It's time to wear a female match

Chapter 127 The Alchemist's Wish (29)

Chapter 127 The Alchemist's Wish (29)

At the request of Palace Master Yaqin, Li Hexuan arranged for all the members of the Demon Palace to witness this moment together.

Li Hexuan couldn't wait any longer, he wanted to settle everything in the Demon Palace as soon as possible, and then he and Li Shishi would have a double stay and fly together.

He really thought that after returning his heart to Palace Master Yaqin, he would be free, but he didn't know that he had been tricked by Palace Master Yaqin, and even lost Li Shishi because of it.

When he thought about all this again, he was already remorseful and wanted to kill himself, but unfortunately Li Shishi could never come back.


When Li Shishi woke up again, she found that she was in a strange place, and her body was fixed on the bed by a chain of unknown material.

At this time, she was the only one in the house. She looked around this strange place and found that there were some monster fur ornaments all around.

Li Shishi also recalled her memory when she passed out, and this must be the territory of the demon king.

Feeling that her body had gained strength, Li Shishi breathed a sigh of relief. She hated the limp body without any strength and was at the mercy of others.

Before Li Shishi couldn't contact Ye Qi in the main god space, she was still in the entertainment world, where she was controlled by a virus.

In that world, she didn't have any thoughts, and even killed Li Hexuan, because the virus controlled her and prevented her from returning to the main god's space.

But now she was once again unable to contact the main god's space, and even Ye Qi couldn't sense it. Could it be a virus again this time?

Li Shishi had to think this way, because with the demon king's formation, it was impossible to restrict her at all.

I think she has also learned formations in the world of cultivating immortals. No matter how powerful the formation is, it is impossible to prevent her from returning to the main god's space, let alone break her connection with Ye Qi.

She contacted the main god space again, but there was still no response.

Being fixed on the bed, Li Shishi could only wait for the demon king to come to negotiate, she couldn't sit still, she had to delay time, and wait for Ye Qi to rescue her.

Unknowingly, a long time passed, and finally the arrival of the demon king came.

The demon king also showed his true colors, and his appearance was indeed a sinister one.

At this time, he was wearing a red dress, and that touch of red didn't fit him at all, it looked nondescript.

When Li Shishi saw this touch of red, she unconsciously thought of Chu Tianmo, who was often dressed in red, and he was the most suitable for red.

Putting on that red dress, Chu Tianmo is so coquettish, just standing still in front of your eyes, he is already a monster, not to mention his charming every move.

In other words, if the demon king in front of him hadn't spoken out, Li Shishi wouldn't have known that this was the demon king himself.

Because when the Tunnel Demon King was spotted by her, he didn't use Jiang Qing's voice, but his real voice.

"Are you awake? Not bad, not bad, it really didn't disappoint me, hahaha..."

As soon as the demon king entered the room and saw Li Shishi half-sitting on the bed, he was a little surprised, and then he showed a satisfied look and kept laughing.

Li Shishi didn't talk to her either, she looked coldly at the demon king standing opposite her.

"Do you know that no matter how advanced a person's cultivation is, it will take ten days and a half months to recover the spiritual power that is sucked out of the body by the formation, but you are good. It only took three days. You Does that surprise me?"

Speaking of which, the demon king approached Li Shishi, reaching out to touch her face, but was avoided by the other party, the demon king was not angry, and he sat beside Li Shishi.

"Three days?" Li Shishi avoided the demon king's touch, she didn't react to the next move of the demon king, she was still immersed in the words of the demon king before.

She actually fell asleep for three days, how could this be?

The demon king heard Li Shishi muttering to himself, and he answered her kindly, "Yes! Three days, only three days~"

When Li Shishi was wondering why she had been in a coma for three days, she felt that someone had grabbed her hair.

When she looked back, she saw that the demon king was holding the hair next to her ear in his hand, putting it under his nose and sniffing deeply.

He looks so fascinated, like taking drugs, intoxicated in it.

Seeing this, Li Shishi felt chills all over her body, she kept stepping back, pulling her hair away from the opponent's hand.

The demon king who was disturbed was not happy at this time, he actually liked the smell of Li Shishi very much, it made him very peaceful.

Just when he was deeply immersed in it, Li Shishi dodged it, with an angry look on his face.

"Don't be shameless, now that you have become my prisoner, don't make unnecessary struggles!"

Seeing that the demon king's expression changed so quickly, Li Shishi kept thinking of ways to deal with it.

Thinking of the demon king's formation, Li Shishi asked, "How did your formation come from? It is definitely not owned by Ditian Continent. Even if you let me die, you must understand it. I really love that formation. I'm very curious~"

As soon as Li Shishi mentioned the formation, the demon king couldn't hide the proud expression on his face, "It was a gift from an expert, and I have used it to deal with many enemies. It is so powerful that I never thought of it. The expert gifted me the formation and then disappeared, I will definitely thank him when I find the expert someday..."

When Li Shishi heard that the demon king said it was a gift from an expert, she suspected it was a virus, "Is it a person who is dressed strangely, wearing a black robe and a one-piece cap with a black robe on his head, A person who seems very mysterious and abnormal?"

"Huh?" Before the Demon King finished speaking, he was a little stunned when he heard Li Shishi's eager tone.

However, upon hearing Li Shishi's character description, the Demon King showed a pleasant expression on his face.

He stepped forward and grabbed Li Shishi's body, and said eagerly, "Do you know that expert? Do you know where he is at this time?"

Seeing that the Demon King did not deny it, and was still so excited, Li Shishi knew that it must be a virus.

Li Shishi gritted her teeth, she really didn't expect the virus to be everywhere at this time.

Back then Ye Qi said that she had escaped the control of the virus, but now the virus has already laid a trap in this world.

As soon as I heard what the demon king said, I knew that the virus didn't just give him the formation. It must be that the virus had already set this trap before she entered this world.

He must have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time, but he didn't know the intention of the virus. Could it be that this time he wanted to attract Li Hexuan?
Li Shishi was puzzled, because Li Hexuan was not with her, and the virus did not control her body, what would he do?

Just for the demon king to catch her?This is a bit unbelievable.

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(End of this chapter)

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