It's time to wear a female match

Chapter 56 The Orphan Girl's Wish (7)

Chapter 56 The Orphan Girl's Wish ([-])
In this way, Li Shishi stayed. She lived in the Biezhuang in the south for more than half a month. Since she first took charge of the family business, she has a general understanding of the industries in various directions of Chiguo.

She is busy with the sales books of various industries in the Li family every day. After a long time, she has become very comfortable with this ancient business. The know-how of the market is used to inform them.

It's just that under the influence of the drought in the current Chi country, the industries of the Li family have suffered a certain blow, so they have no chance to show their grand plans. After all, people can't eat, so how can they expect anything else.

The south side is better. It is heard that the victims of the disaster have rioted in the imperial city. They have already confronted the people from the government, and there are signs of death.

The emperor is getting old, after all the turmoil, he also got sick and couldn't even go to court. The queen mother controlled the government, and she presided over the use of violence to control violence. The imperial city is now in chaos.

"Miss still has the foresight to let us escape this catastrophe. My heart is still pounding when I hear the news about the imperial city." Orange helped Li Shishi peel the oranges in the courtyard of the villa, and peeled the orange petals. Putting it on the plate in front of Li Shishi, words of rejoicing came out of her mouth.

"I don't have any foresight. This is human nature. The profit-seeking grain shops in the city raise their prices at this time. How can the poor afford it? The old shops closed their doors and stopped selling grain. Yes, when life is threatened, anything can happen."

As Li Shishi said, she picked up the orange in front of her and put it to her mouth. She looked at the orange on the plate, then at the orange of the little maid in front of her, and laughed.

"Miss, why doesn't the old store sell food anymore?" The little maid pouted her mouth to peel the oranges, her face puzzled, but after hearing Li Shishi's laughter, she raised her head, "Miss, what are you laughing at?"

"Hehe... Peeling oranges is very interesting." Li Shishi teased the little girl.

Tangerine was stunned for a moment, but after realizing it, her face turned red, she put down the orange in her hand, stomped her feet at Li Shishi and said anxiously, "Miss, you are bad, you are getting worse and worse."

"Okay, okay, don't be angry," Li Shishi comforted the little girl, and answered her question by the way, "As for the old shops that don't sell grain, it's because they don't know how serious the drought is. After confirming that it is not serious, they will open a warehouse to sell grain, otherwise they will save their lives. After all, there are not many partners in the business field, and they have already been allocated internally, and the rest have to be prepared for emergencies."

"So that's how it is. Miss knows a lot." As soon as Juzi heard Li Shishi's explanation, she forgot about the fact that she made fun of her just now.

Li Shishi shook her head, she doesn't know much, it's human nature, but the girl Juzi is young and has been with the original owner all year round, so she is naturally simpler.

Li Shishi thought about waiting for her before going back to the imperial city. Although she is not a holy mother, she couldn't bear to see these innocent people being used by others. Since ancient times, the common people always lose when they fight against officials.

As for how she learned that the people were being used by others, Ye Qi's multi-functional, loyalty-based system was naturally indispensable.

It's a pity that Li Shishi didn't know that someone was attacking her, and they were aggressive.

Since Li Hexuan had enough food and grass, he had already formulated a plan to deal with the enemy army, and he did not disclose the advantage of the Red Army's sufficient food and grass, so the enemy army did not hear any rumors.

This day|He had just finished discussing the battle plan with the generals, and the people were about to disperse. The soldiers came to report, and the enemy sent envoys to discuss peace.

Li Hexuan felt inconceivable. In the eyes of the enemy, the Red Army was now on the weak side, but they came to negotiate a peace. Did something happen?
He couldn't figure out why, and the generals were also at a loss, Li Hexuan ordered the soldiers to pass the messenger into the account and listen to what he had to say.

Then I saw that soldier brought one person into the tent just now, and everyone in the tent was stunned, except for one person.

It is not an exaggeration to describe the person who has made money as a country and a city. His beautiful eyes are always seductive, and his pink lips have a seductive arc. He is completely a seductive goblin.

But from the flat part of the chest, and the sexy Adam's apple, it shows that this seductive person is a man!

Li Hexuan glanced at him indifferently, and turned his eyes away, he really didn't like this kind of man, he was full of coquettish like a fox.

He sat on the main seat in the tent and didn't speak, just waiting for the messenger to open his mouth.

The emissary didn't care about Li Hexuan's attitude at all, he walked leisurely to a seat in the tent and sat down, leaning on the back of the chair as if he had no bones.

That semi-feminine voice sounded in the tent, "General Li, I'm here to negotiate a peace, and your attitude seems to be that you don't welcome him." After speaking, he showed an expression of grievance, as if Li Hexuan was a heartless man who betrayed him .

The people in the tent are all from military backgrounds, where have I seen such a monstrous person, except for his flat chest and Adam's apple which indicate that he is a man, other appearances are really like a woman, and he also used that tone to talk to their general say.

Their eyes glanced back and forth between Li Hexuan and the envoy, their general is also a handsome man, he is majestic and majestic when he puts on the armor, but he is also a gentle and handsome young man when he takes off the armor.

Only those who know him know that he is a dangerous, powerful, handsome and enchanting man all in one.

Comparing the two, the messenger is obviously not enough, he is too seductive.

When Li Hexuan heard the envoy's words, the corners of his mouth twitched, his face became cracked, he quickly adjusted, and said in a cold tone, "Tell me your conditions, this general doesn't believe that you came to negotiate peace for no reason."

The emissary looked at Li Hexuan with a sad face, he got up and came to the seat, dangled in front of Li Hexuan, raised his eyebrows and asked, "It's really cold, it is rumored that General Li is not close to women, can you see if he can do it?" Did it get into your eye?"

"Puff~cough cough..."

This was the collective laughter of the generals. Seeing the general's gloomy face, they held back, but their shoulders were trembling and their faces were blushing. They were holding back their laughter.

Li Hexuan looked at the messenger with cold eyes, wishing to kick him out of the tent.

Seeing Li Hexuan looking at him, the emissary didn't care about his ugly face, and even winked at him, and said with a smile, "How, how, did you find out about him? Don't worry, General Li, he can do well." The living room, the kitchen, and the warm bed will definitely satisfy you."

 Thank you "Hui Si Nian Ying" for the reward~\(≧▽≦)/~mua
  I also thank the babies who have always supported this book, Huahua loves Nimeng~\(≧▽≦)/~Memeda

(End of this chapter)

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