It's time to wear a female match

Chapter 71 The Wheelchair Woman's Wish (9)

Chapter 71 The Wheelchair Woman's Wish ([-])

After Kang Xuan instructed the man in black, he finally asked him to bring Qingguo luthier, no matter what, he must be brought to Kang Wang's mansion, even if he used force.

The reason why he ordered this was because he also heard that this person loved gorgeous things extremely, but he didn't like gold and silver, and his temper was also very weird.

Someone once hired him at a high price to teach the piano art to the female family members, but he was venomous. He despised people who were ugly, and his words made the piano learner almost commit suicide by jumping into the river.

Because that is also a powerful person, who can't bear the humiliation of the family members, and even asks someone to strangle the luthier, but he always retreats, and then he doesn't know how to solve it. The rich man suddenly told the luthier about this matter Sorry, that's the end of it.

After Kang Xuan gave his orders, the man in black withdrew and was fine in the study, and because Li Shishi was in his heart, Kang Xuan didn't stay in the study for too long, so he left here and headed for Xuanyi Pavilion.

When Kang Xuan came to Xuanyi Pavilion, he saw Xi'er and Que'er guarding outside the room.

Hearing what the two said, he learned that Li Shishi was resting alone, and he didn't let anyone in to inform him, so he pushed open the door and walked into the room lightly.

Li Shishi had already come out of the main god's space, and the time in the space for so long was only a moment in the mission world. As for the time difference, she only knew about it.

Kang Xuan saw that Li Shishi was still sitting in a wheelchair, and was seriously playing with the potted plants by the window. He didn't know if it was his illusion, but he always felt that Li Shishi's temperament had changed, becoming noble , with some aura that belongs to her alone.

He shook his head and smiled wryly, thinking that he was too nervous and overthinking. He walked over slowly, knelt down and faced Li Shishi, and said guiltily, "Shishi, I'm sorry, I'm late."

Ever since Li Shishi came out of the main god's space, she had clearly felt that her sensitivity and sense of smell had strengthened, and she had known it as early as when Kang Xuan came outside the door.

"What did you say, my brother is supposed to entertain the princess when the princess comes. Now Shishi is useless and can't help you. Don't think I'm a drag on you, brother." Li Shishi's soft voice sounded, but she Not looking straight at Kang Xuan.

Kang Xuan got up and hugged Li Shishi in his arms, "I don't allow you to say that, you are the most important person to my brother, I will not despise you, never in my life, no one can compare to you."

"Hehe..." Li Shishi showed a wry smile on his face, "Then why did my brother leave so eagerly when he heard that the princess was coming? In the future, when the princess marries Prince Kang's mansion, am I still my brother's most important person?"

After Kang Xuan heard this, he knew that Li Shishi was throwing a temper tantrum, so he quickly explained the matter to her clearly.

The reason why he went to see Princess Chenxi was to tell her not to come to Kang Wang's mansion again, and also to reveal to her his intention of refusing the marriage...

After listening to his explanation, Li Shishi's complexion improved a bit, and then she really did as she expected, when she heard Kang Xuan asking about Princess Chenxi's invitation, she also agreed without hesitation.

Although she already knew that they would do this, Li Shishi still couldn't help being angry. The original owner was just a disabled person and didn't block their way. Could they really have the heart to do this?

Since they really want to do this, she will play with them, but this time it is not just a simple humiliation, she wants to make them never turn over, and let her repay the favor of this life. The grievances are over.

Not long after Kang Xuan stayed with Li Shishi, someone came to him, saying that he had urgent business to do. Kang Xuan apologized to Li Shishi and left.

In the next few days, Li Shishi never spent too much time with Kang Xuan, because he was too busy and couldn't get away.

However, on this day, an incomparably gorgeous carriage came from Kang Wang’s mansion. The entire body was made of golden nanmu, which looked golden from a distance. The curtain was also gilded and embroidered with some unknown flowers. The red is enchanting, the carriage stops for a moment and there is no movement, and the people who pass by here are not far away, as if to see who is so high-profile.

At this moment, a white finger was stretched out from inside the car to lift the curtain, and the people in the car slowly appeared in everyone's sight.

Passers-by, with a casual glance, even dropped the vegetable basket in their hands, and some people forgot to breathe, and their eyes were straightened.

What a beautiful person that is, it is not an exaggeration to describe it with the four words of "overwhelming country and beautiful city". Those beautiful eyes are always looking at you, and they are always hooking you. Those thick eyelashes make women see Everyone was envious of her, her pink lips raised a seductive arc, she was completely a seductive evildoer.

But the flat area on the chest, and the sexy Adam's apple, all showed that this evildoer is a man!

Kang Xuan happened to be in the mansion today, and at this time he came outside the gate of the mansion. He also received a report from the servants in the mansion. Hearing the description of the servants, he counted the days and thought that the luthier he had invited was coming soon. Knowing that there is an extremely gorgeous carriage outside the door, it is probably close to ten.

"But Qingguo Qin Master?" Kang Xuan first frowned when he saw the people outside the residence, and then let go before asking.

The man was also taken aback when he saw Kang Xuan, with an incredulous expression on his face, and after a while he said in a daze, "It's Chu."

When Kang Xuan saw that he was the person he was waiting for, his face was a bit complicated, and he didn't know why, but he always couldn't hold a good impression of this person, and even felt uncomfortable when he saw him.

He left a sentence telling him to enter the mansion, knowing that someone from the mansion would lead the way for him, so he turned around and went back to the mansion.

When Kang Xuan came to Xuanyi Pavilion and saw Li Shishi, he felt more comfortable, but when he thought of such an angry fox next to Li Shishi in the future, he began to feel uncomfortable again, and he even had a feeling to drive this luthier back to Qingguo.

Li Shishi was sitting in a wheelchair drinking scented tea. Seeing Kang Xuan coming in, she added another cup and handed it to the person sitting opposite her, "Brother, try my newly brewed scented tea."

Kang Xuan took it, took a sip, and said with a smile, "No matter how much you practice your craft, it's naturally good."

"My brother would actually make fun of me. I just have nothing to do all day, so I just play with these things." Li Shishi said angrily.

The smile on Kang Xuan's face also disappeared with these words. Thinking of Li Shishi's sake for him, now that her legs are crippled and she can't go out of the house, he owes her all this.

He dismissed the idea of ​​driving the luthier back to the Qing Kingdom, and drank the tea in his hand, "Shishi, the luthier that brother invited for you just now has arrived, do you want someone to bring him over, take a look?"

 Seeking a reward, asking for a recommendation ticket, asking for a comment and rating, Huahua loves Nimen~\(≧▽≦)/~Mommada...

(End of this chapter)

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