Chapter 266
The Ouyang family has been passed down since the Qing Dynasty, and it has been several generations, and it is roughly estimated that it has a history of hundreds of years.

At first, Ouyang's family was just an ordinary family, relying on some antiques handed down from their ancestors and selling them at high prices.

Life is considered rich compared to ordinary people, but compared to rich people, it is still a little far behind.

The rise of the Ouyang family was not due to anything else, but because real estate suddenly became popular.

Because of some land deeds passed down from ancient times, and because of luck, the land was expropriated by the government, so the Ouyang family quickly gathered a group of funds.

Then, using this batch of funds, the Ouyang family started buying and hoarding land wantonly before the real estate industry had fully started.

After a few years, all the land has doubled!
Ouyang's family sold half of it for cash, and then kept the other half to hire someone to build a house. They became the first batch of real estate developers in China!
At that time, everyone was not very optimistic about real estate.

But Ouyang's family has devoted all their efforts to the real estate industry.

30 years later, the Ouyang family has transformed into the No. [-] wealthy family in Jiangnan!

And real estate has also become the pillar industry of Ouyang's family, but this is not all of Ouyang's family.

With the convenience of funds, Ouyang's family has successively developed multiple industries such as entertainment, catering, clothing, and automobiles.

This also initially established a preliminary industrial circle. On this basis, Patriarch Ouyang also became the chairman of the chamber of commerce in the three provinces in the south of the Yangtze River, governing tens of thousands of merchants in the three provinces.

If Yu Feng wanted to bring down the Ouyang family, he absolutely couldn't avoid real estate.

Since it is necessary to do real estate, according to Yu Feng's philosophy, it must be the strongest and the best.

In this way, the role of the earth immortal land is very necessary.

"Oh! It's really good wine! It's so delicious!" The Duke took a sip and shook his head intoxicated.

Yu Feng glanced at the schedule sent by his assistant.

A week later, the Municipal Planning Bureau has a piece of residential land, which happens to be bidding.

The location of this land is just beside the Dujiang River, and in recent years, Shangjing is accelerating the development of infrastructure.

The Municipal Council has proposed a plan to build a bridge to link Dujiang and Shangjing city centers more closely.

Obviously, the future value of this land is self-evident!

Because of this, the bidding this time will definitely be quite fierce!
Thinking of this, Yu Feng took two more bottles of high-quality wine from the wine cabinet, and handed them to the Lord of the Land.

"Long night, drinking and chatting?"

Seeing that there was wine to drink, the land lord immediately smiled until his eyes narrowed.Quickly took the wine and hugged it in his arms, raised his eyebrows with a smile.

"Hey, my old man can't drink your wine for free. How about this, a bottle of wine and a piece of land, in the land of Shangjing, my old man has the final say, you can choose whatever you want."

"The old man is really bold, so I won't be polite to you." After speaking, Yu Feng paused, and said, "I happened to have my eye on that piece of land on the edge of the Du River recently. I wonder if the old man can help me." A helping hand."

The land lord took a sip of wine, curled his lips and said, "Isn't it just a piece of broken river land? If you want it, I will give it to you."

Yu Feng smiled lightly and nodded: "Next week, I will bid for this lot. I don't know how the old man plans to help me?"

"I'm telling you, I don't dare to say anything else. As far as the land of Shangjing City is concerned, I will take care of everything that has anything to do with the soil! Isn't the government engaged in bidding for the land you just mentioned?"

"Yes, it turns out that the old gentleman is also very familiar with the rules of the secular world."

The Landlord raised his chin proudly, "I'll tell you, the government has the final say on who to sell to. Whether or not a house can be built on that land, and who can build a house on that land, is up to the old man."

"Oh, how do you say it?" Yu Feng deliberately showed a curious look.

The Landlord immediately regained his spirits, leaned into Yu Feng's ear mysteriously, and said it after a while.

After listening to Yu Feng, he nodded with unsatisfactory intentions: "Jiang is really old and spicy. I will give 10 points to the old man's method."

The land lord patted the wine bottle in his arms proudly, "In the past few days, hurry up and raise money! You have to take care of the secular procedures yourself. As for other matters, I will leave it to the old man. As long as If you have enough money, whichever piece of land you want, you want that piece of land.”

With the promise from the Landlord, Yu Feng naturally had no worries, and immediately went to raise funds.

Three days later, leaders from various fields of Xianfeng Group were gathered in Shangjing by Yu Feng to report on the group's profitability for this quarter.

In the conference room, most of the bosses flew over overnight from the three northern provinces.

They all looked tired at first, but when they saw Yu Feng at this time, their eyes immediately lit up, like star fans who were crazy when they saw their idols.

It doesn't mean that Feng opened his mouth, everyone in the meeting room has already started to laugh.

"Yu Dong, is that Xianfeng mobile phone really a product developed by our group?"

Ge Hong nodded proudly.

Immediately, someone next to him slapped the table and stood up: "Wucao, that's great! In our city, Xianfeng mobile phones are sold out. My wife cries with me every day and insists on asking me to drag someone to buy one. If you can't buy it, just buy one." Divorce me! Now I'm finally saved!"

Yu Feng laughed: "I forgot if you didn't mention it. After the meeting is over, everyone will go directly to Ge Hong to sign up. Everyone has a Xianfeng mobile phone, and of course all the concept versions."

After everyone listened, they all rubbed their hands excitedly.

You must know that Xianfeng mobile phones are now sold all over the Internet, and they are so popular that they have no friends.

But those are all popular versions, simplified versions, and you can’t buy them with money!

But as soon as Yu Feng opened his mouth, it was a concept version of 888 million copies!
Everyone thought of this, and finally couldn't help sighing.

"In my lifetime, I have never seen such an arrogant boss! Public mobile phone, so high-grade that I can apply for Guinness World Records."

With that, everyone's desire for Xianfeng's mobile phone was satisfied.

Unknowingly, everyone's faces showed a sense of honor as a member of Xianfeng Group.

With such a sense of collective honor, everyone was swept away because of the exhaustion of catching the plane, and all of them attended the meeting in high spirits.

At this time, Yu Feng finally got to the point.

"It has been a quarter since the establishment of the group in Liangzhou. I have called you here today to give you a simple financial report. The purpose is to let everyone know about the current situation of the group in various fields. In addition, you can also Take this opportunity to create a benign competitive atmosphere within the group."

Everyone listened carefully, and Yu Feng kept smiling.

"Of course, where there is competition, there are winners. Let me put it aside first. At this year's group annual meeting, the top three profitable departments will receive 100 billion red envelopes and a bottle of Jiuyang Essence Lotion."

A folder fell from everyone's hands and fell on the conference table.

The meeting room was silent for two seconds, and then completely boiled!

"For ringtones, don't steal from me! The first department of the group this year is our catering!"

"Fuck you! Want to be the first, have you asked 189 garment factories?"

"Hehe, although our mobile phone factory was established relatively late, I, Ge Hong, have won the number one spot!"

Yu Feng nodded with a chuckle, and said lightly, "Okay, it's good to have fighting spirit. But who can win in the end, we'll see at the end of the year. Now let's take a look at this quarter first. Who is the sales champion?"

 Three more deliveries!

(End of this chapter)

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