It's time to wear a female match

Chapter 165 Love in the End Times (5)

Chapter 165 Love in the End Times ([-])

Just as Li Shishi was thinking about her future plans, the manager of the shopping mall came over with a smile on his face and something in his hand.

Li Shishi looked at his face and thought that this matter should be done, and it was true, the car looked brand new and it was an export car.

If they wanted to sell it, it would be more than 500 million. Li Shishi just wanted money, so why not do it.

"Miss, our leader said yes, here is a check for 500 million, please accept it."

The manager of the shopping mall walked up to Li Shishi and respectfully handed her the check in his hand.

Li Shishi got up and picked up the check that the manager handed her, and said, "Thank you, manager, because of personal reasons, I will buy a lot of things in your mall in the future. Leave my address, as long as the things are delivered there."

"Okay! No problem, we will definitely deliver what you want as soon as possible."


After that, Li Shishi left all the supplies she could think of needed in the last days to the manager of the mall.

When the store manager saw the large amount of food, clothing, housing and transportation items on Li Shishi's list, his eyes were straightened.

These things are enough for a person to last for several lifetimes, and the 'junk food', which is almost emptying their stock.

There is also a large amount of bottled water. How short of water resources is this girl in front of her? They don't have these sources of supply in their inventory.

Other clothes, and other household items.The same amount is relatively large, but these are still acceptable.

"Shishi! Shishi! I won the prize! I won the prize!"

After all, as soon as the shopping mall left, Er Lan ran over. She looked very excited, as if she had won a 500 million lottery.

Li Shishi looked at the quiet girl and ran towards her like a light flower. Although she was about the same age as her, Li Shishi felt that she was no longer so youthful.

It wasn't until Er Lan came in front of her that Li Shishi asked her, "What did you hit? So happy."

"Hahaha... I hit a folding bike!"

It turned out that Erlan had won the bicycle, because Li Shishi gave her the prize drawing card. Although she was happy, she still wanted to ask who the bicycle belonged to.

Li Shishi is of course impossible, she wants her bicycle, after all, she was the one who gave Erlan the lottery card, and she was the one who won the prize.

When Er Lan learned that the bicycle belonged to her, she was overjoyed and wanted to hug Li Shishi and kiss her.

Although Li Shishi didn't have any bad feelings towards the girl in front of her, she still couldn't accept her behavior. She was not used to being touched by strangers.

She dodged inadvertently and walked outside the mall, "We should go."

Now the grand prize has been taken away by Li Shishi, the crowd in the shopping mall has dispersed a lot, and Er Lan's work is almost over, after all, she is a temporary worker.

When they went home, the two of them rode the bicycle tools that Na Erlan got after winning the lottery.

Sitting in the back seat, Li Shishi looked at the crowded vehicles around. People were busy at this moment.

Maybe they want to make money, or go to that restaurant to eat, or go to a mistress, a little boy to entertain loneliness and so on.

In short, none of them would have thought that their comfortable life today would face the end of the world a month later.

It was a world full of blood and darkness, and people's nature was fully revealed. They would face killing, not between people and zombies, but between people and the struggle for power.

Looking up at the blue sky, this is a color that has never been seen in the last days, and blue is a luxury in the last days.

There is also the surrounding green grass, the trees around the road, all of which will disappear in a period of time after the end of the world.

Human beings have pushed the world to the brink of extinction, because the pollution of modern industry and the destruction of the natural environment are too severe, so viruses appear.

The human beings in this world were made by themselves. When they were thinking about their own interests, they never thought about the consequences.

After the end of the world, it is really difficult to restore the original appearance. It is not possible to restore it in ten or twenty years.

Nature is going to start all over again, and all the destroyed ecological environments have to start all over again, and the zombies are not extinct, and everything is endless.

The research institute she was sold into in her previous life had a good intention, to develop humans infected by zombies.

They did find out how to treat humans infected by zombies, but the price was too high, and it turned out that one life was worth one life.

Because in the last days, a group of people with supernatural powers appeared. They would not be infected even if they were bitten by zombies, let alone become zombies.

But ordinary human beings are different. Once they are bitten by zombies, they will 100% become zombies, and become unconscious zombies that bite and eat people everywhere.

Because many high-level leaders, they are more or less without supernatural powers, and they found this exchange of blood in the research institute, which has the major result of not being infected.

After that, countless supernatural beings began to lose their lives because they were supernatural beings and because they did not have a protective umbrella.

The research institute got what they wanted, but they were not satisfied. They also wanted to find clues from the supernatural beings that could eliminate the zombies.

Whether the final result was found, Li Shishi is not very clear, because the original owner has no memory of what happened afterward, and she has already died.

In this life, Li Shishi came. Besides fulfilling the wish of the original owner, she also wanted to rescue those supernatural beings who were hurt by the research institute.

In the memory of the original owner, there is such a scene.

It was a five-year-old girl, she was also a supernatural person, and she was also sold to the research institute.

But she is different from the original owner in that she was sold in by her biological parents.

The reason is only her parents, and a son, who is the little girl's brother.Because they had no food, in order to survive, they sold the five-year-old girl with supernatural powers to the research institute.

The little girl was cut into pieces by the staff of the research institute because of her water-type abilities. She cried out in pain.

That voice was so desperate, she suffered more pain every day than the original owner, because she could inspire pure water from her body.

The people at the research institute studied her thoroughly, and almost cut her whole body up and down. There was no good place, just to find out where the little girl got the water from.

The little girl didn't last long before she was killed by the group of animals. Her expression remained numb after that, as if she was used to it.

I still remember the little girl, when she was dying, she said this to the original owner: Sister, I am going to heaven, there are no parents who betrayed me, no brother who beat me, and no people in white clothes, But there are white angels.

(End of this chapter)

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