Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 807 Finding the Ice God

Chapter 807 Finding the Ice God

"That's right, your family's ice god is in our hands. If you want to take it back, we have to see your skills."

"In our territory, you can't make trouble!"

Taiqing snorted coldly, his eyes were extremely cold, and he stared at the past with icy eyes.

The look in those eyes and the expression on his face only made Chu Tian look down.

It was really the same cold staring at the past: "You guys dare to do it and admit it. Since the ice god is with you, you must hand it over."

"Even if this place is flattened, I will find her."

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian raised his hand, and said loudly, "The Ice God is inside, rescue the Ice God, and remove all obstacles!"

As soon as the voice came out, the people behind Chutian immediately became agitated.

A group of people rushed over in groups.

Without even thinking about it, he rushed directly to Taiyin Tianyuan in front of him.

It was a very angry fight, and the whole scene was very chaotic.

Even if there are only 5 people in Taiyin Tianyuan, the resistance is still tenacious, and it has not stopped at all. Facing the attack of the sun and the moon, it is a constant resistance.

It also led to a stalemate between the two parties in just a short moment.

From the looks of it, Chu Tian still felt that Sun and Moon Tonghui were highly regarded. There was really a difference between 1 people and the opponent's 5 people.

The strength of the ancient clan within the Taiyin Tianyuan is indeed comparable to that of the Sun and Moon Tonghui.

This made Chu Tian shake his head, instead of looking at the melee scene in front of him, his eyes were still on the scene where the ancient barriers had all been opened.

He didn't even think about it, he just lifted his foot, and his whole body was very fast.

Accompanied by his god body and demon body double body protection.

The speed turned into a ray of light and rushed in directly.

Not wanting to pay attention to the fighting outside, Chu Tian just wanted to go inside and see where the Ice God was.

His speed was so amazing that no one around him noticed it.

Not to mention, even if someone noticed, it would be impossible to stop him.

Chutian's divine body is enough to deal with hundreds of people. Without the strength of the ancient demon ancestor, it is impossible to support Chutian for a few seconds.

This also caused Chutian's speed to turn into a rainbow.

Just rushed forward.

In an instant, he passed through the crowd of melees and entered the opponent's ancient world.


As soon as Chu Tian entered, one person reacted.

It really didn't occur to him that in this scuffle, Chu Tian didn't care about Sun and Moon Tonghui's people, and directly broke into their territory.

This guy is really hateful!

Taiqing caught up directly, gritted his teeth, his face extremely angry.

Following Chutian, he also didn't want Chutian to take half a step into Taiyin Tianyuan.

With a movement of both hands, the demon soul came out, and the huge demon soul and body rushed towards Chu Tian directly.

This giant-like monster body even held a magic knife and slashed at Chu Tian.

Only let Chu Tian dodge with his whole body.

A hill not far away was also instantly reduced to ruins.

The entire small hill tens of meters high was directly destroyed in this way.

The opponent's demon body still held the magic knife and came in front of Chu Tian.

Facing Chutian from top to bottom, Chutian frowned.

With a casual movement, his demon body armor even blocked the opponent's knife.

The entire ground exploded, and the shaking of the valley and the world really made many people in the Yin Tianyuan appear onlookers.

Seeing the situation in front of them, everyone was dumbfounded.

"Qing, Lord Qingmo, what's going on?"

"My lord, he, who is he, how did he get in?"

A group of people looked stunned, and they were also dumbfounded when they saw Chu Tian break into it.

Taiqing looked at the person who came out, his expression changed, he didn't even think about it, he yelled out: "Hurry up and inform Tianmei, someone has broken in, please keep an eye on that woman!"

"Yes Yes."

With a reply from his subordinates, he left in a hurry.

Seeing the direction the other party was leaving, Chu Tian's expression darkened, he followed directly without thinking about it, and wanted to catch up.

However, as soon as he left, the people behind him really didn't want to let go.

Just looking at it like this, staring at Chutian, gnashing his teeth, his face was cold, and there was an indescribable anger.

"We will never let you spoil our good deeds."

Chu Tian curled his lips and glanced at the other party with a look of contempt: "It's up to you, can you stop me?"

Chutian's arrogance also made Taiqing take a deep breath and glance at Chutian.

He continued to grit his teeth and said, "Since you can command the entire Sun and Moon Tonghui so quickly, your talent should not be much different from that of the Ice God."

"We will not let people like you join the Sun and Moon Tonghui, we will bury you here, even if we pay for our holy land!"

Chu Tian frowned, not understanding what the guy in front of him wanted to do.

However, this hysterical expression really doesn't look like it's an act.

As the opponent's demon body changed again, he didn't approach Chutian at all, but retreated directly, and slashed directly at this ancient world.

It is even more necessary to directly tear the entire ancient world into pieces.

The ancient world, the headquarters of the three major alliances, is definitely ancient and very valuable.

It is comparable to the existence of battlefield relics.

But now, the other party wants to destroy everything.

The purpose is to use the destroyed power of the ancient world to deal a heavy blow to Chu Tian.

This will use up all the power of their current Taiyin Tianyuan, and Chutian must be buried here.

"The holy land destroys the heavens, and the heavens transform all demons!"

Bang bang bang!
The explosion was so loud that the entire Holy Land roared, and the opponent's magic knife broke a huge hole in an instant.

Countless demon souls rushed out and hit Chu Tian head-on.

Chu Tian focused his eyes, and directly defended his whole body with two souls and two bodies.

It's just that the situation of the crazy dance is really getting worse.

Every time Taiqing swings the knife, he can pull a huge hole and release countless devil soul qi.

It also surged up violently, trying to destroy everything around it, including the trees withered.

All vitality is directly disappeared.

Everything seems to stop moving directly.

Until the end, Taiqing's demon body and sword were chopped into pieces, and people from Taiyin Tianyuan appeared in the entire ancient world.

Relying on their demon bodies and demon souls, they really kept besieging Chu Tian alone.

This piece of ancient world that is about to collapse directly is surrounded by hundreds of ancient demon souls and demon bodies.

Chutian wanted to leave, but it really wasn't for a while.

He could only silence one heart.

Under the resistance of his two souls and two bodies, he even moved casually, allowing his ancient world to appear in the sky.


The ancient heaven and earth appeared directly in the sky, and there was a hole in the road.

From among them, thousands of people who cultivated demons and gods with the same brilliance of the sun and the moon rushed out directly.

This made Taiqing in front of him completely dumbfounded. He never imagined that Chu Tian had put people into his ancient world long ago.

This time, thousands of people were completely released, just to guard against him.

The previous situation only made Taiqing vomit blood angrily.

The shattering of Taiyin Tianyuan's ancient heaven and earth still cannot cause a little damage to Chutian in front of him, which is a huge loss!

(End of this chapter)

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