The Great God of the World

Chapter 239 Killing him to serve him

Chapter 239 Killing to other people's clothes
The meeting went on all night.

The final result was that the Northern Army gave up 5 places in the individual group arena, Lu Chaoren was dismissed as the head of the Northern Army, and Lu Kun was disqualified from the competition.

The news quickly spread to Shan Yang.

Du Lingxiao was shocked when he heard the news, and immediately contacted his head to inquire about the situation.

When the head of the Yuning Military Region received the call, he was exhausted: "Little Du! You don't have to worry about this matter anymore. Keep working hard for the next games. Our Northern Army can still win."

Du Lingxiao couldn't bear the fruits of the team's victory, so it was stolen like this, "Chief, what's going on? You can at least give me an explanation! Otherwise, what's the point of winning this game?"

The head of the Yu Ning Military District thought for a long time after hearing this sentence, and was obviously touched.

"That's right! Even if you win, you're forced to give up your quota for the individual competition. What's the difference between that and losing? Haha..."

At the end, the chief of the Yu Ning Military Region laughed idiotically, which made Du Lingxiao terrified.

"Chief, you..."

"I'm fine! I'm just a little bit angry."

"Why was Chief Lu dismissed? And why was Lu Kun disqualified?"

"It's a long story, but I can only tell you one thing, Yu Feng saved it, and these are the prices."

When Du Lingxiao heard this, his heart was shaken beyond measure.

"Chief, what do you mean, both Chief Lu and Lu Kun were punished because they wanted to protect Yu Feng?"

"This time, if there were only Yan Song, Zheng Biao, and Xu Guoli joining forces, our Northern Army could barely defeat us, and we wouldn't suffer such a heavy loss. It's a pity..."

"What a pity? Is there anyone else coming to join in the fun?"

"Well, the Lin family of Jinling has united with the heads of many Xiuwu sects. Among them, Wumen and Yaoshengu also participated. They jointly signed a letter and donated 1000 billion yuan, demanding that Yu Feng be strictly punished."

"What? Not only a joint name, but also a donation of 1000 billion?"

"Well, Lin Taohai spent a lot of money this time. But for the Lin family, the Lin family can easily earn back the money in two or three years. But the price our Northern Army paid this time is really too high."

Du Lingxiao remembered that he and Lu Kun were rivals once in the past, and now he suddenly lost such an equal opponent, he was very unwilling.

"Chief, is there no room for change?"

The head of the Yu Ning Military District was silent for a long time, and finally said: "Unless we also have the support of a big martial arts sect here, if we can donate another hundreds of billions, there is still a chance for this matter. But..."

Hearing the word but, Du Lingxiao's heart turned cold.

Everyone knows that their northern army is located in the north, because it is a plateau area with undulating mountains, so the transportation has always been inconvenient.

Therefore, commerce has been greatly hindered, and because there are no large-scale companies to invest in the three northern provinces.

If it were not for the export of basic resource-based products in recent years, the annual GDP of the three northern provinces would probably be lower than the national poverty line.

Not to mention their north, a few martial arts sects are pitifully weak, just talking about a huge sum of 1000 billion can completely overwhelm the backs of the Northern Army!
Thinking of this, Du Lingxiao saw Lu Chaoren's majestic figure in a military overcoat before his eyes, and his heart felt inexplicably sore.

After knowing the truth, Du Lingxiao felt even more uncomfortable.

The feeling of being forced by reality and having to bow his head oppressed all of Du Lingxiao's nerves!

Du Lingxiao endured it for a while, but finally he couldn't hold it back, and ran straight to Yu Feng's room...

As soon as I got to the door, I heard conversations in the room.

"Brother Feng, it's bad! All our medicine fields in Shangjing have been confiscated!"

"Also, the pharmaceutical factory has also been blocked for no reason. It is said that someone reported that our traditional Chinese medicine hormone content exceeds the standard!"

"The most annoying thing is that these grandchildren even blocked our canteen in Tsingda University! They said that we don't have the relevant qualifications to operate in the school, and let us make up for it, otherwise all our windows will be confiscated."

Yu Feng: "Do you know who did it?"

"Well, I've already checked. The pharmaceutical field, the pharmaceutical factory, and the cafeteria are all reported by Ouyang Yao, the chairman of the General Chamber of Commerce of the Three Provinces in the South of the Yangtze River, to the relevant departments."

Yu Feng: "Okay, I got it. You go back now and drive everyone from the hospital to Shanyang by car except for the nurses, as well as Sanji and Hongjiao. The sooner the better!"

Wang Tiande bowed and stepped back, Du Lingxiao stepped into the room.

Yu Feng seemed to have realized it earlier, and politely asked Du Lingxiao to sit down before talking.

After Du Lingxiao heard about the influence of Xianfeng Group because of this competition, he felt more guilty towards Feng in his heart than before.

After all, Yu Feng was not from the army, so he played in the competition just to help out.

Now I'm trying to help, but not only did I not get any benefits, but I also caused a lot of trouble!
Even the companies under Yu Feng's name were also targeted!
Thinking of this, Du Lingxiao lowered his head unconsciously with guilt on his face.

In the end, it was their Beijun who were ashamed of Yu Feng!
Seeing this, Yu Feng smiled lightly and said, "Du Lingxiao, when did you become so indecisive?"

Du Lingxiao froze for a moment, then stared at Yu Feng in a daze.

Seeing that there was no trace of panic on Yu Feng's face, let alone loss and despair.

Thinking of Yu Feng's conversation with his subordinates, Du Lingxiao couldn't help but asked in doubt: "So many things have happened, don't you worry?"

Yu Feng still had that calm and composed look, "What should I worry about?"

Du Lingxiao was hesitant to be asked, and then guessed that Yu Feng's company in Shangjing might have other trump cards, and being targeted this time, the impact might not be as great as he imagined.

Thinking of this, Du Lingxiao finally felt a little relieved. After a moment of silence, he finally said the reason for his visit.

"I think you should have heard about Chief Lu and Lu Kun."

When Yu Feng heard this, his eyebrows twitched unconsciously, and the smile at the corner of his mouth disappeared silently.

The atmosphere in the room also became suppressed.

"En." Yu Feng replied with a strong nasal voice.

Du Lingxiao thought for a while, then spoke again.

"We have no way to change what has happened. But I hope you will not be affected by these things, play well in the following games, and secure this championship for our Northern Army! Of course, I also know that I have no I'm not qualified to tell you these things. I just..."

Yu Feng didn't wait for Du Lingxiao to finish speaking, he took over and continued: "There is no need to explain so much, I know what kind of person you are."

Hearing this, Du Lingxiao was inexplicably moved.

It turned out that after getting along not long ago, Yu Feng could give him such trust.

It has to be said that what is extraordinary about Yu Feng is not only his cultivation!
Thinking of this, Du Lingxiao looked at Yu Feng with even more admiration.

Just when Du Lingxiao was distracted, Yu Feng's voice changed in vain, and the cold voice suddenly resounded in the room.

"The number one person in the Northern Army refuses to accept, then I will kill him, come, he, accept!"

 I've been waiting for a long time!Hugs~ Thank you for your continued support and encouragement!Manual comparison!

(End of this chapter)

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