It's time to wear a female match

Chapter 54 The Orphan Girl's Wish (5)

Chapter 54 The Orphan Girl's Wish ([-])
"Miss, miss, did you hear what I said?" Seeing Li Shishi ignoring her, Ju Zi stamped her feet anxiously.

"I heard, your lady, I am not a good person. There are so many suffering people in the world. How can I take care of them one by one? Besides, there is an emperor here, and there are officials below. If I do anything, I will definitely cause trouble. Why bother."

The girl Juzi is really whimsical, she regards her as the Virgin Mary, and wants her to help those disaster victims.

And no matter what purpose they entered the city, even if they were really persecuted by the disaster, she would not be able to help them for no reason. This person will get a relative reward for his dedication.

Although Juzi was young, when Li Shishi spoke about government affairs, she also knew that what she said was reckless, so she had to stick her tongue out at her young lady.

A few days later, Li Shishi saw that the disaster in the city was getting worse, so she left here with her family servants and some city stewards, and went to the Biezhuang in the south.

When they left the city, they first took a horse-drawn carriage to escape the victims, because they were going to the south to take the waterway, and then they changed to a boat. After several days of driving, they finally arrived at Biezhuang.

She had informed the people in Biezhuang in advance, so when she arrived, the housekeeper there led a group of servants to welcome her at the door.

The groom stopped the carriage, Juzi came out first, and said, "Miss, the Biezhuang is here."

The groom who was driving took out the pedals and put them away, Ju Zi lifted the curtain and asked Li Shishi to get out of the car.

Li Shishi's exquisite face was exposed to everyone's eyes.

"The boss has worked hard all the way, go in and rest." The housekeeper of this villa didn't show any less respect to Li Shishi because she was a woman, and stepped forward to greet her.


Li Shishi walked into the Biezhuang. There were many servants in the yard, and the things in the house were neatly arranged, and the place was wiped spotlessly. She probably prepared to welcome her. She said some polite words to everyone, and then Went into the main house.

She walked into the inner room of the main house, and lay down on the bed to rest. After so many days of exhaustion, she was already tired beyond recognition.

Lying on the bed, she recalled the benefits in the world of cultivating immortals. She would be fine if she didn't fall asleep for ten and a half months. Thinking about it, she fell asleep.

Seeing that the young lady had fallen asleep, Tangerine quickly covered her with a quilt, and then stood by her side.

Li Shishi was woken up by starvation, because she had not had a good rest and lost her appetite when she was on the boat. Now that she slept comfortably, she felt hungry instead.

Although she was hungry, she didn't dare to eat too much for dinner, because her appetite hadn't been good for the past few days, and she was afraid that eating too much at once would make her stomach uncomfortable. After dinner, she called the stewards here and asked them about the situation of the border war.

In fact, Li Shishi had a selfish intention in coming to this Biezhuang, that is, it was close to Li Hexuan, and it would only take a few days to go to the border quickly, and she would be able to see him.

The stewards have dealt with each other in the business field for a long time, so they are naturally well-informed, and they have spoken out what they know.

Listening to what they said about the border situation, Li Shishi's heart ached.

Although the Chi country has a large number of troops, there is a shortage of food and grass, and there are casualties among the soldiers, so the medicine is also in short supply. Many soldiers who came down from the battlefield did not receive effective treatment with medicine in the first place, which caused regret, and the morale of the army was faintly disturbed | omen.

The enemy country took advantage of this time to pursue the victory and launched a surprise attack, killing the Chi country by surprise, and once again suffered heavy losses.

Li Hexuan was at the border right now, sitting in the main tent. He looked down at the map of the border defense. He placed two rows of chairs, and all the soldiers sat there, waiting for Li Hexuan's speech with tired faces.

At this time, a soldier said: "General, our army's food and grass can't last for a few days, and there is no medicinal material. The brothers who come down from the field can't get effective treatment, so they can only wait to die." I shed tears.

Li Hexuan's face was as cold as ice, and no one could see any expression, but his hands were tightly clenched into fists under the table where no one could see, and the veins on them were bulging.

At this time, another human said: "General, there is news from the imperial city that a drought broke out in the city, and now no one cares about us. Are we just waiting to die here?"

After saying this, the big guys were silent for a while, they were afraid of this, they risked their lives here to defend their home and country, but the people of the imperial city chose to abandon them.

Li Hexuan was closest to him, a man who looked like a military adviser said: "General, I heard that someone donated food before we set off, why don't we look for this person again?"

Li Shishi didn't know that someone was trying to trick her, but she didn't need them to take the initiative to speak up. After she learned of Li Hexuan's situation, she ordered people to gather all the food in the south, and also the medicinal materials she had asked each medicine shop to store. send it.

Li Shishi decided to go to the border, and she wanted to take the initiative to meet Li Hexuan.

The medicinal materials were quickly delivered to Li Shishi, and the food to be donated had already been gathered. Li Shishi went to the border with the guards to rescue the emergency. After the food and herbs were in place, she left without delay.

The food transportation team was not slow. Li Shishi followed the team all the way, and finally arrived at the army station after a while. Seeing the tents camped closely together, her heart felt at ease. There is a problem with a large amount of food, grass and medicinal materials. She thinks that it will be really difficult to get the same amount under the situation of food shortage.

Li Hexuan was studying graphics with other soldiers in the main tent, when a soldier came in suddenly, knelt down and said excitedly, "General Qi, outside... there is a food delivery team outside."

Li Hexuan and the other officers and men were stunned for a moment, as if they hadn't expected it at all, but someone immediately came back to their senses and asked, "Where is it?"

The soldier said, "It's outside the station."

Because the border gates are very important, people are not allowed to enter easily, even if they bring food and grass, Li Shishi waited outside the station for a long time, and finally the person she wanted to see came.

The generals came outside the garrison and looked at the grain trucks parked in the open space, followed by a carriage at the end, and a frail 'man' stood beside the carriage, as if a gust of wind could blow him away. Walk.

It seemed that the smell of medicinal herbs could still be smelled in the air. A general beside Li Hexuan opened his eyes wide and searched in that car, and finally found traces of medicinal herbs in a car. The bag was opened, revealing the full amount of medicinal materials in front of his eyes.

"Haha... General, it's the medicinal materials! We have the medicinal materials!" The man was very happy, and he called out loudly, regardless of his dignity.

 There was a problem in the backstage today, Huahua was unable to reply to Nimeng, and did not delete Nimene's comments. Many previous comments have been deleted. Dear friends, I thought it was Huahua who made it~
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(End of this chapter)

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