of grievance. Sometimes when Li Shishi teases him too much, he will show some small emotions, but this is all That's another story.

When Kang Xuan finished his official business and returned home, he didn't ask any questions when he saw that Xuanyi Pavilion had been replaced with new tables and chairs, but before leaving, his eyes flashed, and his expression was unclear.

Inside the study.

"Say it again!" The corners of Kang Xuan's mouth twitched slightly, with a hint of a smile, but the deepness in his eyes was scary.

"After the luthier entered the lady's room, his subordinates lost consciousness, and they don't know when he left, but the table in the room was destroyed."

The person kneeling on the ground had a look of remorse on his face, wishing he could bury his head on the ground.

Kang Xuan was silent in front of the desk for a long time before he let the kneeling person back down, and he also stayed in the study for a long time before coming out.


Chu Tianmo's qin skills are superb, and it's not in vain. The music flows smoothly, and the rhythm changes from slow to fast.

Just one song.

"Papa... I can't tell, you are also very good at these elegant things."

In the small garden of Xuanyi Pavilion, Li Shishi was sitting in a wheelchair, watching the person playing the piano clapping her hands.

"Congratulations..." Chu Tianmo withdrew his hand from the piano and resumed his playful smile, "Xiao Shishi, when will you be able to walk on the ground again with your legs? You won't get tired from sitting all day long." , I look tired."

Li Shishi was not surprised that he knew that her legs were healed, but she heard him mention it, thinking about it, she will let Kang Xuan know about her legs sooner or later, she needs an excellent opportunity, which requires the right time, place and people. .

"Miss, there are people coming from the palace, the prince asked the servants to come and push you to the front hall."

Li Shishi looked at Xi'er who came forward, she nodded, the arrival of the palace at this time was almost the imperial decree to restore her status as princess.

When Xi'er pushed her to the front hall, everyone in the hall was present. It was the first time she had seen Kang Xuan wearing a court dress, which made him appear more rigorous and alienated. With the help of her nanny, Kang Ning, who hadn't seen her for a long time, directly expressed her unhappiness with her ugly face.

After receiving the imperial decree, Li Shishi will be the Princess Anhe of the Prince Kang's Mansion in the future. Seeing Kang Ning's resentful eyes when he left, Li Shishi smiled lightly and didn't take it seriously.

From now on, there is no Princess Kangning in this Prince Kang's mansion. She has become the adopted daughter of Lord Kang, and her status has dropped a lot. If you don't move, you will punish the servants.

The old matriarch's health is getting worse and worse. This is a woman who wants to be strong all her life. She doesn't care whether this granddaughter is her granddaughter or adoptive granddaughter. It's all about this century-old foundation.

She told Li Shishi some rules for the female relatives in the mansion, and told her to put Kang Wang's mansion first in everything. This was to advise her not to lose face of Kang Wang's mansion, which Li Shishi could still hear.

Time passed slowly, and finally it was Princess Chenxi's birthday.

Princess Chenxi's birthday was held in the eldest princess's mansion. This eldest princess is the emperor's sister, and she loves Chenxi very much. She spent a lot of effort on Chenxi's birthday this time, but unfortunately she was used by others. All this hard work wasted.

Kang Xuan personally sent Li Shishi to the eldest princess's mansion, because he couldn't leave due to official business, he told Li Shishi not to force her to stand up for anything, and to tell him if she was wronged, and he would help her vent her anger later.

Before leaving, he told Xi'er and Que'er not to leave Li Shishi's side for a moment, and then they left in peace.

Li Shishi looked at Kang Xuan's leaving figure with a smile on her face. After today, her task may be completely completed. Whether she wants to leave, but she is so unwilling.

There is obviously a deep or shallow connection between them, but why doesn't he remember it, and why does the 'Hall of Fantasy Poems' exist?What year and month will she have to wait for his explanation?
She really wanted to complete the task quickly, and every time she entered a task world, she would pass on the memory data to him, and then immediately enter the next task world, repeating the cycle, I believe he would remember it soon.

However, she just thought about it.

Li Shishi pulled the cloak on her body and shrunk her neck. It was already winter, and the weather was getting colder. She asked Xi'er Que'er to push her into the house.

After entering the eldest princess's mansion, a maid in the mansion came to greet her. After learning that she was the returned Princess Anhe of Kang Wang's mansion, the maid led her to the palace where the birthday was held with a smile.

When entering the palace, Li Shishi glanced at the situation inside for the first time. The person sitting on the main seat was the eldest princess who was in good condition. The two people around her were still in the mansion this morning. I have seen Kang Ning, and there is a beautiful girl who is pulling the sleeve of the eldest princess, saying something there.

There are many ladies and young masters from aristocratic families around, each sitting in their own seats, the man on the left and the woman on the right, talking and laughing.

Until Li Shishi came in, the palace was quiet, everyone was attracted by her wheelchair, until Li Shishi came to the center of the palace, the ladies started whispering, after all, women always have topics to talk about.

Li Shishi didn't care about the way they looked at her, she said nothing to the superior eldest princess, "Kang Wang's mansion Anhe has met the eldest princess, the eldest princess Wanfu, and Anhe was invited by Princess Chenxi to join us Let's join in the excitement and enjoy the joy, and hope that the eldest princess will not blame An He for being a disabled person."

After finishing speaking, Li Shishi nodded to Xi'er who was behind her, and saw her coming forward with a red box in her arms, which was a congratulatory gift prepared by the stewards of King Kang's mansion.

"An He specially prepared a small gift for Princess Chen Xi, and I hope Her Highness the Princess will not dislike her."

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(End of this chapter)

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