Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 872 What Are the Rules of Heaven and Earth?

Chapter 872 What Are the Rules of Heaven and Earth?
In the end, the crazy sea water swept under the five people's feet, and they just rushed up.

Sweeping five people, enveloping them completely, that is to swallow them completely.

At this moment, the six people who saw such a situation were already stunned.

The five people disappeared directly, and the five ancient holy ancestors and demon ancestors disappeared for no reason.

This is too scary, too amazing.

It also caused the six people to look terrified. By now, they already understood that Chu Tian's strength was not something they could understand.

Looking at the front without moving a bit from beginning to end, he directly killed five ancient demon ancestors and holy ancestors.

There is only one thing they want to do, and that is to get out of here as soon as possible, the sooner the better.

I don't want to stay for a moment, I don't want to stay any longer.

At this moment, the six people really turned their heads and left as soon as they said it. The speed was so fast that they turned around and ran almost at the same moment.

Seeing all this, Chu Tian didn't chase after them at all. He curled his lips and sneered, and really didn't pay attention to these people.

Because none of these people could threaten his status.

threaten his safety.

There was no one in the entire chaotic street.

Chutian directly let more than a dozen ancient holy ancestors and demon ancestors run away, which surprised Hui Bing, who was really shocked by what happened before him.

Whether it is the demise of the five ancient holy ancestors and demon ancestors, or the fall of the ancient holy ancestors and demon ancestors.

All of this can only make her understand that Chutian is different from before.

The strength of this person who appeared suddenly has completely surpassed her.

Originally, she thought that the gap between the two was not much, but now, the gap between the two is too big, relying on her talent, it is impossible to catch up.

This was a blow to her confidence, and it really made her feel unspeakable for a while.

His complexion changed, and his complexion was very ugly.

However, within a short while, she immediately made up her mind.

Since you can't surpass it, try to follow it.

Gritting her silver teeth, it was also the first time for her to let go of her self-esteem.

Chu Tian watched those people leave, and turned around, he really found that one person looked at him differently.

In Hui Bing's eyes, there was a bit more respect and seriousness, so he just looked over with a serious face.

Without even thinking about it, I knelt down and bowed down with a loud voice.

"I am willing to dedicate my life to your glory, to accompany you, and to complete your hegemony!"

Directly swearing allegiance to Chutian also made the corners of Chutian's lips rise, and his face continued to smile.

I am very satisfied with Huibing's approach in front of me.

After all, there can only be one person in charge of the entire Sun Moon Tong Hui, Hui Bing cannot give in, all he has to do is get rid of her.

Even if this woman is very talented and easy to cultivate, Chu Tian doesn't want a disobedient person.

The current result is not bad. Before he said, the woman in front of her directly recognized her status and was willing to submit to him.

On this point, it has done a very good job.

With such a sense of humor, Chu Tian is of course willing to give her some benefits.

"Okay, from now on, you will be one of my right and left hands, Sun and Moon Tonghui will be handed over to you, I can satisfy you whatever you want, as long as you follow me."

"Become a member of my Chu God Clan!"

As soon as the words came out, Hui Bing's eyes lit up, his face was a little excited, and he blushed again.

Gritting his silver teeth, after a while, he raised his head and said to Chu Tian in front of him, "I just ask for a little love from my lord, and I ask for a chance to cultivate the way of heaven together."

Chu Tian was taken aback for a while, but he didn't understand.

"Cultivate the way of heaven together?"

"Yes, yes sir, relying on your talent, if I can get a joint practice, it will be a blessing in my life."

Only then did Chutian understand the meaning of what he said.

It really made him a little different.

Touching his nose, he didn't know what to say.

Seeing the longing and anticipating look on the other side's face, Chu Tian could only cough dryly.

With a calm face, he said, "We'll see how you behave later."

"It's an adult, I will definitely shape myself for the adult, and for this double cultivation, I will definitely work hard so that the adult can also get a lot of benefits."

Chu Tian: "..."

Chutian didn't expect that the other party would be so happy to do that kind of thing with him.

It's no wonder, with his current ability.

In terms of his realm, it was really Chu Tian who gave these daughters who cultivated gods and demons alms.

It is no small matter to improve them.

If it weren't for some people who were afraid of Chutian's status and the gap between them, I'm afraid he would be much more active than Huibing.

There are many girls in Sun and Moon Tonghui, and they all look at the ice god with envy.

They only asked Chutian for a chance to practice together, but they were willing to give everything.

It's a pity that even if they sacrifice everything, they don't have any qualifications.


Sun and Moon Tonghui's casualties are well counted.

Chu Tian also learned about the current situation of Taiyin Tianyuan. The loss of Taiyin Tianyuan is not serious, but the Taiyin Tianyuan without the two ancestors is also a mess.

In Chutian's view, it is very simple and easy to control it.

And the one who is left is Xuanhuang Supreme, but I don't know what is going on with Xuanhuang Supreme now.

This made Chu Tian look puzzled, looked at Hui Bing and asked.

"Is Xuanhuang Supreme also involved in this incident?"

Hui Bing's expression changed, he raised his head, and said with a serious expression: "The current situation of Xuanhuang Supreme is probably not much better than ours. They are the leaders of the Chaos Street Alliance."

"Based on their status, only by completely eliminating them can we control Chaos Street."

It is precisely because of this that the Xuanhuang Supreme may not be able to leave one person behind.

Now the two ancestors of Xuanhuang Supreme are buried in the entire chaotic battlefield, and no one can help Xuanhuang Supreme.

Chu Tian also thought about whether to intervene in it, or watching Xuanhuang Supreme being destroyed is also a good choice.

Just when Chu Tian was hesitating, Hui Bing in front of him couldn't help but speak.

"My lord, if you want to intervene to help Xuanhuang Supreme, it is also a good way. After all, there are many secrets in Xuanhuang Supreme."

"It will definitely be helpful to the adults. If the adults make a move, they will get a lot of favor from the alliance. The three major alliances will definitely be respected by the adults!"

At the end, Hui Bing's face was also full of excitement and joy.

That was really because of Chutian's influence, and she was very concerned about it. Now she really planned to follow Chutian.

What Hui Bing said was also recognized by Chu Tian, ​​and he nodded. He really thought that it was a good idea to help out.

To make his reputation more famous in Chaos Street, he must surpass the reputation of the ancestors of the three alliances.

In this way, it is really a good choice to help Xuanhuang Supreme.

(End of this chapter)

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