It's time to wear a female match

Chapter 373 Unable to Forget (The Finale 3)

Chapter 373 Unable to Forget (The Third Finale)
When Li Hexuan came to the Hall of Fantasy Poetry, he found that he couldn't get in at all, because there was a barrier set up here.

And Li Shishi also saw a man in court clothes from the Hall of Fantasy Poems, rushing towards the Hall of Fantasy Poetry.

In fact, Li Shishi didn't know one thing.

That was in Beixiang Kingdom before, when Li Hexuan only thought of the memories of ten thousand years ago.

After that, she ran away before receiving the memory picture of her in the reincarnation world.

And Li Hexuan chased after the main god space, and when he stepped here, all the pictures rushed into his mind.

Thinking that Li Shishi might have misunderstood him, Li Hexuan stood outside the hall of fantasy poetry, staring deeply at the palace.

In fact, he has the ability to break the enchantment, but he did not do so.

He had to wait for Li Shishi to open the barrier in person.

It's not easy for them to get to this point. He has time, and he can take it slowly.

Li Shishi also looked at the man outside the palace, feeling unspeakably uncomfortable in her heart.

Since you don't love her, why do you still come here? This is poking her heart.

Li Hexuan left after standing in the Hall of Fantasy Poetry for an hour.

And Li Shishi didn't feel good seeing him leave.

She looked at him for as long as the man stood outside.

Seeing the man leave, Li Shishi felt an indescribable loss in her heart.

"Mother. I'm hungry."

The childish voice beside her made Li Shishi avert her eyes.

Looking at the lotus seat floating in the void, Li Shishi smiled sincerely.

Fortunately, fortunately, there is a child between them.

This child is her only hope.

Hearing the child say that he was hungry, and seeing his pale face, Li Shishi remembered Ye Qi's words.

Then I saw a drop of blood forced out from her body, which was the essence of the heart.

Slowly moved the blood in her hand to the child's mouth, and the latter opened his mouth to eat it.

Then the child changed visibly with the naked eye.

It was a baby's body before, but now it has doubled in size, and even the eyebrows and eyes have opened a lot.

This child is amazing, Li Shishi stretched out her hand to the child in the lotus seat.

And the little boy, seeing her movements, stood up directly from the lotus seat, opened his hands, and threw himself into her arms.

"Mom, I'm still hungry, I want to eat daddy's..."

The child complained in her arms, his tone was pitiful.

Li Shishi naturally knew what it was, the heart and blood of that man.

But it was too late for her to hide from him, so how could she come to him.

Li Shishi hugged the child in her arms, enjoying the sudden affection, while stroking the child, she asked, "What's your name?"

The little boy replied obediently, "My name is Qilin."

Although he didn't know how the child survived, but based on his immortal energy and the faint Buddha light, Li Shishi knew that this child must have his own name.

The name he was born with, he is not an ordinary child, that's why Li Shishi asked this question.

"Kirin... Kirin..."

It turned out that this child was called Qilin. Li Shishi hugged him and said, "Then I will call you Lin'er from now on, okay?"

"Yeah, Lin'er is hungry."

Little Qilin is very kind to Li Shishi, he likes her, but he is very hungry now.

If it wasn't because he was very hungry, he must have played around. He heard the (blood) man who gave him delicious food before, always talking about the world.

He also said how beautiful the outside world is, and the human nature of all kinds of people, greedy, ugly, naive, always little Qilin wants to go out and have a look.

But now his body is very weak, and he is still very hungry. After eating his mother's blood, he seems to be going to eat his father's again.

Little Qilin acted like a baby to Li Shishi, wanting her to take him to find his father.

The movements of Li Shishi's hands stopped, she knew that the little Qilin was a little weak now.

But... that's all, let's just meet that man.

For the sake of the child, Li Shishi didn't hesitate too much, she touched the little unicorn with her hand and said yes.

It's just that I can't wait to see the little unicorn.When walking outside the hall of fantasy poetry, Li Shishi held him down.

Although the little unicorn is weak, he can fly easily, so Li Shishi quickly grabbed him.

"Lin'er can't do it now, wait a little longer, okay? Mother still has some things to do. Let's go after we finish, okay?"

Little Qilin was not ignorant, so he nodded, "Okay."

Seeing the little unicorn so well-behaved, Li Shishi was very pleased, but at the same time felt a little emotional.

Children in the fairy family are not like children in the world, they have a short and happy childhood.

They are born with their own consciousness, the so-called inheritance, bloodline inheritance.

If you can step on it, I hope that little unicorn can also enjoy that short childhood.

Li Shishi hugged the little unicorn tightly and brought her to the dormitory in the Hall of Fantasy Poetry.

Putting the person on the bed, Li Shishi squatted down, "Lin'er sleeps here, and after waking up, mother will finish the work, and then take you to find daddy, okay?"

"it is good."

Sure enough, the little unicorn was very well-behaved, and he climbed onto the bed and closed his eyes to sleep.

Seeing such a well-behaved child, Li Shishi couldn't suppress the pity in her heart.

Seeing that the little unicorn really fell asleep, Li Shishi left after breathing steadily.

She didn't go far, but returned to the hall of the Hall of Fantasy Poetry.

This time, the hall in the Great Illusory Poetry Hall was not empty like when she took the little unicorn away.

Instead, it is full of "people".

They can't be called people, but full of ghosts.

The coming of all ghosts is something to be frightened of.

But after Li Shishi appeared, those ghost bodies trembled.

It was excitement, excitement, and even fear.

Their king is about to return, how can this excite them.

Among these soul bodies, the most eye-catching is the black clothes standing in front of the ghosts.

This time Gui Sha was no longer dressed in ordinary black.

Instead, she changed into what she remembered, with the other side flower embroidered on her body, and even the sleeves and hem were the same pattern.

This outfit gave Guisha a more rigorous aura, and made him less pale and look more energetic.

Perhaps it was because after seeing Li Shishi appearing, Gui Sha was equally excited, and his face became a little rosy.

Seeing Guisha, Li Shishi also remembered the time when the two fought side by side.

At that time, Gui Sha was not a pure soul body, he was very weak, and because of his handsome appearance, he was always bullied.

I remember that when she took over Pluto, she happened to see him being bullied by other souls.

When she saw the ghost fighting back at that time, the arrogance of going all out attracted her.

She knew that the ghost at that time was not weak.

Maybe it was because of curiosity, maybe it was because he was attracted by the aggressive attitude towards him at that time.

Li Shishi rescued him, and no one would have guessed that because of her unintentional move, Guisha became her right and left hand.

It has also become the second existence that all souls and bodies in the underworld fear.

Guisha was not called Guisha when Li Shishi was not rescued.

At that time, I saw that he was white and clean, and his appearance was handsome, and I didn't know what Li Shishi's tendon was wrong, so he even gave him the name, Guisha.

(End of this chapter)

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