The Great God of the World

Chapter 215 This book will be on shelves next week, May and April 5th

Chapter 215 This book will be on shelves next Friday, April 4th
No one writes a testimonial a week in advance, right?
emmm now have.

Book friends who have saved chapters, must remember to come back next Friday! ! !

Let me start with a laughing and crying expression, after all, being cute can make me look tender.

The key title has already been said, it will be on the shelves on April 4th, which is next Friday, and a certain white hereby notifies you to come and ask for a full order.

On the day of launch, the minimum guarantee is 10 more.

In addition, a total of 12 chapters are added (Leader Don’t Get Into People’s Hearts with 6 chapters, Whld with 1 chapter, I Like You It’s That Simple with 1 chapter, Xu Shengcai with 1 chapter, Hua Lonely with 2 chapters, Little Monsters with 1 chapter add more)
Counting it down, there are tentatively 22 chapters that will be updated that day.

In addition, follow-up rewards will be added! (A reward of 100R, 10000 book coins, plus a new chapter. The rules remain the same.)
Here is the miserable part: May I ask how miserable the white routine is?
Answer: It’s so miserable that I don’t want to put the seasoning packet in the instant noodles, because I have to save it for cooking as salt.After all, Bai is so poor that he can't even afford salt.

Is it really that poor?Leather, of course.

Well, let’s formally introduce myself to the book friends.

My surname is Bai, my pen name is Bai Taolu, and I am female.A very ordinary person in life, who works part-time and writes articles, and his hands are fast.

Like all writers, I have a distant dream of a great god.

The reason why I say it is far away is because I can’t even support myself when I write novels, let alone talk about making a fortune and becoming a god.

Therefore, I can only work part-time and write secretly.

A colleague asked me, what do you write all day?I can't say I'm writing a novel because I can't support myself by writing it yet.

The leader said to me, you are yawning all day long and not doing your job properly, what the hell are you thinking?I dare not say that my book is in PK, 6 changes a day for a week, and only sleep 2 hours a day.Because I know that speaking out will only lead to more blame and ridicule.Because the money I earn from writing novels can’t even keep up with a fraction of the leader’s salary.

Finally, one day, even my family members began to ask me what I was doing when I was so busy every day.

I read my novel, and I was filled with grievances about this point that I was ashamed to mention.

Now, the book is finally going to be on the shelves, whether it is cool or not depends on you.

What Bai can do is to desperately save the manuscript, so that you can enjoy it.

Finally, don't ask for thousands of rewards from all book friends.A certain white only asks that book lovers who really like this book can continue to support the original version after the book is on the shelves.

You are the only ones who can help Mou Bai realize his dream, please support with tears in your eyes!Thanks! ! !
In addition, popularize the full subscription operation, click on the paid chapter, click in the middle of the page, and several icons that can be operated will appear on the top of the page.

Select the down arrow icon, a batch download page will pop up, and there is a select all icon in the upper right corner, select it!Then click Confirm Purchase at the bottom of the page. As long as there are enough book coins, the full order can be completed successfully.

In addition, let’s popularize the operation of automatic subscription.Click to open any chapter, click in the middle of the page, and several operable icons will pop up at the bottom of the page.

Select the setting gear icon, scroll down, there is a line of automatic subscription, click to open.Then it worked!
Automatic subscription means that you subscribe when you read it, and you don’t subscribe if you don’t read it.

(End of this chapter)

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