Chapter 857

When the heavens and the earth moved, the entire surrounding area resonated with each other.

The ancient Emperor Zhen was resurrected again. This time, it was obviously different from the previous one.

Accompanied by his body, a lot of devil soul energy rushed out, permeating the space between the sky and the earth, making the sky and the earth shrouded in infinite darkness.

Emperor Zhen's body has gained consciousness, and now he has recovered a little strength.

It is also able to completely control the ancient Zhendi Demon Realm.

Even if he didn't fully recover, his strength is not comparable to people like the ancient demon ancestor.

Together with the two elders, Xuanhuang and Huang, they trembled and stared at the past with ugly expressions.

The expression on his face changed erratically, it was really an indescribably moved face, it was a face of fear.

As soon as Zhendi appeared, the two of them really turned around and left as soon as they said it.

It's a pity that Emperor Zhen seemed to have locked on to the two of them a long time ago, and left as soon as they left.

That was without even thinking about it, as soon as I raised my hand, I just grabbed it.

"You really think you can escape from this emperor, what a joke!"

After finishing speaking, he grabbed them directly in an instant, and really grabbed the two of them completely in the palm of his hand.

The two were held, and their faces were extremely ugly.

Looking at the body of Emperor Zhen in front of him, he lowered his head with a really pale face.

I couldn't help but speak.

"My lord, please forgive me, we, we definitely don't despise you."

"We have let you go now, and please let us go. Even if our cultivation is abolished, please let us go."

The two looked terrified and just wanted to plead for mercy.

But Emperor Zhen in front of him didn't give him any face.

"Why did I let you go?"

"Snatch my Demon Realm, take my body, and seal the emperor's consciousness. No matter which one it is, you must die. Are you insulting the emperor?"

With a cold snort, there was a fierce look in his eyes, and he really didn't want to let the two of them go.

The faces of the two changed drastically, and they wanted to escape, but unfortunately, it was impossible to escape from Emperor Zhen in front of them.

It was also under the ancient Emperor Zhen's grip.

The two couldn't compete, and it really turned into a ball of rotten meat when Emperor Zhen pinched it hard with one hand.

As soon as the physical body died, the two demon souls and demon bodies appeared directly, and they both wanted to leave immediately with consciousness.

How could Emperor Zhen let the two of them go, that big mouth, force it.

He even directly swallowed the two demon souls and demon bodies, together with their consciousness, into their mouths.

He swallowed his stomach in one gulp and licked his tongue.

That face is very calm.

"The two of you are really bad enough. Even if you swallow you, you can only recover [-]% of my strength. It's ridiculous."

After finishing speaking, his eyes swept away and fell on Chu Tian.

Just staring at him like this, seeing Chu Tian, ​​his eyes really brightened and his face was excited.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that there are still good nourishment here."

"Okay, if I can devour you, I can restore [-]% of the emperor's strength, yes, yes, you and I are determined!"

After finishing speaking, Emperor Zhen raised his hand and grabbed Chu Tian directly.

It's a pity, now that Chutian had obtained the strength of the ancient demon ancestor, he just waved his hand when Emperor Zhen grabbed him.

The power is transmitted directly like this.

It was even louder.

Emperor Zhen's hand was completely flipped away, which also allowed him to see Chu Tian's indifferent, calm gaze.

It had to make him frown.

"Oh, it seems that you are not bad. Oh, I really didn't expect that there are still people who can get the ancient demon realm. Who are you?"

Being stared at by Emperor Zhen in front of him also gave Chu Tian a kind of confidence.

Now he dares to stare proudly at Emperor Zhen in front of him.

In the entire Chaos Street, I am afraid that he is the only one who can do this.

In addition, the complexions of the two elders, Sun and Moon Tonghui, also changed.

They also shocked Emperor Zhen's real figure, and admired Chutian's power now.

Between the two is the existence that stands between the heaven and the earth and destroys a world.

In an instant, Chu Tian flew directly into the sky, and just kept level with Zhendi in front of him, looking at Zhendi's huge body.

He pursed his lips, and said without thinking: "Hundreds of millions of years ago, you died a long time ago, and it is delusional to want to be resurrected now."

"It is impossible for a dead person to be resurrected. The world now has new rules, and there is no need for you people!"

Chu Tian's words also changed the face of Emperor Zhen in front of him, and he stared at him with a pair of eyes, his face was very ugly.

Facing Chu Tian's words, he was even more unhappy.

"This emperor will die, how is it possible, this emperor is just giving himself a test, boy, what are you, you dare to say that about this emperor."

"It looks like you are the one who wants to die!"

Emperor Zhen Feng was furious and directly attacked Chu Tian.

Just raise your hand and control the world with one hand.

It hit Chutian directly.

"World-destroying supernatural power, a punch that shakes the sky!"

After finishing speaking, the fist smashed into the sky, with a huge gap, and punched Chu Tian.

It is a punch that changes into an infinite black hole.

So directly in front of Chu Tian.

It also made Chu Tian raise his hand, and the ancient demon domain also instantly resisted in front, so that the opponent's fist could not be broken.

Chu Tian curled his lips and sneered, "You can shake the sky, but you can't shake my world."

"This ancient demon realm cannot be shattered. You are also called the world-destroying supernatural power. Why don't you look at me."

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian immediately threw out the supernatural power.

"World-destroying supernatural powers, the demon realm shatters everything!"

After finishing speaking, the entire Ancient Demon Territory trembled immediately, and with Chu Tian's control, it was like pulling the body of Zhendi in front of him.

It really made Emperor Zhen's fist be pulled directly into the Demon Realm in an instant.

It turned into a little bit of fragments, it was really smashed directly.

Emperor Zhen's face changed, he raised his hand, and took it out, but unfortunately, half of his arm was swallowed up, and it was no longer there.

It also made him look at Chu Tian angrily, gritted his teeth and said: "Dare to snatch my body, you bastard, who let you get this world-destroying supernatural power."

"It's impossible, impossible!"

He didn't believe that Chu Tian had obtained the supernatural power of destroying the world, and he could really control it like this.

This is absolutely impossible. He does not believe that someone can surpass him and reach his previous height.

Hundreds of millions of years of battle between gods and demons, everything is completely destroyed now.

Even the ancient Demon God has long since ceased to exist.

It is impossible to compare with them and reach the same height as them.

Unconvinced, he really raised his hand, and together with the Ancient Demon Realm, threw it at Chutian.

"I have spent countless times to obtain this Demon Grandfather God. This emperor cannot be defeated by you. What are you? What qualifications do you have? Let me lose!"

(End of this chapter)

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